Lawn Boy

Those Three Little Words

Despite all the odds, I was feeling better the next day. I could get out of bed myself and everything. I took a shower and got dressed. I went into Rebecca’s room. I borrowed some of her cover up to take care of my eye. It didn’t totally disappear, but it was an improvement.
I fought with my mom for a good twenty minutes about actually going to school and being able to drive, but eventually won. So, when I got to school, tons of people were staring about me, but I was used to it from when I came out at my school in California.
I found Asher at the table with the others. People seemed to have stopped bugging him and he seemed happy. I was about to walk up, but then this guy past the table and yelled “faggot” at him. I wanted to cry when I saw his face. He winced like he was being lashed at. I went over and squeezed myself between him and Kelly.
“Hey,” I said to him. “How are you?”
“Isn’t that what I should be asking you?” Asher asked.
“I’m okay,” I said. “I told you that I wouldn’t come to school if I wasn’t feeling okay.”
“Listen to you two,” said Peter. “You already sound like an old married couple.”
I blushed and so did Asher.
“It’s only because I care him,” said Asher.
“Asher, I’m okay. I can even get up and sit down on my own.” I inched closer to him to whisper. “I really wanna kiss you right now.”
He looked and me and gave me a yes with a nod of his head. I was extremely happy, but I only smiled modestly. I took my hand and I put it on his cheek. I could feel his face get warm and he blushed with a shy smile—his eyes looking down. I moved in and softly put my lips on his. We pressed our foreheads together after the short, but deep felt kiss.
“Everything is going to be alright,” I whispered to him.
“Aw,” Kelly squealed. “You guys are so cute.”
“I even have to admit it,” said Peter.
I smiled. “Hey, where’s Lupe?”
“Oh, you guys didn’t hear?” Peter asked.
“No, what?” Asher asked.
“She got into a fight with Brenda after school yesterday and got suspended.”
“Holy shit,” said Kelly. “I didn’t see that coming.”
“I did,” I said with a smile. “She wasn’t hurt was she?”
“No, Brenda got most of the damage. She lost big time.”
I couldn’t help but feel a little redemption in the fact that Brenda got beat up. Asher and I held hands under the table until the first bell rang. When we had to part, we gave each other a quick peck on the lips.
The next time I saw him was at lunch. He looked kind of freaked out. Naturally I asked him what was wrong. He didn’t answer right away, so I asked him again.
“Did you ask Mr. Perkins to talk to me?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Why did you do that? I felt totally exposed.”
“I just wanted him to help you feel better about this whole situation. Ash, I was only trying to help.”
“Don’t next time, okay. I can handle the situation on my own.”
“Okay, I’m sorry.”
He took my hand. “Don’t be sorry. Just talk to me next time, okay. This is all new to me. I’d rather have you talk to me than some random teacher that I don’t even know.”
There’s been something at the back of my mind for a while, but I didn’t know that I was ever ready to say it out loud. It’s too early, but I felt like it’s the right time. So, I did it. I put my mouth right next to his ear and I said it.
“I love you.”
He didn’t say anything. He just smiled and kissed me. He didn’t say anything. I can’t believe he didn’t say anything. I was disappointed. He took my hand and wanted to go with him to the table, but it wasn’t what I wanted after what he just did. I jerked my hand from his and I walked the other way. He called after me, but I ignored him.
The next time I saw him was, of course, in Mr. Perkins’ class. When I walked in, he was already sitting down. He said ‘hey’ to me, but I didn’t say anything back. But then he passed me a note, and this is what it said:
♠ ♠ ♠
comments please =) They would be really lovely.