Sequel: Diaries of the Mind

Trix, Like The Cereal

Trix, Like the Cereal

October 10, 1990
It's been a while Mary,

I drew a penis on your cover Mary. Did you know Mary is a girl's name? You're a girl with a penis . . . . I mock you! Uh so what happened in the past month? Nothing really. Oh! The guys are planning another tour this winter. Tre has learned all their songs by heart and he's all proud. Tre supposedly got a girlfriend, met her at clown college.

The guys said if I have enough money to chip in for food and gas they'll take me along touring with them. Good thing I haven't been spending my money. I'm so excited! WHEE! Apparently Tre's dad is going to be their driver. Awful lot of testosterone for one van if you ask me.

My college courses are going okay, kind of boring and repetitive. BLAH! Got a paper to work on, it's due Thursday morning, meaning I have lets see . . . . . . . 45 hours left to write this stupid thing. I don't think Mike started writing it either.

Marf, I just found the pamphlet for that college in Chicago, damn I wish I could go. According to this they have a human sexuality class! That's not the only reason I want to go, I mean I look over the other courses and their not all bogus like the ones here. Wish I had enough money to go there. MONEY IS EVIL !!! More evil then dogs! Yes Mike if you somehow get your hands on this and are reading MONEY IS EVILER THAN DOGGIES!

Mary darling, did I mention Mike is convinces dogs will take over the world? I think he was dropped on his head as a baby . . . . several times. Gets me thinking if Mike was dropped on his head then what the hell happened to Tre? Maybe he got dropped on his head onto a raging vibrator and then it started sparking and shit. I dunno, it would explain his perviness. I'll see if I can buy a vibrator and see if he's afraid of it. Meh that would be a waist of money. I'll just ask Tre if he's afraid of vibrators.
