Memoirs of a Love Story

Instant Messaging #1

iskittlesjunkie says:Hey, there Ryan

Vegas86 says:Hey so um where do u live?

BrennyBoi05 has signed in

BrennyBoi05 says:Hey there all of my people

iskittlesjunkie says:Hey! Whoa this is so awesome! Oh yeah we hail from down under from a thriving metropolis called Orange… Why?

BrennyBoi05: As in the fruit?

iskittlesjunkie says:Yeah, we don’t grow oranges though, but apples and cherries!

thexcoffinxisxlocked has signed in

BrennyBoi05 says:welcome Aimee to the place where cool people come!

thexcoffinxisxlocked says:Brendan just because thousands of teens around the world love you doesn’t make you cool

Vegas86 says:ooh zing!!

BrennyBoi05 says:Actually that’s exactly what it means…

thexcoffinxisxlocked says:Aw whatever!

Vegas86 says:So you sure u doesn’t need money or a dress?

BrennyBoi05 says:Why are you offering money bro?

Vegas86 says:Man I am RIGHT next to you y did you write that?

BrennyBoi05 says:Well why did you write that?

Vegas86: Well…. Never mind!

Vegas86 logged off
thexcoffinxisxlocked logged off

iskittlesjunkie says:so this is fun…

BrennyBoi05 says:left with a crazy man! ha-ha!

iskittlesjunkie says:Nah, I like you, your cool!

BrennyBoi05 says:Oh really

iskittlesjunkie says:Yep

BrennyBoi05 says:Really really or just really?

iskittlesjunkie says:really really

BrennyBoi05 says:Aw man if I was there I would so date you!! But I got to go Ry is acting weird bye xoxo I would love to chat, hey umm message me on 2288 742536

BrennyBoi05 logged off

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