You Jump, I Jump. Right?

Chapter 30

“We still need to kill the man. John Moore, was it?” I said.

“Everyone can go, but Esme, I think you should stay here. You can look after Eviee. She’s gonna need it.” Edward said.

Esme nodded in agreement. “The wolves can come as well.” Nessie piped up.

Everyone was silent again after that, thinking about the upcoming fight. Normally I was up for a fight, no matter what the reason. But this time it felt like something was going to go wrong, like someone wouldn’t be coming back. I kept the thought to myself, and obviously Edward. I looked at him and he nodded, whether in agreement to my thoughts or not I wasn’t sure.

Lee and Eviee had gotten back from their holiday a few weeks ago. They had had sex, they had had a great time, and Lee came home unable to part from her.

Soon Jasper walked outside, “She still has a fever, but she woken up. Carlisle giving the blood he thinks will suit her. I heard your plan, and I’m in agreement with it.”

Soon after Carlisle walked outside, as Lee walked in.

We heard him murmuring to her. We tried to block our ears, give them privacy, but we heard every word.

“We’re all going away for a while, well, except Esmé. We have something we need to do.”

“Where are you going?”

“You’ll find out in due course. I love you, Eviee. With all my heart—metaphorically speaking. I’m glad you decided to give me a chance. Just take this. But don’t open it yet. You’ll know when it’s the right time.”

“Goodbye, Lee.”

“Goodbye, Evelyn.”

He walked out the door and we all began to run.

“Be safe,” we heard Esmes voice linger in the winds.
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Hey guys.
I am so so so so sorry that i haven't updated in months, but i promise i will start doing now.
cross my heart, hope to die. thank you to all my loyal followers.