30 Days of Paul

We're The Ones Who Will Change Love

"Like seriously, why are you so blushing, Italiano boy?"

"I met this girl"

"Oh and you fell in love yada yada yada"

"Shut up. She just, different"

"Who is she? tell me!"

"Travis Clark's sister"

"Woah, you mean Summer? She's a rude chick, dude! Don't date her"

"Dude, you don't know her."

This thing making me pissed. I'm going to sleep on my bunk, bottom one. Chris is sleeping on top of me. I feel funny and keep thinking if he actually fall down on top of me, probably, I'll die! He's like uber fat and Jesus Christ, he kind of annoying. Making the bus call so early so we cant actually hang out with the fans. Gee

Day 2:

I call her, and actually, we going to the same direction, Anaheim. She said that we will hang out together before the concert start.

"Yo Autumn!"

"Yo, loser kid! Haha don't take it so serious k? I always joking with every single thing I said. Wait, why the flip you calling me Autumn?"

"Hey, don't be mad. Im just playing with ay"

I took her to the Disney Park. Its kind of far away from our location right now. Not only both of us, but also the rest of my band and her brother's.

"Paul, Paul!!", scream these bunch of fangirls. "Can I take a picture with you?"

"I though, when youre in Disneyland, you should take a picture with the Mickey Mouse, not me", I joke. "Nah, nevermind. You can take a picture with me. But, only me or you wanna wait for the whole band?"

"We love to wait but we're in a rush. So, just you"

"Oh well"

I see Summer laugh at me beside the fountain. I hate this life. Having a lot of fans were great but it just weird having bunch of strange girl around you all the time. The only girls that I wanna be around with right now are just with Summer, and my mother.

I always feels okay when I'm around her. She just….so warm.

"Finish taking picture with your fans, Italiano boy?"

"Why are you calling me Italiano? Shut up, Floridan"

"Dude, stop being so racist. Anyway, beat me run to the castle!"

"Oh yeah! If I win, what are you gonna do?"

"I will do…hum, I don't know!", then shes running fastly and I have no idea when she's left. I run as fast as I can so when I beat her, I can kiss her.

The sky is getting dark. The rain started to drop at all of us. Me and Summer hide waiting inside the Buzz Lightyear ride while waiting the pouring to stop. We pretty much having fun by ourself inside.

The lights are beautiful like stars. This is making the situation become romantic. I lend my lips to her but then, she arrow the laser gun to my eyes. "FUCK, what the hell are you doing?"

"Hey, sorry. Is it hurt? Aw. Seriously, I don't mean it. I was kidding k?"

My eyes getting hurt and her lips lend to my cheek. She kiss it.

"For what was that?"

"For apology hurting your eyes, also sorry, I know that you're trying to kiss me. Don't pretend like I'm stupid"

Oh great, she know it and I'm trying to kiss her again. Her lips touch mine, God, I must be in heaven now but then, we see the lights. The security guard told us to get off from the ride. When we through the merch side, there's our photo….making out, inside a disney ride.

"Hah, thats so funny", shock Martin

"Dude, are you?!…..I'm looking for you"

"Haha, I'm on the other train. I saw you both making out. Summer right?"

"How come you know my name?"

"I mean, who doesn't know Summer Clark? Duh, Travis Clark's sister"

"Haha, funny. My brother is famous and now I must be famous too?"

"You should. When Paul ask you to be his girlfriend."

"Shut up, Martin! Don't listen to him. He just joking"

"Like seriously? Woah, Paul, I know your secret. Admit it!! You like me!!"



"Okay, YES. Happy now?", I scream and left the room. The pouring isn't stop yet. I see Summer running into me and she kiss me slowly.

"What are you doing?"

"For telling me the truth, Poolie!"
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are they going out? comment please