Tame This Animal

Chapter Eleven

Riley had spent the rest of the day pouring her soul into baking. She’d made brownies, two cakes, rice crispy treats and she was working on a sweet potato casserole. She’d also managed to clean the house while waiting for everything to bake.

Her nerves were getting the best of her, unfortunately. Ben was worried about her, though he wouldn’t dare say so when she was in the same room. Since their talk that morning, it felt like Riley had been put on edge to him.

At first, he’d steered clear of the kitchen, and the whole second floor for safety reasons. Then he inched down the stairs and came to sit at the kitchen table. He watched her bustle around the small room with his mouth shut. He was afraid if he said the wrong thing again, she’d snap.

“Will you go to the store for me, Ben?” Her voice startled him. It was a little groggy sounding. He wondered if she’d been crying while he was gone, or while he was hiding upstairs.

“For what?” He asked hesitantly. He didn’t like the idea of leaving her alone like this. She seemed too unstable at the moment. He briefly wondered if maybe something had happened after he left.

“I need more milk and some flour. You should probably grab something for dinner too. All I’ve got here is sweets.” She frowned as she eyed the full counter. Time had slipped away from her since Adam left.

“You sure you’ll be alright here, by yourself?” He voiced his concerned thoughts as he stood up. She turned to him and smiled big. It was partly fake and partly sincere.

“I’m twenty-four years old, Ben. I’m sure I can take care of myself for at least an hour.” She crossed her arms over her chest and he rolled his eyes. “Maybe even two if you promise to bring back chocolate.”

“Alright, smartass. I’ll go.” Ben checked his pockets for his phone and wallet. After finding them both in their place he waved to Riley on his way to the living room. “Make sure you lock the back door!” He yelled and this time she rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, yeah!” She shouted after him and smiled a little. Once the quiet settled she sighed and her shoulders slumped forward. She had come to the conclusion that she was losing her mind now. She was confused about Adam, torn about Ben, and her end of the semester exams would be coming up soon. It was all just too much.

She nearly jumped out of her skin at the loud pounding on the back door. Her throat tightened. Ben had only left five minutes go so he couldn’t possibly be back already. She wasn’t expecting anybody else to stop by. A telemarketer would have used the front door. Only a few people knew that Riley and Ben preferred using the back door.

Riley tentatively tiptoed over and peered through the side window. Her nerves calmed instantly as she saw Adam pacing the small back porch. She opened the door with a smile, hoping he’d come to clear up the confusion left from that morning. Adam shoved past her quickly and started pacing the kitchen. Riley frowned and slowly closed to door, finally locking it with a soft click.

“I didn’t know you were stopping by.” She consciously tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She was positive that she had flour if not on her face, then in her hair.

“It’s over.” He grumbled out low. Riley’s eyebrows scrunched together as she watched him pace hurriedly.

“I didn’t hear you.” She frowned a little deeper and tried to see his face. He had kept his head down since he’d entered but now he raised it. His face was red and his pupils were dilated wide. Riley bit her bottom lip as she sunk back a little.

“I said it’s over.” Adam sneered and his face contorted into an expression of disgust.

“What’s over?” Riley shook her head slightly and crossed her arms. She’d never seen him like this. He was agitated and obviously upset about something.

“Us.” He spat out and started pacing again.

Riley’s blue eyes started to water. “What are you talking about Adam?” She asked timidly. It didn’t make sense to her. He had kissed her first. He had pursued her first. He had wanted this first and now suddenly, he didn’t want her.

Adam groaned loudly and ran his hands through his hair. The loudness and suddenness made Riley jump slightly.

“Are you feeling okay, Adam?” She bit her bottom lip as she looked him over again. Her stomach slowly started to sink as she took in his appearance and realized just what it meant. His hair was matted and ruffled, but not in the usual just-woke-up way. His clothes were dirty and crinkled. His eyes were wide and fully dilated. Riley felt a tear slip down her cheek as she fought the words, he’s strung out.

“I’m fucking fine.” He growled and this time Riley backed away a couple steps. Adam took a step forward toward her and she swallowed hard.

“Maybe you should sit down.” She offered and the counter pressed against her lower back. There was no more getting away from him. Adam had her cornered and for the first time it wasn’t a good thing. She was scared. She’d spent tons of hours poring over research and personal accounts but this was different. This was breathing in front of her, close to her, and it was Adam. It was sweet, kind, caring, gentle Adam.

