Passionate Obssesions

Watching & Waiting


It could truthfully be known as a call. The headstrong girl is reckless, she hadn’t a clue that when she sang, I would come… Every time.
I peer through the unruly bushes and watch her play in the pond like a senseless child. I couldn’t help but smile though. She lived dangerously, not caring about her reputation, and the scandals that would come of her quick dip.

Somehow I allow myself to look at her immodest dress. Her breasts were perfect in shape and size. Her arms were bare and I notice how they are slightly tan and somehow, she’s obtained muscles. I wanted to reach over and touch every morsel of her body. Ravishing it without worrying of consequences and her reactions.

She tortures me, every agonizing day she’d sing the song and I’d come to meet my eventual death. I’ve watched her, and since she’s taken my soul. I want so badly for her to come forward and return it along with a piece of hers.
My thoughts of her were a sin in it self. I could devour her now if I truly wanted. But I’ve always been a man of patients, I would wait until she’s old enough to know love and return it to me. Only me. That day will soon come…
She laughs at herself until she hears the servants and her mother calling her. She no doubt will be punished severely, she grunts and instead of getting out she goes under the water.
I happen to know she doesn’t swim, I almost jump out of my hiding place to pull her out. But after a few seconds she ascends from the water. Hair dripping, face flushed, and panting heavily, it was erotic enough to leave me in agonizing ecstasy.
I wanted her to pay with the pain she gave me. I wanted to bleed her dry and seal her heart in a jar, as a trophy.
Lydia is facing me and looking right at the place I hide. She can’t see me, she never does.
One of her servants briskly walks to us, a grim expression on her face.
Lydia doesn’t notice her until it’s too late to hide.

“Miss what on earth are you doing?”

“Don’t stand their mouth ajar, you’ll catch flies with a mouth like that.”

The servant obeys, but then tries to get her mistress to exit with humility.

“Miss if you refuse to get out I will be forced to tell your Father and Mother.”

Lydia sends her a cold hard glare, as if she summed up the devil herself. Her calm careless demeanor changed into something violent and almost evil.

“If you do I’ll simply report of your night making love to Mr. Deaton, they’ll never want a woman like that chaperoning me, so they’ll force you to leave. Is that what you want Beth?”

“You are a wicked woman Miss, but I’ll keep silent.”

“Very good, now go fetch me a towel.”

The servant did just so, Lydia was a wicked girl, she surly will rot in hell. I begin to leave to my own house when I turn and find Lydia turning to stare at the place I stand. She could not see me I knew this much. However the thing I feared was her sensing me. She had my soul, so it was possible. As much as I wanted to take her right there. I refrained. I could wait just a little longer, I needed a plan.