Sequel: Diaries of the Mind

Trix, Like The Cereal

Trix, Like the Cereal

August 5, 1990

Greetings Portobello Mushroom,

Guess what my dad made for supper! Yup Portobello mushrooms! They were okay, I guess, they kinda looked like shit. Tre stayed for supper, he's like a friggin helpless puppy dog, eyes and all. Yeah and get this for the past week he's been sleeping on the couch in my living room. My dad keeps asking questions about him, all I can say is "he followed me home." Carina is not liking this one bit, but strangely enough Tre behaves around these adults known as my parents.

Tre is finally not following me, he said he had some 'business' to take care of up town, which usually means he plans on going tripping. If he's tripping that means he won't be seen back here for a couple of days. Or he could just be getting stoned; in that case he should be back by this evening.

Oh fuck! Just remembered the guys are supposed to call today. Gotta go!

Alright I'm back, Al got sick! He didn't drink enough water, and they just started touring the southern states so he got dehydrated and Mike spared no detail on how he got the runs in the middle of nowhere. Isn't that just peachy?

Oh! And Billie Joe is in love! He met this girl in Minnesota, her name's Adrienne, let me quote "She beautiful, she has long black dreads and she's fucking smart..." Well it just goes on like that, this is the sappiest I've ever heard him. "And then she kissed me, right before we left she kissed me. It wasn't like any kiss before." Reading this over I'm rolling on the floor in a laughing fit. My friggin sides are about to split.

According to Mike, every time they stop off for the night, he finds a pay phone and calls her. I hope she's just as in love with Billie as he is with her because if not she could get a restraining order. Now Mike is the level headed one that I could get straight answers from, Al kept cramping up and Billie kept spitting poetry of Adrienne's beauty and wit.

22 days till they get back! That's three friggin weeks! I'm going to die! Damn them for leaving me here all alone! I know what you're going to say "You're not alone you have Tre." Gah! Tre is good for shits and giggles, but I can't make out with Tre (Al), I can't talk to him straight up (Mike) and I can't get high with him comfortably and do other shit (Billie). So yeah, basically it's watching a TV show. Meh, well I should be thankful I at least have Tre to amuse me.
