30 Days of Paul

Never Should Of Told You That I Fell In Love

……She kissed me under the rain. It was a very long kissing timing hah. But then, we stop after this guy from A Rocket To The Moon creep us out. "What the hell are you doing here, Halvo?"

"Nothing, I just finished recording with the whole band."

"And why are you in Disneyland right now? You suppose to be in studio."

"I'm with my sister, Dana Halvorsen."

"Hi Dana!"

"Hi! Wait, I think I recognize your face from somewhere, but I just cant remember it."

"He's Boys Like Girls guitarist, Dan.", continued Eric

"Oh! I remember now. My rommie had a big crush on you"

Then I laugh and introduce Summer to them. "Ohya, meet my friend, Summer Clark"

"I'm Eric Halvorsen. You can call me Eric or Halvo. Up to you. Nice to meet you anyway, Sunny"

"Haha, why Sunny? People only call me Summer"

"So, where are you from, Summer?"

"Im originally from Florida, but I moved to Tempe, Arizona last year for college."

"Woah I lived in Tempe too! What uni?"

"Arizona States University….."

"You must be one of my junior, but I dropped out last semester. For the band."

"Oh that must be a tough decision"

"Done with the chit chat guys?", I said.

"Yes sir yes, your friend is funny. Maybe we should hang when I back home to Tempe soon!"

"If I'm not busy, sure."

Then I took her away from the mouth breather-creepy creature dude and bring her back to the venue. House Of Blues, Anaheim.

Day 3:

I woke up really late because Im really tired after the show last night. I check my phone that laid beside my pillow and theres a new text message from anonymous number…..Wait, its Summer. Using Travis's phone.

Im trying to call her while laying down on my bunk but then, theres a bad smell. Like something died on top of me. Holy shit, Chris is farting on top of me. I hold my breathe and run into outside of the bus. There's Bryan and Brent playing basketball. Bryan ask, "What happening?"

"Shit, Chris just farted on top of my bunk. It smells like a rat died on it."

"HAHAHA epic. I should video tape that and put it on Martin's blog"

"What the…..where's Beef?"

"Beef? He's looking for his aviator. As usual"

"I bet Chris slept on it….And it probably already broke now"

"Stop insulting Chris, Paul!" said Brent. "I know he's an ass"

"He's more than ass, Brent! I bet he never get laid", continued Bryan

Then Chris wake up and we pretending like we didn't talk about him for the whole morning, then came Martin with 2 bowls of pie. He started to throwing it on All Time Low's bus and come Jack with brownies and throw it at us back. "FOODFIGHT!!!!!"

My face look like a Joker from Batman. No, not scary. But, its all white, covered by cream. When I took a bath, together with the boys, come Matt Flyzik with the camera and taking our 'naked' photo.

Martin scream, "I BET MY DICK LOOK BIGGER IN THAT PHOTO!!! Post it on Facebook, Flyzik. Kiss my sexy ass!"

At the end of the day, after the show, I tweeted Summer. I said "sorry for not returning your text. I love you @SummerClark". She didn't respond and bunch of the fangirls hitting my @replies. Shit. Fail. Then, my AIM ring. Summer said "I love you too, Italiano's asshole!" but I cant reply. The bus started to smells really funny again. Oh shit, is it Chris? I check, he's outside. I check the toilet. Shit, there's Martin, pooping, while playing his iPhone. "What the fuck, Martin? It smells really bad"

"Sorry dude, mexican food"
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why summer keep calling paul an ass? why the boys keep insulting chris? comment!!!

haha dania seems so excited about this chapter lol