Tame This Animal

Chapter Three

Adam checked his phone for what seemed like the sixth time that afternoon. No new calls or texts. He sighed and shoved the phone back into his pocket. “What’s this girls name again?” Neil asked as he examined the burgers on his grill. Adam’s eyes strayed to the same subject.

“Riley.” At the mention of her, his mind pulled up the picture of her and he smiled at it.

“And she’s your psychiatrist up at the Center.” Neil restated the information, wishing Adam would correct him. When he didn’t, Neil continued with the question that had been bugging him since the moment Adam had come home talking about her. “What are you doing man?” He brought his attention up to his best friend.

“What do mean?” Adam turned to Neil with confusion clear on his features. He hadn’t liked the fact that Neil had called her his psychiatrist. Technically she was just his partner, someone to talk to when he felt like he needed to talk.

“Dude, she is obviously off limits and you’re inviting her to a barbeque as your date.” Neil watched the brief moment of hesitation on Adam’s face, just barely catching it. “She doesn’t know this is a couple’s thing, does she?”

Adam shrugged. “I may have left out the couples part and added a friends part.” He said the words casually but Neil started shaking his head immediately, a look of disappointment taking over.

“I feel sorry for the poor girl,” Neil muttered and poked at one of the round pieces of meat. He didn’t like Adam lying. Lying was how this whole thing had started and he was sure that they were past that part. Apparently he was wrong.

“It’s not a big deal, Neil.” Adam crossed his arms and let his mouth settle into a frown. “She’s only coming to ask you guys’ questions about me anyway.” He finally admitted the true way he’d gotten her to come and a small silence ensued at the new facts.

“So this is more like an interrogation than a barbeque, now?” Neil couldn’t help but chuckle as he started flipping the burgers over. “That’s just great Adam.”

“Cool it, alright? She’s probably not even showing up.” Adam sighed again as he dug his phone out one more time. Only the time flashed back at him, making his stomach sink deeper.

“I sure as hell wouldn’t show up. I’d call the damn Center and tell they gave me a loony.” Neil teased to lighten the dreadful mood Adam was starting to slip into. Adam shoved Neil’s arm just as he had picked up a burger on his spatula. The burger fell to the ground. “Damn it, Gontier! Now look at what you did!” He yelled while Adam cracked up laughing.

“Settle down, boys!” Ember’s cool voice came from behind them and both boys turned toward the house to see the redhead walking their way. She was in her usual heels and a short, summery dress. “You’re guest is here, Adam.” She smiled and tilted her head as the small black haired girl stepped out from behind her.

“Riley!” Adam brightened up at the sight of her and his arms went out reflexively to hug the fragile girl to him.

“Hey Adam,” Riley giggled lightly as she hugged him back awkwardly. The whole situation was awkward for her. She was having a hard time remembering why she’d come in the first place.

He pulled away and stared at her. Her long dark hair was pulled up into a ponytail, swishing around her shoulders every time she turned her head. She was also in a dress, though it wasn’t as short or the neck line as low as Ember’s. She’d switched heels for sandals as well.

“Ah-em,” Neil cleared his throat as he wrapped an arm around Ember’s waist. Ember giggled at his side as the two jumped away from each other.

“This is Neil, and that’s Ember.” Adam introduced his friends and then mentally smacked himself. Of course she’d already met Ember, idiot! He scolded himself and did his best to ignore the smirk Ember was giving him. “Guys, this is Riley.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” She smiled and extended her hand, to which Neil took. “You have a lovely place.”

“Thanks.” As he looked at her, Neil thought he realized why Adam was so intrigued by the young girl. She was stunning and comfortable in her own skin. Her attitude was bubbly just under the surface and he figured she was probably toning it down because everyone here was new to her.

“Are the burger’s ready?” Ember hip bumped her boyfriend to get his attention. Neil brought his vision away from the two staring at each other and looked back down at his grill.

“We’re one short because Gontier got impatient.” He gestured to the brown mess on the ground. Ember scrunched her face as she looked at it.

“I guess we’ll have to make a few more,” she shrugged and looked back over to Riley. “How many burgers did you want, dear?”

