Lawn Boy

I Missed You

The next day Jamie came to see me. I wasn’t happy to see him, but he seemed determined to talk, so I let him in the house.
“What do you want?” I asked him. I didn’t sit with him this time.
“I want to know what’s up,” said Jamie. “I want you, Max. I want you so badly that it’s all I think about.”
It was kind of sad really.
“Jamie, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you this. I don’t wanna be with you. You need to give up because you’re only going to hurt yourself. You’re hot, but lust isn’t something to build a relationship on.”
“So get to know me, Max. Get to know the real me and give me a chance to win your heart.”
I could see he was tearing up. I’d never seen him cry before. I was heartbroken.
“Jamie, what do you know about me other than you’re attracted to me?” Jamie was silent. “That’s what I thought. Jamie, we don’t know anything about each other. How can you say you love me when you know nothing about me?” I paused and put my hand on his shoulder. “What we have is just lust and that’s all. It’ll never be anything else.”
Without saying another word, Jamie turned around and left. Defeated I suspect. No one was home. They had all gone to the Fall Fair. I didn’t want to go and risk running into Asher because I know he goes every year. I wanted to go to the fair, but it does run for an entire month so I have time to go.
When I went back to school, I tried by hardest to stay away from Asher. I even asked Mr. Perkins to move my seat. I told him it was personal, so he gladly moved me. When Ash walked in and saw me in a different seat, it caught him off guard. Throughout class, I could feel Ash staring at me. Then when class let out, he came up to me.
“You didn’t have to change seat,” he said.
“You said you wanted space and I wanted to give it to you,” I said as I packed my things back into my backpack.
“Is this seriously how it’s going to be? No contact at all?”
“Like I said, you’re the one who wanted space.”
“Yeah, I want you to give me space, but I don’t want you out of my life entirely.” He looked around. “Look, can we talk somewhere else?”
“I need to take Jack and Ashley back home. For once they’re not doing anything after school.”
“Well, can I come over?”
“I don’t want you to do anything before you’re ready, Ash,” I said. “I want you to be sure.”
“Max, I wouldn’t be asking this if I wasn’t sure.” He put his hand on my cheek. “I miss you.”
I closed my eyes and took in the sensation of his touch. I opened my eyes again to see him smiling.
“I miss you too.”
Suddenly, Mr. Perkins cleared his throat. “Boys…”
We snapped out of our love trance.
“Sorry, Mr. P,” I said. “We’re outta here.”
The both of us left. I was ahead of Asher and suddenly I felt his hand in mine. I stopped and suddenly he was in front of me, holding both of my hands and staring into my eyes.
“I’m done being mad, Max. I love you. These past few days have been agony, but not because I’ve been mad. They’ve been agony because I miss the hell out of you.”
We were in the middle of the entire school of kids still lingering around after school. In my pocket, my phone started to vibrate. Ashley or Jack no doubt, but I ignored it. I ignored everything around me. The whispering, the shouts, the giggling, the staring all went away and it was just me and Asher.
He moved in closer and put his hand under my jaw, and being taller than me, he bent his head down and kissed me with his hand still resting on my chin. If there was any reaction from the crowd around us, I don’t recall it. Asher and I were in our own little world. We were in Heaven and no one could ruin it. I was in love Asher and he was in love with me. Nothing could be more perfect.
The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but it seemed like much longer. After, we walked through the crowd, not paying attention to anyone. We left the school, holding hands. We reached my SUV. Ashley and Jack were impatiently waiting.
“Did you guys finally make up?” asked Jack. “Finally, it’s been miserable around the house,” he said without waiting for an answer to his question. “Can we go now? You took forever to get here.”
I looked at Asher. “Follow me home?”
“Of course,” he said with a smile and then pecked me another kiss.
“Yuck,” Jack exclaimed. “I’m getting in the car.”
When I finally let go of Asher to go around to the driver’s seat, Ashley was smiling at us and I blushed. When I got in the car, Ashley and Jack were already buckled in.
“What made him forgive you?” Ashley asked as I started the car.
“I don’t know,” I answered. “He just said that he missed me.”
