Passionate Obssesions

Friends & Fiends

I observed my ball from outside the windows. No one was recognizable. All wearing costumes that shrouded their identity, allowing them the freedom to be whomever they wanted.
Some women didn’t cover their faces; vanity devoured their entire being. I hated them.
Other costumes were so grotesque they could easily be mistaking as a mischievous sprite. It took a while to find my duplicate, but when I finally spotted her, I didn’t see my most trusted friend, Emily, I saw a tantalizing golden temptress. A mixture of jealousy and regret hit me as I see Emily sashaying across the ballroom, her breasts shouting at every man that she passes. I bite my lip as I watch jaws drop around from her beauty.

Her every aspect out did mine. Her purity diminished as she danced and flirted. I would punish her later. Accuse her of being a repugnant slut, and have her thrown out, her only way out of the hole I’ll put her through is to sell herself as the whore she is.

My hole being suddenly seems unattached to my body. It’s then I realize that not once in life have I felt real. I don’t bother to try to understand why, however tears seem to push their way out. I allow a few to fall as gallantly as possible. I run to the pond that I’ve come to know well. My clothes come off sooner then I anticipated. The urgency for a quick thrill pumps through my vein forcing me to act in haste.
I’m left standing in nothing but a slip. Just as I’m about to take that off as well, I hear a soft sigh followed by a dim silhouette.

“Taking a refreshing dip Miss?”

I quickly turn to face a tall male figure, his features hidden by the hour of darkness. I’m suddenly well aware of the fact that I’m extremely immodest, and the man before me is probably drunk off red wine and festivities. I’m not deterred, after all, what does one have to be afraid of when they don’t even feel they belong amongst the living.

“Yes. Indeed I am. And I would be much obliged if you leave me be.”

I try to be as firm and un-welcoming as possible. This “gentleman” was getting in the way of a thrill and that simply wasn’t acceptable.

“If that is what you wish…”

He begins to wonder away and I have a sudden wave of victory, that is until I hear him say, “Have a nice swim, Lydia.”

My curiosity soon overcomes my wicked desires.

“How dare you call me by my Christian name, when we are not at all acquainted… Who are you? I demand to know immediately.”

He sighs as soft as a ravens flapping wings. I have a moment of recollection, but it soon fades away.

“Oh, I think we are very acquainted, I’ve known you for a long time Lydia.”

I felt the need to doubt this unseen stranger, however the way he used my Christian name so freely and with ease, left me curious.

“How? I don’t remember you at all.”

I can not see his face but I hear his body shift, as if he were uneasy.

“I meet you, when you were a mere child; but I see you’ve blossomed quite well.”

“How is it that I don’t have any recollection of you, what’s so ever? And you still haven’t made mention of your name.”

I step closer and take note of the fact he’s wearing a mask, he was clearly here for my ball, how did he find me when I fooled everyone else?

“My name is Darius…You can not see well in the dark, which is probably why you can not remember.”

I knew he was right, it was very dark and he was wearing a mask. Could this stranger really be an acquaintance? I do not recall, but I was curious and my insatiable hunger for a thrill was suddenly being satisfied. Fiend or friend, stranger or acquaintance, I found myself not caring. As long as my thirst was quenched, I’d be willing to allow him to anything.

“If that is truly so, then how was I as a child? And why don’t you unmask yourself?”

“Well, if I unmask myself it will ruin the mysterious air about me that you are clearly so fond of… As far as your character as a child…you were much like you are now, a fierce, beautiful, wild animal trapped in a small cage. Searching for thrills to make you feel alive, never belonging with the simple ugly society you’ve been forced to live with. You’re also headstrong, stubborn, and selfish.”

Chills rise up my spine as my character is reveled by someone I had no memories of. His arrogance and confidence soon makes me cross, and causes my blood to boil. I shall not allow him any satisfaction.

“Well Mr. Darius, I think you should leave. Your presence is beginning to irritate me.”

“If that is what you wish… push me away, but when I’m gone remember how you felt around me…”

His back faces me and I begin to feel more lifeless then before he came. Is this what he mentioned? How did he know? Who is this mysterious Darius?
I run after him, the howling wind whipping my hair in my face. I feel detached as I run. My legs move like a gazelle’s, one that is sure of what it’s true desires are.


Every etiquette course is suddenly forgotten as I see his silhouette once more. My head beings to pulse from the sudden exertion of energy. He turns, and although I can’t see him, I know he is not surprise to see my sudden return.


“Why-uh, how did you know I was here, there’s a woman in there who is suppose to be me, how did you know it wasn’t me?”

“Hmm, could it be that your plan was not all that brilliant?”

At that moment I regret chasing him down. How dare he insult me?

“Well if that’s the way your going to be, then I have nothing more to say to you.”

“I know very well that you don’t mean that.”

“What makes you think you know me? Simply because you know my character. I’m in a slip outside when I should be enjoying my ball; anyone could’ve guessed my character in those circumstances.”

He suddenly slouches and sighs almost as a wolf sighs for their mate.


Who is this man?


I hear my voice being called from afar, it’s Emily, and I’m about to answer when I recall that I’m angry with her. Her voice sounds closer as I hear my name being called again.

“Miss Lockwood! Where are you?”

Just as I see her small revolting figure, a handkerchief covers my face. I try to pry it off only to find a firm hand supporting it. I inhale and then realize what is happening. I become drowsy and my mind has only one word. Chloroform.
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Sorry it's been awhile since I updated... I re-did this chapter over and over again and I'm still not completely satisfied.