You Jump, I Jump. Right?

Chapter 21

Unconsciousness didn’t seem to hold me for long. It seemed like no time at all when I found myself awake in my room, alone.

I slowly stood up, and took the time to look around my old room. It was painted purple and white with a large window by my bed. It held the occasional photos and useless, pointless stuff I no longer feel the need for. But it was still exactly the same as I had left it. Someone had obviously come in a cleaned up every-now-and-again; but my book was left on the same page, my jewellery still on the same stand.

But I still had a DVD player and although I couldn’t stand watching TV, there was just one film that I couldn’t get enough of; The Dark Knight.

I had to get very close to the plasma. There was something about the film that just captivated me. I enjoyed the Joker; his rule of having no rules seemed a strange sensation to me, and it’s what drew me into him. I found him funny to watch. But I didn’t appreciate the moments when Batman would save the innocent criminals of Gotham. Who saved me from the psychopaths and the murderers? No one. I decided to stop thinking and just pay attention to the film. Although it wasn’t a comedy I still found it funny.

I was completely hooked on the TV. It was currently on the scene when the Joker was walking out the hospital in a nurse’s uniform. For the first time in 4 decades I wore a different expression; I cracked a smile.

“I miss that,” I heard a voice murmur. I didn’t turn around to see who it was, I already knew. Jasper. However he wasn’t alone. I knew the scent of the others with him. He was with Alice, Carlisle, Esme and Emmett.

I paid them no attention, choosing to watch the Joker a bit more. I hated to admit it, but although the Joker was a murdering psychopath, he was logical, realistic.

“Would you like some blood, Eviee?” Carlisle asked. I nodded and in no time there was a bottle of warm, donated, human blood in front of me.

I gulped it down, beginning to feel stronger again. I no longer expected my vision to return, I was used to it. But I still missed the simple things. A beautiful sunset, sparkling stars, falling leaves off an autumn tree. Yes, I miss them now and would continue to miss them.

I smiled again at something Joker had said. I knew he was fictional, but he spoke a lot of truth, said stuff people thought but wouldn’t dare say.

There was murmuring in the background, but I paid no attention. The movie finished after
that and I got up, wanting to go outside.

I sat on the steps of the porch, looking up towards the sky. I could distinctly make out the colours, but it was pointless. Yet I still looked up, feeling the breeze blow through my hair,
the wind on my cheeks, but the gentle summer heat on my skin.

I knew they were all inside, probably by the window making sure I didn’t try anything. What could I try? I could no longer control people. Could barely walk never mind run.

Someone sat down next to me. It was Lee.

“Hello Eviee,” he paused, hoping for a response. “I know you aren’t going to speak to me, but I just wanted to apologise for what I did earlier. I’m sorry for what you went through, I’m sorry that you had to relive it, I’m sorry for what Aro did, I’m just...” He trailed off.

I understood what he meant, though I wanted no-one's pity. We sat in an awkward silence for a few minutes, until I finally decided to speak. I had lived a pathetic life, and I was dying, I wanted to end it on a high. I wanted to be the Joker.

“Why do you care?” I asked him.

He stared at me, like a fish. It took him a while to recover and whilst waiting for him to do so, I heard it had gone all quiet inside the house.

“You remember when we met?” He asked, as I nodded. “We talked about each other; we had a school project,” he grinned at the distant memory. “You told me you were an average teenager with a boring life. But I knew you were lying. You were just so mysterious, so beautiful, were indescribable. It may seem cheesy but it felt as if I were in love. Then you never returned to school, so I went to the Cullen’s looking for you. But I cut my finger and Jasper couldn’t resist. I was changed into a vampire and have been with the Cullens since. I have been so alone, waiting for you to return, but you never did. The when you do, I find out the life you have led and I when I first met you I wanted to figure out the cryptic Eviee; now I’m not so sure. What you have been through is so unimaginable, it's a wonder you're still alive. I love you; I want to see you happy. Can’t you see that?”