Lawn Boy

The Start of a New Chapter

The next day at school, everyone was so happy to see that we’d made up. When I got some alone time with Ash at lunch, I asked him if anything was any better with his brother. He frowned and told me no. I tried to console him while became visibly upset. When he collected himself, I got an idea.
“What’re you doing after school?” I asked him.
“I’m not doing anything. Why?”
“I’m going to take you somewhere.”
“What about Jack and Ashley?” He asked.
“They’re hanging out with their friends today,” I said. “I was going to go home alone.”
“What’re you planning?” He asked curiously.
“Well, I wouldn’t say it’s a surprise, but I’m not gonna tell you either.”
Asher smiled and I was relieved I could make him feel better. “I really wanna kiss you,” he whispered.
“Why don’t you,” I whispered back as I scooted closer to him.
He started to blush and so I just kissed him on the cheek.

* * *

After school, Ash and I walked to my SUV. When we got in, he looked worried.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“What about my car?” he asked.
“We’ll be back before they lock the gates. Don’t worry.” I said with a smirk. “If we’re not then I’ll give you a ride to school tomorrow, okay.”
He relaxed. “Okay.”
I drove us to a park by the river. Usually it’s cold, but it’s the afternoon so it was still a little warm. It’s the most peaceful place I knew and that’s why I took him there.
“What’re we doing here?” he asked.
“Well, it’s really peaceful here and so I thought we might take a walk along the river together,” I told him.
He smiled, “You’re so sweet.” He kissed me on the cheek.
I took his hand and we walked down the river. We didn’t say a word. It’s a pretty slow river. Kids were playing with their families and the laughter was an instant emotional boost. I just hope it was the same for Asher.
“Maybe this isn’t the right time to say this, but…but I got mail from UCLA the other day,” I said to Asher.
“Oh my god! Did you get in?” He asked excitedly.
I smiled, “Yeah, I did.”
“Oh shit! That’s amazing!”
Asher embraced me tightly, but I wasn’t as excited as he was. Getting into UCLA meant that I’d have to move back to California and since he was most likely going to college in Oregon, I’d be moving away from him.
“I’m so proud of you,” said Asher.
“Don’t you get it, Ash?” I asked. “That means I have to move back to LA.”
He smiled. “I know that.” He took my hand and pulled me back to walking. “There’s something I have to tell you as well,” he said.
“What is it?”
“Well, my grandparents are really rich.”
“Yes,” he said. “And my grandfather is an alumni and huge benefactor to UCLA.” He smiled at me again. “I got in too.”
“Wait, what?”
“I was always planning on going to UCLA, even before I met you.”
I was shocked beyond belief. The happiness spread through me from head to toe.
“Oh my god! I have an idea!”
“What?” he asked curiously.
“Let’s go to LA for spring break. I have an aunt that lives in Malibu and we can stay with her and while we’re there we can take a tour of the campus.”
“And I can meet all of your friends,” he said with a smile of excitement.
“Oh my god, this spring break is gonna be great.” I hugged him and then planted my lips on his for a kiss.

* * *

Months went by and Asher and I never faltered. We decided to split up the holidays with our families. It was like we were married or something and it was kind of surreal. I never thought I’d have such a serious relationship at such a young age. Actually, I never thought I’d have a serious relationship at all. Anyway, we agreed that Asher dad and brother were going away for Thanksgiving that he would spend Thanksgiving with me and my family. In addition, since my family celebrates Christmas on Christmas eve and his on Christmas Day, we would spend the holidays that way, with his family on the 25th and mind on the 24th.
Asher and I never spent much time talking about sex. I know the both of us were definitely thinking about it a lot, but I think we just wanted to take it nice and slow. We knew that we were both not ready for it and when we were that it would happen naturally. That’s not to say that we haven’t had some heated moments. I can’t tell you how many times our make outs have turned into more of a grinding situation and then either his hand or my hand would end up down the other’s pants and that’s where we usually have to stop ourselves.
As Thanksgiving grew closer, I got more and more excited. None of my extended family knew that I was gay let alone that I have a boyfriend and to just shock them is going to be the time of my life.
My father ended up moving to Bend. He found an apartment in his price range and he and I have been spending some time together. He even likes to spend time with Asher and me as well. I don’t think I’ve ever been this close to my father, and I really like it. As for Asher’s father; I really only see him when I go over to Asher’s to hang out. He never takes out to eat or to the movies like my dad does.
On Thanksgiving day, Asher called me in the morning in a panic. I could practically hear his heart beating.
“I don’t have anything to wear. I thought I had a clean shirt, but I don’t. What am I going to do?”
“You can’t borrow one of your dad’s or something?” I asked.
“No! His are too big.”
I smiled, he’s so cute. “Okay,” I said. “Calm down. I’ll drive over right now and take you one of mine. It’s not a big deal.”
I heard him sigh. “Thanks,” he said.
“I’ll be there in a few.”
I was in my room already so I just grabbed a shirt that I thought would look good on him and I quickly headed for his house. On the way there, I remembered that he would be alone because his father left the day before for Seattle. Being in a house alone with Asher where I knew we wouldn’t get interrupted at all was very nerve racking to me.
When I got there, I was so nervous that I could barely ring the doorbell. Did this mean that I was ready to have sex with Asher? Even if it did, that didn’t guarantee that he was ready as well. I turned from calm and collected to an emotional wreck in five minutes. But I had to get myself together quickly because Asher opened the door.
“Oh thank God you have a shirt for me. I have absolutely nothing to wear.”
I walked into Asher’s house and he closed the door behind me.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Yeah why?” I asked.
“You’re so quiet.”
“Oh, I…I just have a lot on my mind.”
“Like what?” He asked as he put his arm the small of my back.
“Well, I was on my way here and then I remembered that your dad left yesterday and that you were alone. Then I realized that I would be alone here with you without any interruptions and then I started to think about sex and I started to get all flustered.”
Asher wrapped his arms around me in a hug. “I love you,” he said.
“I’m a wreck,” I said.
“You’re adorable.”
He started to kiss my neck.
“No. What’re you doing?” I asked.
“Kissing you,” he said in between kisses.
“Baby, please,” I said, with my hands on his waist.
“Baby, please what?” he asked, stopping his kissing and looking me in the eye. “Baby please keep going?” He asked before pecking me a small kiss on the lips. “What?” He asked before he pressed his lips against mine and forced his tongue into my mouth.
“What’re you trying to do?” I asked.
“Seduce you,” he said. “Is it working?” He continued to kiss my neck.
I couldn’t answer. The only thing I can let out was a small moan. I think it should’ve been answer enough to Asher anyway. So, he stopped, took my hand and then led me upstairs where he took me to his room.