“Aww that’s so cute,” said Ashley with a smile from ear to ear.
“Can we just leave already?” asked Jack. “I’m getting that throw up taste in my mouth.”
I left the school parking lot and checked the rearview mirror to see if Asher was following. Sure enough, there was his little red Honda right behind us.
When I arrived at my house, my dad was arriving as well. He’d been staying down the street at a motel. He usually comes at this time because he knows it’s around the time we get home from school. Jack and I are really the only ones who’ve spent time with him since he’s been here. Rebecca and Ashley have stayed mad at him and avoided him for the entire time he was here.
“Hey Asher,” said Dad as they both got out of their cars.
Asher was taken aback. “H-Hey Mr. Train.” He didn’t know that my dad was okay with me and my relationship with Asher.
Ashley and Jack walked into the house. I met Asher in the middle of the driveway and he took my hand. My dad walked up to us.
“I see you two worked it out,” he said with a smile. “That’s great. It really is.” He paused. “Well I’ll see you inside.”
Asher looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. “What was that about?”
“My dad’s been kind of giving me advice the past few days. He really is okay with me.”
“But what about what happened when I was here?”
“He apologized and explained that he was just shocked by the news. He’s been really supportive.”
Asher smiled. “That’s good.” He gave me a soft kiss.
“Mmm, I missed you,” I said with my eyes closed, taking in the kiss.
“Let’s go inside,” he said.
As we walked into the house, I called out to my parents, “We’ll be in my room!” And I pulled us up the stairs before either of them could answer.
Once we were in my room, I closed the door and we threw ourselves onto the bed. We lay beside each other, holding hand. Then, I turned my head to look at him. He looked back with a smile.
“What’ve you done to me?” he asked with a smile.
There was a knock on the door.
“Go away!” I yelled.
“No funny business in there, kids,” said my mom from outside the door. “Keep it PG-13.”
“Mom!” I yelled from embarrassment.
Asher laughed. “You’re blushing.”
Asher kissed my cheek, and I think I blushed even more. Then he was on top of me. I’d never seen him like this. He smiled at me mischievously and planted a hard kiss onto my lips and shoved his tongue into my mouth. He sat up on me, and when his hips hit my waste, his eyes widened.
“Well what do we have here?” He asked curiously.
“Sorry…,” I said. “That was really hot.”
I was completely hard. The dominant side of Asher turned me on more than I can express. He rubbed his hands up and down my sides from my ribs to under my armpits and back down again.
“You’re so sexy.”
“Shut up and kiss me,” I said with a smirk.
He bent down again and kissed me softly and then bit my bottom lip and pulled it slightly as his lips left mine.
“As much as I love this,” said Asher as he looked me in the eyes, holding my hands above my head. “We need to stop before it gets too far.” He got off of my and sat on his knees beside me.
“What?” I asked as I sat up as well, crossing my legs.
“Your family is here,” he answered.
“Ugh,” I sighed. “You’re right.” I paused to think. “Are you going to stay for dinner?”
“I could,” he said. “I would just have to call my dad.”
“Hold on, let me ask my mom if there’ll be enough for everyone.”
“Okay,” he said. “I’ll be here.”
I walked down and asked my mom if there’ll be enough food for Asher to stay for dinner. Of course she was happy to have him again. I was starting to think that she likes Asher more than she likes me. When I told Asher, he called his dad, but apparently his brother who I didn’t know he had is in town from college.
“Wait, but isn’t it in the middle of the semester?” I asked.
“Not for him, he goes to some weird art college that has a crazy schedule.”
“Oh…So does this mean you can’t stay?”
“Yeah, my dad wants us to have dinner as a family tonight; sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“Wait! Maybe you can come to dinner at MY house,” Asher suggested.
“Um, will that be okay?” I asked.
“Sure, why not?” He took my hands. “Let me call my dad back.”
While he talked to his dad, I went to tell my mom that Asher couldn’t stay after all because of his brother. I also told her that I might go to his house for dinner instead. She was a little disappointed, but she understood.
“My dad said yes,” said Asher.
♠ ♠ ♠
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