Lawn Boy

Kiss Number Two

When I got home, I paced my room waiting for a call. I even wrote a poem about waiting. I don’t think I’ve ever been as impatient in my life. I tried to sit on my bed. I tried to bounce Chien’s tennis ball against the wall. None of it worked.
I decided to walk downstairs and grab a soda. As I drank my soda I paced the kitchen. I would glace at the phone every few seconds. But all of the waiting in the world wouldn’t have done a bit of good. He never called.
But I did get a visit from Asher. I didn’t know why he was there, but I was glad to see him. He’s the only one in this stupid town that I can tolerate. When I saw him as I stood at the top of the stairs, I smiled and he smiled back. His smile was shy and actually kind of cute. He would look down as he smiled and his green eyes would glimmer in the sunlight.
I walked down the rest of stairs and met him in the foyer. We stood looking at each other for a while.
“Hey,” I said.
“Hey,” he said back. “I hope this isn’t a bad time. I was just really bored at home thought I’d come and see if you wanna do something.”
“You wanna go for a swim?” I asked.
“I-I didn’t bring anything to swim in.”
“I have an extra pair of board shorts. I think they’ll fit.”
Asher followed me upstairs and into my room. I went into my drawer and looked for my board shorts. Both pairs were in the same spot. I tossed him a pair and then started to change into mine.
“W-What’re you doing?” he asked.
“It’s not like I’m getting naked. I’m keeping my underwear on. It’s not anything you haven’t seen in the locker rooms. Don’t worry. I’m not gonna check you out or anything.”
“Oh, um…oh-okay.”
He started to strip and I tried not to look, but being the hopeless gay teenager that I am, I looked and he was HOT. I never looked at Asher like that before, but I guess it would never work anyway. He’s straight and with Brenda. And it’s not like there was a click between us. The only reason I’m into him now because of his hot body and what kind of relationship is based on looks only. But isn’t that what happened with Jamie? This guy stuff is so confusing. I’m not used to it at all.
We walked down the stairs with board shorts on and towels over our shoulders. I told my mom that we’d be in the pool. Jack was at baseball tryouts again and Rebecca was with my grandma helping her do errands. So Asher and I would be somewhat uninterrupted as we swam.
“This was a good idea,” said Asher as we walked outside. “It’s really hot out.”
When he put down his towel and then walked to the edge of the pool, I pushed him in. I was feeling a bit playful.
“You’re such a jerk!” he yelled sarcastically with a smile.
“It’s not my fault you were taking forever to get in,” I said right before I jumped in myself.
As soon as I had my head up from the water he started to splash me.
“Hey!” I started to splash back.
We stopped and I could’ve sworn that we had a moment. It was just like the moment that Jamie and I had. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. Neither of us looked away.
“Was there something that you wanted to tell me earlier, Ash?” I asked.
“Um,” he cleared his throat and we looked away. “I don’t want to ruin this. We’re having fun.”
“Come on. You can tell me. I mean…I told you that I was gay…don’t you trust me?”
“I-I was gonna tell you that I’m gonna break up with Brenda.”
“Really? Well, at least you’re finally doing what’s good for you and not for anyone else.”
“There’s someone else I’ve had my eye on for a couple days now,” he said next.
“Really? Do I know her? Is it Kelly?”
He smiled and shook his head. “It’s not Kelly.”
“Then who? It’s not Irena is it?”
“It’s not Irena!” He made a sour face.
“Tell me then!”
“It’s you, okay!”
I would’ve stepped back if we weren’t floating in water.
“Me?” I asked. “But…you’re straight right?”
“Yes!—I don’t know. I thought I was. It’s just that—The day that I met you—the day I came over. I couldn’t get you out of my head. I thought about you all day until the moment I fell asleep.”
“I’ve never felt like this about anyone before, much less a guy.”
"Are you sure that it's just not, like, friendship or something?" I asked.
"I don't thinking it's friendship," he said. "I...I..."
"You what?"
"I had a dream about know...a wet dream..."
"I don't know. I'm just thinking about you all the time. I wanna be around you and when I am around you, I shake like a leaf."
I swam closer to him, but he backed off. "What's wrong?"
"What're you doing?"
"I just wanted to get closer to you. I thought you wanted that."
"Is-Is that wha-what you want too?"
"I want it if you want it."
"What kind of answer is that?"
"Do you like me or not, Ash, because I'm getting kind of weird feeling from you."
"I do-I think. I don't know."
"Why don't we try something?" I asked.
"Not here. Let's go to the side of the house."
I could tell on Asher's face that he wasn't sure if he wanted to follow me or not, but he did. We dripped on our way to the side of the house. I knew that no one would see us there.
"What're we gonna do?" he asked. "The cement is really hot."
I leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. His head jumped back and his eyes bugged out. I tried to be as confident as possible. I thought of Jamie and how confident he was when he kissed me. I was probably more like Asher-shaking to seemingly no end.
"Did you like that?" I asked. I was still trying to channel Jamie.
"Um...I don't know. Y-You kind of surprised me."
"Do you want to try again?" I asked.
He nodded his head. I leaned in for one more kiss, this time pressing my lips against his for a few seconds. I put my hand on his wet waist and he put his hand on top of mine. When out kiss broke, he looked at me shocked and pleased at the same time. Maybe he was shocked that he was pleased. That was probably it.
"Did you like it that time?" I asked to be sure.
"Y-Yeah...I really did."
"You wanna go back to the pool?"
"N-No...I should go."
"Okay," I said. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"What about your shorts?"
"Take 'em. They'll give you a reason to come see me again."
He quickly ran out of my sight. I walked back to the pool. This time I slowly walked down the stairs into the pool. I saw him shuffle out back to the side, taking his towel with him. I floated in the pool, comparing my two kisses. Jamie's was definitely more exciting, but my kiss with Asher somehow meant more. Maybe because he was a good friend before I kissed him. As I was thinking through my kisses, my mom stuck her head into the backyard.
"Max, there's someone named Nathan on the phone for you."
Well, speaking of the devil.
♠ ♠ ♠
comment please =)

Another chapter written while waiting for class. I hope you liked it. I gotta go to class now.
Pau i Amor,