Passing Looks and Disappointed Faces

"When you helped somebody, right away you were responsible for that person. And things always followed for which you were never prepared..."
-Martha Brooks

You feel like home up aginst me so close,
Though we've just met tonight .
There's still so much that we still don't know,
But I'm fairly certain
That we just might work out right.
Then again it can all go up in flames,
And I'll take you down in the name of love.
But for now let's kiss hard,
Fuck the games.
All or nothing, it's written inblood
-Written in Blood
by She Wants Revenge

It started off with a stolen pack of cigarettes but it quickly snowballed into a situation no one could control: an uncertain death and an unexpected romance. Two strangers became pitted together with a bond neither could have ever foreseen. One stolen pack of cigarettes turned into a possible murder and a series of unfortunate events. All because of a strange encounter after a stupid mistake.


{Comments are <3 and they make me want to keep writing. So, spare a few words, please, for the sake of the story?}