“Oh, it’s fine.” Riley shook her head, feeling a bit uneasy with everyone’s eyes on her. “I won’t eat one at all, actually.”

“You’re not hungry?” Neil asked as he switched the burgers from the grill to the plate Ember held at her side.

“Vegetarian.” She smiled and felt the unsettlement ease away the third time eyes glued to her. “I haven’t eaten meat since about the tenth grade.”

“That would have been something to have mentioned, Adam,” Ember rolled her eyes but then gave a sympathetic smile toward Riley. “We’ve got potato salad and other sides that are pro Vegie.”

“It’s really fine.” Riley tried reassuring her as Neil covered the grill after putting the fire out. “I’m used to having to scrounge for something during family functions. I’ll be okay.”

“Alright,” Ember sighed and handed the plate of burgers over to Neil. “Come on Sanderson, we’ve got cheese to put on burgers.” She winked at Neil and started to walk off, swaying her hips with a little more oomph than usual since she knew he was staring at her back side.

“See ya,” Neil quickly followed with a glaze over his eyes. Riley watched them with amazement. It was obvious that they were a couple, but it was still entertaining to see how well they worked together.

“Please, pay no attention to my friends and their girlfriends. They’re all crazy.” Adam buried his hands in his pockets out of nerves. While Riley’s attention had been on the couple, Adam’s had been on her.

“I think they’re cute.” Riley smiled and then turned back to Adam. Now it was just the two of them standing in the backyard. She thought it was going to be awkward with his friends around, but she found it more difficult to just be with him alone. Tension was building and it was slowly making her throat swell. She took a hard swallow. “It’s nice to see two people be so well connected.”

“Yeah, but it’s creepy when they finish each other’s sentences.” He shook his head and grimaced. “And it’s hell when they’re pissed at each other.”

“Hell hath no fury like love.” She repeated the saying with fondness and he saw her smile widened just the littlest.

“I thought it was, ‘hell hath no fury like a woman’s scorn’.” She laughed lightly and nodded. When her eyes looked up into his, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand.

“That is the original term, but my father would always say ‘hell hath no fury like love’ because nothing beats love, not even a woman’s scorn.” She smirked and crossed her arms over her chest. “People become insane when they fall in love.”

“They’re afraid to lose it.” Adam agreed. Riley got a distant look in her eye as she looked over the backyard. He wanted to know why. He wanted to ask about the sudden wall that went up around her. He wanted to comfort her, but there was something there that told him not to push it.

“So these are the people that pushed you into the program?” She blinked and the look was gone. Her eyes were clear and steady as they slid to him. He took a deep breath before mulling over his words. He had promised to answer her questions and he had no intentions of ever breaking a promise to her.

“Actually, they were pushing me toward the Rehab program.” He brought his hand up the ruffle the hair on the back of his head. “You know, to stay at the Center, go through detox, go to therapy, the whole sha-bang.” His hand dropped to his side and he didn’t his best not to make eye contact with her.

“Why didn’t you check yourself in then?” Her head tilted as she tried to see in his eyes. It was obvious he didn’t want to talk about it, and she was slightly surprised that he was talking about it. He’d avoided everything their first two sessions.

He sighed heavily and threw his head back as he stared up at the sky. “I don’t know. Pride, I guess.”

“The program was a compromise then?” She guessed and he nodded, still keeping his eyes on the clouds. She bit her bottom lip as she deliberated on her next question. Finally it just came out. “What is it that you would have been checked in for?”It was like the air itself had frozen.

“Skip,” Adam said it monotonously without even flinching. She sighed but decidedly not to bug him. She noticed the same wall she’d put up not two minutes ago go around Adam. Natural defense. But the more time I spend with him, the lower the walls get, she bit her bottom lip harder as she continued the thought, including mine.

“I can’t help you unless you want help.” She spoke tenderly. With that, he found the courage to look into her eyes, finding the softness of her words there.

“I know.” His voice was low and gentle like hers. It was something he was struggling with. Help. Help meant admitting he had a problem and that he couldn’t control it on his own. That was a big step.

