Passionate Obssesions

The Night Of Schemes


I peer through her window, she’s gazing at her reflection again. She turns and admires herself yet at the same time she’s not entirely satisfied with what she sees. It’s as if she doesn’t understand, herself, others, the world around her.
She then reaches over and marvels at the dress lying on her bed. It was far too elegant for her, and she knows it, because she tries to be ginger when she touches it.

I chuckle softly it was like watching a wolf caress a rabbit.
I knew the dress was for her birthday Masquerade , the servants in my household and every other household are unable refrain from spreading the word with excitement.
I’m lead to believe it’s to be magnificently grand. I damned it all, and I knew Lydia felt the same. She wanted no part of all these splendors, she doesn't deserve them either.

She is getting restless and begins to pace back and forth as if she hasn’t a clue what to do with herself. I’ve seen this guise before, she’s yearning for adventure, longing for adrenaline to flush her cheeks.

I smirk, for I’m the only one to completely satisfy her need. I’ll give her what she wants for something in return. It’s then a plot is concocted in the depths of my mind. But first I’ll need a mask…


Emily enters my room to assist me undress, and brush my hair. She smiles while brushing and says,

“My Miss, you have hair like an angel‘s, golden and so pretty.”

I look at my reflection and am force to disagree with Emily.

“No, my hair is like me, it has the potential to shine in golden glory, yet is tainted with a darker color, completely ruined by that darker color.”

Emily looks uncertainly at me, no doubt wondering if I’ve gone mad or am simply in a dark humor. She doesn’t allow it to ruin her humor though, for she goes on to smile and think positively.

“Aren’t you excited about your ball? I sure wish I could be a guest and wear those ball gowns.”

“Well I wish you would take my place…Wait...Why yes, that’s sounds like a splendid idea.”

“What do you mean Miss?”

“You pretend to be me and I you, for my masquerade.”

Emily gasps as if I wanted her to commit murder. I should’ve known she recoil to my proposal, that exasperating sensitive soul of hers.

“but-but we look nothing a like…”

It’s then I see a glint of what appears to be hope in her eyes. She wanted this as much as I do, so I’ll use this to my advantage.

“For God’s sake Emily, it’s a masquerade! Use some sense. Nobody will suspect it’s you, our hair, size, and height are very similar .”

Emily begins to give this serious consideration, and I know this because she hasn’t nagged me for using God’s name in vain as she normally does.

“How?”, she whispers almost as if she were selling her soul to the devil himself.

I smirk, at my success in convincing Emily to join me on my night of rebellion. First I’ll need a mask…
♠ ♠ ♠
My spelling is awful, so please let me know if I’ve made any spelling errors.