Lawn Boy

Dinner and a Chat

“I don’t get it,” said Ashley at the table, talking to mom. “Anytime I bring home a guy, you give him the third degree. But Max, a boy, brings home another guy and you invite him to dinner?”
“You bring home delinquents, Ashley. Max, however, has brought Asher home and he is a very nice boy.”
I looked over and saw Asher blushing and Jack rolling his eyes.
“Am I the only one who thinks it’s fucking weird that Max brought home a guy?”
“Jack, watch your mouth,” mom snapped. “You don’t speak language like that in my house.”
“Mom, come on now. Max is gay. GAY. Are you seriously okay with this?”
“Jack, he’s your brother. Why wouldn’t I be okay with it?”
“I don’t know. It’s, like, gross.”

We hadn’t even finished our salmon yet and Jack was making both me and Asher uncomfortable. Silence fell upon the table and I thought maybe it was time for me and Asher to leave.

“Um, we’ll be in my room,” I said.
“What about desert? I made cupcakes.”
“That’s okay,” I said. “Come on, Asher.”
“Don’t let Jack scare you off.”
“It’s okay,” I said. “Asher, could you help me out?”
Asher got up and helped me up.
“Jack, apologize to your brother.”
“Mom, he shouldn’t have to apologize. It’s what he feels. He needs to stick to that.”
Asher didn’t have to help me up the stairs this time. I was already getting better. He did, although, have to help me onto my bed.
“I think I should go soon. My dad’s probably worried.”
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow, okay.”
“What? You shouldn’t go to school like this. I can’t be there to make sure you’re okay.”
“I’m fine Ash. I can walk by myself now and by the morning I’m sure I can even get out of bed by myself.”
Asher looked at me skeptically. “Okay, but promise me that if you have any trouble in the morning, you won’t come.”
“No, I can’t promise you that.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. I don’t make promises that I can’t keep.”
Asher smiled at me. “I guess that I’m just gonna have to accept that.”
“Yup,” I said with a smile.
“Shit, you’re drop dead even with that eye.” Asher leaned in a kissed me, but a soft knock came to the door, which was still open.
“Sorry for interrupting,” said Shane, walking in.
“Hey, Shane,” I said.
“Hey,” he said. “Your mom called my mom to vent and we came straight over. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I said. “It’s no biggie.”
“I wish you’d stop saying that,” said Asher.
“It’s true,” I said.
“Look, I’ve gotta go. I’ll probably see you tomorrow, even though I don’t think you should go.”
“See you tomorrow. If not, I’ll call you.”
Asher left, not saying one word to Shane. Shane brought the desk chair to my bedside. He sat and looked at me for a second.
“So, who did this to you?”
I took a deep breath. It was time that I finally told someone. “Don’t tell anyone, Shane; especially not Asher.”
“Fine. I don’t get it, but fine.”
“It was Brenda’s brother.”
“The jock?”
“Yeah, and now he’s got all his little jock friends after me. That’s how I got this beauty,” I said pointing to my eye.
“Max, I know that I’m not your favorite person right now, but you’re still my cousin and I’m worried about you.”
“If you don’t do something about this, they’re just going to keep coming after you. If I know Brenda at all, she’s not gonna stop and neither is her brother.”
“I’ll take it. Asher is worth it.”
“Max, it’s starting to sound like you love him or something.”
“And what if I do?”
I sighed. “I know. I’ve never loved anyone that wasn’t family before.”
“I’m so sorry, I know I haven’t treated your relationship with Asher with as much respect as deserves, but I just felt left out.”
“I’m not gonna say I understand your decision, because I don’t. I just don’t wanna be arguing with you. You’re my cousin and I want us to get along.”
“Listen, I’ll do what I can to help you out. I still have some pull with Brenda.”
“I don’t want you to go out of your way.”
“I want to. After what I put you through, I owe you.”
“Thanks, Shane.”
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