“What’s your support system like?” This was supposed to be an easy question. He’d already answered it in a different way and that’s exactly why she asked it. She wanted him to be back on comfortable ground.

“Support system?” He raised his eyebrows, thankful that she’d changed the subject so quickly but not willing to show it.

“You can only get so far on your own. You need people that are close to you to encourage and be there for you. A support system is a group of either your friends or family or both and your therapist. It’s important that you know who’s in your support system and who’s not.” She explained it and felt the calming effect of facts. She liked facts. They were straight forward and always right. It was like a safety blanket to her.

“So you’d be in my support system?” He smirked and she giggled shyly at the undertone in his words.

“Yes, I am in your support system.” She smiled. “I’m here whenever you need me, Adam.”

“Then how come I’m not allowed to have your number.” This time her giggles turned to full on laughter and his smirk turned into a wide grin. Moods changed fast between the two of them. She liked that, he didn’t. She liked that the awkward and anger never lasted long. He couldn’t stand how there was no way to tell how the conversation would go.

“Technically I already gave you my number and if you lost it I’m not giving it out again because you keep pulling lines like that,” she rolled her eyes and turned as loud voices came closer. The group she’d met earlier was coming out. Everyone had something in their hands.

“That’s not fair.” He fake glared at her but she didn’t notice. “My lines are very nifty.” He added and then realized he’d said it too loud.

“Nifty? Did we fall into some Grease alternative universe and no one told me!” Ember’s eyes widened as she stepped out in front of the crowd. “Stranded at the drive in!” She started to sing dramatically but was cut off before she could continue by Neil’s hand wrapping around her head and covering her mouth.

“No one needs exposure to your lovely voice, my dear.” He kissed her cheek and then removed his hand, swiftly moving away from her as she swatted at him.

“Damn you, Sanderson! I was about to belt it out!” She folded her arms and pouted like a small child. “No sex for you tonight!”

“Ooo, Neil got burned.” Daisy teased as she sat down a bowl of potato salad on one of the picnic benches. “No sex for you tonight!” She imitated Ember and then giggled hysterically.

“Shut up Dais,” Neil glared as he set down the plate of burgers, half with cheese and half without. “I have my persuasive ways.” He smirked as he practically undressed Ember with his eyes.

“Can we limit the sex talk and eyes to a minimum, please?” Adam scanned the group worriedly. He didn’t want them to frighten Riley away before he’d even got the chance to really know her.

“Are we embarrassing you, Adam?” Daisy cooed and made her pretty face fall into a pout.

“He should have warned her about yall’s dirty mouths.” Meeka rolled her eyes. She was the most mature of the group, which the rest of them found odd since she dated the most immature one.

“Yall,” Daisy and Ember repeated in an overly southern accent. The two of them giggled while Meeka blushed.

“Meeka is from the States and the girls tend to pick on her accent.” Adam mumbled into Riley’s ear after he saw her bewildered expression. Riley nodded slowly as she watched Barry slide his arm around Meeka’s waist and pull her closer to him.

“Our dirty mouths are the only entertainment in this lame ass house.” Daisy stated defiantly as she sat down at the picnic table. Brad took the seat beside her as he placed the stack of paper plates on the table.

“Are you saying my house is lame?” Neil clutched his chest and feigned hurt on his face while Daisy nodded. “Then take your dirty mouth self home!” He pointed to the back door and scowled at her. Riley’s eyes widened. She wasn’t sure if he was truly angry or faking all of it.

“Oh shut up and sit down, Neil.” Daisy leaned her head over on Brad’s shoulder, smiling brightly. Riley sighed with relief as Neil and Ember laughed. It was all only joking, she reassured herself as she glanced over at Adam. He was, once again, staring at her.

“Alright, so we’ve got burgers, hot dogs, potato salad, tuna macaroni, something inedible made by Daisy, Hawaiian rolls, and cheese.”Ember looked at the platter of cheese oddly.

“I brought the cheese!” Barry raised his hand like a small child and Riley covered her mouth to muffle her giggles.

