Tame This Animal

Chapter Five

Sunday night. Riley was dressed in her pajama shorts and a thin tank top. She tiredly rubbed her temples as she shuffled her feet out of her bedroom. It was almost nine p.m. and she’d been stuffed in her room all day studying. Her vision was blurry from the constant reading as she yawned and went to the kitchen.

A little sugar was all she needed and then she’d be ready to hit the books again. She sighed and opened the fridge. It was mostly empty. She pouted as she pushed around a few objects and found nothing that would please her stomach. The same went for the freezer and the pantry. She would have to go to the store if she wanted anything.

She hated going to the grocery store alone. Ben was working late at the tattoo parlor again. It seemed like that was going to become a regular routine. There was no one else that she could call this late and ask to tag along with her. She chewed her bottom lip as she exited the kitchen. She would be fine till the morning when she could drag Ben’s half asleep form to the store with her.

Her stomach growled and she glanced down. She wasn’t going to be able to wait. It was useless. She would have to brave the store alone. She grimaced as she went back to her room. She hated going to the store alone. Another sigh escaped her lips as she entered the room and sat at the bottom of her bed. Her eyes landed on her phone and a sudden certain name popped into her head.

Adam. She shook her head. That was not a good idea; in fact, it was a very bad idea, an awful idea. There was no way she would call Adam Gontier, her patient, at nine o’clock at night just to ask him to accompany her to the store. She was a grown woman. She could face store on her own.

Her eyes darted to the phone again. I’m sure he’s awake, and he probably wouldn’t mind, she cut the thought off quick. It was wrong. Calling him would only get his hopes up and create the mess she was trying so hard to avoid. “I’m not calling him.” She said the words out loud, to no one, just to reinforce it to herself. She wouldn’t call. She’d wait until morning and then beg Ben to take her out for pancakes before classes started.

As if on cue to defy her self control, her stomach growled again. She breathed out heavily through her nose. She was hungry now. She cleared her mind and snatched the phone up, quickly scrolling through the contacts and hitting the talk button before her mind could take control.

Ring. This is a bad idea. Ring. I should hang up. Ring. Maybe he won’t even answer. Ring. Hang up, Riley! The phone clicked.

“Hello?” His voice chilled her. Her brain was completely fried. How could she have actually called him? Her heartbeat increased and her palms turned a little sweaty. “Riley?” He almost sounded panicked.

“H-hey Adam.” She tried to use her usual cheery tone, but failed. She stuttered and her nerves were more than apparent.

“Is everything alright?” He was definitely concerned. Sure, he’d told her to call whenever, but from their last meeting he wasn’t counting on her ever actually calling.

“Um, yeah.” Riley pressed her palm to her forehead and closed her eyes. “I’m sorry. It’s late. I shouldn’t have bothered you.” Now you start to chicken out? She scoffed at herself.

“No. No, it’s fine. I wasn’t really doing anything.” Adam looked around his empty living room and smiled cynically. He was alone tonight, surprisingly. Neil had gone out with Ember and the rest of the guys had decided to give him some space. He had attended four consecutive sessions, made progress. He felt like a child being left alone for the first time.

“Oh,” she mumbled and strayed her eyes around the room.

“So you’re calling and there’s no 911 emergency?” He asked skeptically as his eyebrows rose. The girl didn’t seem to want anything to do with him three days ago.

“Well, there’s a small emergency.” She winced. “I’m starving and out of groceries.”

He chuckled lowly as he leaned his head back. “You want me to come bring you dinner?”

“Actually, I’d love if you’d come to the store with me.” She chewed on her bottom lip. It sounded ridiculous when she said it out loud. Only Ben caved to her silly little habits. Everyone else told her to grow up.

“You going to give me directions so I can come pick you up?” That she wasn’t expecting. He smirked at her silence, knowing just the blush that crept up her neck and into her cheeks.

“There’s no way I’d trust you with that knowledge.” She rolled her eyes. “How about I’ll meet you at the Save-A-Lot in about five minutes?”

“I’ll be there.” He smiled as the phone slapped close and he got up to grab his keys. He didn’t know how he’d gotten so lucky as to spend an extra night with this amazing girl, but there was nothing that could stomp on his parade now. He waved to Neil and Ember as he left the house. Both of them called after him and he simply answered with, “I’ve got a store run to make. Be home in about an hour.”

Riley, on the other hand, wasn’t doing to good. Ten seconds after hanging up with him and two seconds after she subdued strange butterflies, she realized she was still dress in her pajamas. She jumped up from the bed and started to rummage through the basket next to her closet in search of something more decent to where.

She ended up in a pair of jeans and then threw a jacket over her top. Flip flops adorned her feet as she put her phone in her back pocket, grabbed her keys and left the apartment. Her palms were still slightly sweaty as she drove to the market. Why, she didn’t know. It’s not like she had feelings for Adam. It was probably just because, at the moment, she was breaking the rules. