Lawn Boy

The Lawn Boy

I was woken up the next morning by a giant grumbling in the front yard. I nearly jumped out of bed. When I finally got the chance to collect myself, I walked to the window. I had my curtains up already so I moved them out of the way and then sat on the window sill. I looked down to the front lawn.
The guy that my sister was talking about was mowing the lawn. He had short brown hair from what I could tell. But, there was something about him that was so familiar. When he pushed the lawn mower away from the house, I tried to get a good look at him, but his back was to me. I was waiting for him to turn around, but he stopped.
When he stopped he brought his t-shirt over his head. A white tank top was revealed underneath it. It was tucked into his worn out jeans. He pulled it out of his jeans, restarted the lawn mower and kept going. Not long after, he turned around. I was shocked to see it was the hot busboy from the diner. At the same time, I was immensely intrigued.
Rebecca was right. He’s definitely really hot. His body was really lean and defined. The tight tank top really helped me visualize what his body looked like. Things like that were always better when they were left to the imagination—and I have a pretty wide imagination when it came to guys.
I smirked a bit while I was looking at him. There was something about him that made me want to smile. But I needed to stop looking or I would feel like a stalker. So, I got off the window sill and went into my bag for some clothes to wear. That’s when my mom came into my room without even knocking. I was only in my boxers, so I slid across the hardwood floor and ducked behind my bed.
“Mom? Don’t you know how to knock?”
“Trust me, Max. You don't have anything I haven’t seen before. I used to change your diapers remember?”
“I think I’ve changed a little since then, mom.”
“Oh, stop being so silly. I just came to tell you that breakfast is gonna be ready in a few minutes. And make sure that you don’t come down in rags. I’ve invited Jamie to breakfast.”
“Who’s Jamie?” I asked.
“The boy doing our lawn," she answered.
I immediately turned red. What am I gonna wear? What am I gonna do? How am I gonna keep my cool next to a guy that terribly sexy? Was my mom trying to ruin my life?
“Be down in ten minutes,” said Mom.
What? How was I supposed to be ready in ten minutes?
“Okay,” I said nonetheless.
She left I got up, running around the room in a panic. I needed to take a shower and quick. I grabbed clothes from my bag and ran into the bathroom. I took a shower as quickly as I can. I scrubbed my hair vigorously. I scrubbed my body like I had just swum through a pile of shit.
When I was done, I calmed myself down, dressed and then walked downstairs. Thank God he wasn’t there yet. I had even more time to calm down. I sat at the table and mom started to bring platters of food to the table. Soon scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, hashed browns, and stacks of toast filled the table top; along with all of the things we like to put on top of them—jam, ketchup, butter, etc.
Rebecca and Ashley sat down and soon Jack came from downstairs and sat as well. When my mom sat down, I realized that the only available chair was next to Rebecca and directly in front of me. Then, I heard steps coming from the downstairs hallway. I turned around and saw him coming towards the table. He sat down in the empty chair.
“Thanks for again for inviting me to breakfast Mrs. Train.”
“Ms. Train and it’s the least I can do. I still say that six dollars an hour is slave work,” said Mom. “Oh, I don’t believe you’ve met Max. He’s my second oldest.”
“Hey,” said the lawn boy with a smile.
“Max, this is Jamie. He’ll be helping us out for the remainder of the summer.” She looked around. “Does anyone want coffee?”
“Me,” I said.
“Yeah, me too,” said Rebecca.
“Okay,” said Mom. “Jamie would you like some coffee?”
“No thank you,” he said politely. “I never touch the stuff.”
My heart was beating so fast, I felt like I was about to faint. I didn’t know where to put my eyes. I wanted to stare at him and never look away, but I knew that wasn’t right. He had these hypnotizing blue eyes that were so dark that they almost seemed black. The only reason I knew that they weren’t was because the sun was shining in his face and every time he’d look into it, his blue eyes would practically sparkle.
“So, do you guys like Bend?” asked Jamie.
“Well, it’s kind of hard to like a place that you don’t know your way around,” Rebecca answered.
“You’re mom grew up here, right?” asked Jamie.
“Oh, but it’s changed so much since I was last here. I don’t know the first thing about modern Bend.”
Jamie turned to Rebecca. “Well, I’ll show you around if you want. I have class all day tomorrow. But my night is free.”
“Sure,” said Rebecca with a sickening smile.
My heart was sinking into my body. My hopes were dashed. Of course he’s straight. No guy as hot as Jamie is gay. All the hot ones are straight.
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also, I have three new poems out. If you could read them and maybe comment on some of them. They're called Anniversary, Why I Loved You, and The Hush.