“Because it’s the only thing Ember agreed to let you bring.” Daisy muttered under her breath as she closed her eyes and Brad rested his hand on her lower back.

“Daisy’s being mean!” Barry shouted and Riley bit her bottom lip hard this time.

“Both of you stop being childish,” Ember sighed as she sat down with Neil beside her. Now it was only Riley and Adam still standing. Riley was fidgeting with her dress, her eyes darting from each face.

“Are you two eating standing up?” Neil asked humorously as he looked over his shoulder, first to his best friend, then to Riley. “Come, sit down.” He patted the open seat beside him. Riley was hesitant but Adam gave her a small push toward the table. “I promise I don’t bite.”

“Don’t lie to the poor girl,” Ember laughed and shook her head as Riley took tentative steps toward the table. “We all bite.”

“Sometimes it’s hard, too.” Daisy piped in as Brad passed her a plate.

“Enough, guys.” Adam sighed as Riley finally took a seat beside Neil. “Let’s just eat.” He sat at her left side and grabbed two plates, handing her one.

“Amen.” Meeka murmured and flashed a warm smile toward Riley. “Ember said you were a vegetarian. When did that start?”

The next three hours went by quickly. The first hour was spent with drilling questions for Riley and the second hour was spent with Riley asking careful questions about Adam, and the last hour was spent retelling millions of stories that kept everyone laughing.

Before she knew it, it was time for her to leave. She excused herself politely and was astounded when everyone insisted on a goodbye hug. She was still beaming as she walked down the front sidewalk with Adam behind her. She turned on her heel once they reached her car and stared into his beautiful blue eyes.

“Everyone was so nice.” She blurted and then blushed a little. Adam relaxed.

“I’m glad you thought so.” Relieved is the correct word, he thought to himself as he eyed her curiously. He’d fretted the entire afternoon that his friends were making her uncomfortable. They were a bit too much to handle sometimes, even for him. “I was worried they were being a little too, intrusive.”

“Nonsense, they were great.” She looked back to the house. A small part of her wished she could stay longer, but the rest of her was screaming the logical thing to do, leave.

“If you call embarrassing great,” Adam mumbled and sighed. He didn’t want her to leave just yet. He was really starting to get attached to shy yet brave, black haired girl. She was something special.

“I do call it great and we made a lot of progress today. I feel like I’m finally getting a picture of what you used to be like.” He frowned as she brought her eyes back to his. She was confused at first, but then bit her bottom lip as she realized what the words sounded like.

“What do you mean what I used to be like?” His tone took a defensive note as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“You’ve been on a twisted road, Adam. Things like addictions and mental illnesses take a toll on you. You lose pieces of yourself over time. You’ve changed, whether you’ve noticed or not. You have.” She regretted having to tell him this. His eyes glazed over with anger and his veins become more prominent in his arms and neck. She sighed. She felt like she was taking one baby step forward and then two giant steps back. Watching her mouth was going to have to become a priority. “I’ll see you on Thursday.” She attempted to give him a warm smile before turning and walking around her car to the driver’s side.

“Riley!” Adam was shocked when her name fell from his mouth and his legs moved him fast. It was like he hadn’t been angry at her just two seconds ago. She turned around, her mouth slightly open in her own astonishment. He jogged over to her and didn’t think twice as he embraced her with a tight hug. “Thanks for coming today.”

She was taken aback by his gesture and words, making her stumble over her own. “I-It’s n-nothing.” She noticed that without her heels, her head fit just below his chin. It gave her a nice, loving feeling, like being hugged by a teddy bear. Absurd, she scoffed at herself and pulled away quickly. “Thursday?”

“Thursday,” he agreed with a nod and a wide smile. Adam stepped back into the grass as Riley got into her brother’s black Honda Civic XD. Her eyes reconnected with his through the front windshield as she buckled her seatbelt and he held his hand up as a goodbye sign.

Riley breathed deep and pushed away the feeling in her gut that said she was leaving something important behind as she backed out of the driveway. Adam watched her disappear and sighed while he returned to his friends inside with the feeling of losing something nagging at him.
♠ ♠ ♠
third installment kicks ass : ) Attire.