Lawn Boy

A Hot Guy and a Great Friend

Well, first, I led him to the couch. He sat down and put his t-shirt back on. I was kind of disappointed. But I sat next to him anyway.
“So, how did your date go with my sister on Monday?” I asked.
“Was it a date?” he asked. “If it was, I didn’t know.”
“Oh,” I said, looking around.
“Anyway, Rebecca’s not really my type of girl.”
“Oh,” I said again.
“Very extensive vocab you have there, Max.”
“Sorry, I guess I don’t know what else to say.”
“Right,” he paused. “So…you like guys?”
I was caught off guard and my eyes opened wide. “What?”
“I’m not blind. I saw you checking me out earlier and even just now when I walked in the door.”
“Okay, so what if I am. I don’t even know you. This isn’t something you should’ve brought up.”
“Sor-ry, it’s not a big deal. I’m bi anyway.”
Did he really just say that? Did that really just come out of his mouth? I’m sure that I imagined what he just said. He couldn’t have said what I think he just said. No. It’s not possible.
“Excuse me?” I asked just in case.
“I’m bi, I said. It’s not a big deal to me that you’re checking me out, much less that you’re gay.”
“Um, okay…whatever that means.”
“It means I liked that you were checking me out.” He scooted closer to me and looked me in the eyes.
My heart was beating fast and my entire body was trembling as he inched closer and closer to me. He put his strong hand on my knee and started to slowly slide it up my thigh and I jumped with a spurt of ecstasy. I put my hand on his to stop him and when he stopped his mouth was mere inches away from mine. I started into his blue eyes and he stared back, never looking away.
“What’re you doing?” I asked.
“What does it look like?” he asked.
“It looks like you’re about to kiss me.”
He arched his eyebrow and with a smirk said, “You catch on quickly.” He smiled and touched his lips to mine so gently that I could barely feel them. “Did you like that?”
I couldn’t speak. I could only nod my head.
“Do you want me to do it again?”
Again, I couldn’t speak. I could only nod my head. In response, he kissed me again. This time his lips lingered. They were soft. His breath was minty, but his body smelled of a natural musk I decided was from his sweat.
He smirked at me again. “I think I should go finish the yard. I’ll call you later tomorrow. If you don’t answer, I’ll say my name is Nathan. It’s just my middle name, but you’ll know it’s me.”
I couldn’t say anything I was just speechless. He smiled again and left the living room. I heard the back sliding door open and then shut again. I sat frozen on the couch. I had to write. There was no doubt about it. Feeling were gushing through me so fast that I needed to release them. I ran up into my room and grabbed my journal.

• • •

The next day, I was practically glowing on my way to school. Ashley and Jack didn’t notice, but Shane sure did. Though, he didn’t say anything until Jack and Ashley had gone their own ways. Apparently they had made some friends from their classes that they meet in the morning. Jack also made some friends from baseball tryouts that I heard him say something about. I usually pay more attention, but I was too busy replaying my kiss with Jamie in my head over and over. It’s a shock that I didn’t get into a car wreck driving to school.
“What’s up with you today Max? Did you get laid last night or something?”
“No, even if I did I wouldn’t tell you,” I answered. I felt my cheeks flush. He asked me in front of all of his friends…and Asher. “I’m gonna get a juice. Does anyone want anything?”
“Nah,” said Shane.
“I’ll go with you,” said Asher, getting up from Brenda’s firm hold on him. Her face was shocked.
“Come on,” I said.
We started to walk through the crowd of Bend Senior High and made our way to the cafeteria. We got in line to get juice since there weren’t any machines that sold it.
“So, I’d like to know what’s up too,” said Asher. “You seem unusually happy.”
“You’ve only known me for a week. How do you know what’s unusual for me?” I asked.
“You’re never this happy; at least not around me.”
I thought that maybe I could trust Asher. If I tell Shane, I might run the risk of him telling the entire family that I’m gay and that’s not a good thing. At least with Asher, I can pretty much be sure that he will keep this little bit of info about my life to himself. He seems trustworthy enough.
“Okay, but if I tell you…it’s just between you and me. You can’t tell Brenda or Shane or anyone.”
“I promise,” he said with interested eyes.
“I’m gay,” I said in sort of whisper, but it wasn’t much of a whisper. It still had to reach him over the roar of the cafeteria. So, it was a little more than a whisper.
“Shh…Keep it down.” I looked around.
“Sorry,” he said with a smile. “I-I’ve been meaning to tell you something too.”
“But you go first,” he said.
“Well I’m really into this guy Jamie and he kissed me yesterday, so I think he’s into me too. He kissed me yesterday.”
Asher’s face fell. I didn’t know why. He seemed bummed. I wonder what he was gonna tell me. “Now you,” I said.
“Um, never mind. It can wait. So…you and this guy Jamie are like a couple now?”
“Oh no. I don’t think so. But he did say that he would call me. He didn’t get my cell number, so I assume he’s gonna call my house.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to tell me what you were gonna tell me?” I asked.
The line moved and we got our juices. “No, I’m good. It can wait. I’m glad that you felt comfortable enough to tell me. Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.”
“Thanks Ash. You’re a great friend.”
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