Lawn Boy

Mid-Day Swim

Being home alone is always a good time for me. It's the only time when I can enough quiet where I can really focus on my poetry writing. So, when Rebecca asked me if I wanted to go shopping with her, mom, and Ashley I declined because I knew that Jack would also be out of the house at baseball tryouts. In hindsight, this wasn't really a good idea.
It's Sunday and also the day that Jamie comes to work on our lawn. I was practically making myself crazy waiting for him to show up, but when he never did, I decided to go for a swim. It was stifling and my mom doesn't like to put the air conditioner too low. She always goes on and on about the bill.
I haven't been in the pool yet due to the fact that it was a little dirty and yesterday was the first day that we could actually go in. So I took advantage of having heat plus a pool. We've never had a pool at home before so this was exciting to me.
When I got to the pool, I only stuck one leg into the water. The cold water sent chills through my body. I put the other leg in and this time the water didn't seem as cold. I decided that it would be better if i just dove in--maybe the water wouldn't be as cold then. I was right.
I ended up staying underwater for a while. When I came up, I lifted my wet hair out of my face and started to gently stroke through the water. I swam back and forth through the pool and when I got tired of that, I sat in a corner on the shallow end. As I sat, I heard the back gate open. I was pretty sure that it was Jamie. I didn't know what else to do, so I swam to the deep end and submerged myself.
Again, in hindsight, this wasn't such a good idea. I can only stay in the water for so long before I have to come up for air and Jamie would surely see me. So, instead of coming up later when I have to literally gasp for air, I came up slowly from the water. Jamie was pushing a wheel barrel full of tools, but dropped it when I came out of the water. The barrel fell on his foot and he started to hop around on the other yelling, "Shit!"
"Are you okay?" I asked, coming out of the pool. I grabbed my towel from the deck chair and started to dry myself.
He stopped hopping and looked me up and down. "Y-Yeah, I'm okay."
"Why don't you come inside and sit down for a bit--let your toe rest?" I had no idea why I was asking that. Was I crazy?
"Um, that's okay. I need to start. I'm already late."
"Okay, well, just ask if you need anything. I'll be inside."
I walked inside and had to refrain from looking out of the window five thousand times to look at him. The one time I did, was when I went into the kitchen. The kitchen window looks out to the backyard. I was pouring soda into a glass when I happened to glance out of the window and see him with his shirt off--sweat glistening in the sun. Then, he walked out of my sight. I heard a knock at the glass sliding door that went into the back. Shit--it was him.
I opened the door and let him in. He had his t-shirt hanging over his shoulder. I was still in my shorts and hadn't even finished drying off yet. I must've looked like a complete dork.
"Do you think I can get a glass of water?" he asked. "It's hot as Satin's balls out there."
I giggled. "Yeah, sure."
Oh my God, he is so fucking hot.
He followed me into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and put some ice in it and then grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and poured it into the glass. I handed it to him and he started to gulp it down.
"You should take a break," I said. "You look exhausted."
"Not really, I'm just hot. I've just got to trim the roses and then cut the grass. I should be done with that in like twenty."
"Then you can afford to take a break." What was I doing? Max, just let him do his job and be on his way.
"Um, okay then. A break actually sounds great." He smiled and I melted. What now?
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comment please =)

sorry if there are a lot of type o's. I'm not writing on my lappy. I'm at school and I had some time to kill before my class so I decided to write. The keyboard is kind of weird. I don't know. Well, I hope you like it. I gotta go to class now...hehe.

Pau i Amour,