She didn’t know what to do.

Adam didn’t answer. His thoughts were hazy and blurred together. The only thing he could really focus on was Riley. Her pretty blue eyes, her petite frame, her perfectly pouty lips. She was far beyond beautiful. He smirked as her eyes widened and her mouth fell open just a little. Her back was pressed against the counter top and he wanted so badly to press himself against her.

Normally there would have been a voice screaming at him to back away, but not tonight. Tonight his head was empty of any screams and warnings. Tonight was just between him, a little buzz, and her. Adam placed his hands on the counter on either side of her tiny waist. He slowly took that last step so that his body almost touched hers.

She was so enticing to him. He could barely keep himself controlled. He started to lean downward, toward her neck. As his hot breath hit her tender skin and the alcohol stench hit her nose, Riley’s fear kicked in. She placed her hands firmly on his chest and put a little force against it.

“Adam, please.” She fought to keep herself stern and focused. She had to be strong at this point, for him. “Not now.” She refused him and turned her head to the side.

His anger flared up before he could blink. His hand rose before he could think. His palm smacked against her pink cheek.

Riley raised her hand quickly to her face. She couldn’t believe it. She slowly brought her eyes back to his. Her cheek was sore but it was her chest that truly hurt. Adam’s stormy blue eyes were clouded. It was like there was a completely different person behind those blue eyes she’d stared at and thought about for weeks. A tear spilled over before another blow came to her face.

Adam felt as if he were watching the scene from somewhere else. He heard the whimpers of pain and he saw the blood and tears, but he couldn’t stop. He couldn’t control himself. He watched her take punch after kick after slap. He saw the broken glass around her on the kitchen floor. He felt the pain in her eyes. But he couldn’t stop.

Riley kept muttering the same phrase. She hoped he would hear. She hoped it would help, but some part of her knew it was no use. This wasn’t her Adam. “It’s not you. It’s not you. God, it’s not you. It’s an animal, an animal! Please, it’s not you. Fight it, Adam. Please fight it inside.” Her voice wavered with each hit she took but she didn’t stop.

He couldn’t stop. She wouldn’t stop.

The bang at the front door froze Adam mid-swing. He stared at the broken, beaten girl underneath him with fear. It was like he was finally able to see the damage. His own eyes started to glaze over as he watched her struggle to speak again.

“Go.” She whispered. Her body ached and her eyelids were heavy. She tried to grasp his hand, but she was too weak. The most she could do was brush her fingers against his frozen hand. “Go, before Ben comes in.” She ordered a little stronger but then she started to cough. Her whole body shuddered from the force.

Adam snapped from his daze. He was torn between staying and running. He still wasn’t thinking clearly, but he knew she needed help. His confused mind decided to run when he heard the front door open.

He stood up and then darted to the back door as he listened to Ben’s yells for her. Adam glanced back and hesitated. Her eyes were closed and her face was peaceful. That was what he had wanted to wake up to this morning, but instead this is what he got. A last glance of a blood smeared sleepy expression. He groaned and ran.

Ben yelled Riley’s name as he entered the house. He was smiling a little and struggling to keep the bags in his hand. He’d picked up pre-made chicken for dinner and a gallon of ice cream for the wallowing he was pretty sure his sister needed.

He pushed on to the kitchen with no response from her. His eyebrows scrunched together as he saw the back door standing wide open. Then his eyes drifted and found her. He dropped everything and almost fell to his knees. His breathing hitched as he dove for her and scooped her up in his arms.

He wiped desperately at her chin and forehead, where the most blood was, and called her name over and over. She wasn’t responding and that scared him even more. He numbly dialed for an ambulance as he cradled her to his chest.

Ben started to cry as he let his phone go. His little sister was everything to him. She was the only one who was there for him, who believed in him and pushed him to be all that he could be. His heart shattered as his tears fell into her hair. He couldn’t bear to lose her. If she died, so would he.

The two siblings were both in bad shape when the EMTs arrived. One man had to pull Ben away forcefully while the other placed Riley on a gurney. The sounds and sights blurred together.

Ben regretted fighting with her that morning.
Riley regretted not paying attention to the signs sooner.
Adam regretted everything in his life.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, I know a bunch of you want to spill my guts out on the ground, but this had to happen loves. This is their destiny. Eleventh installment may lead to getting my ass kicked : ) Attire.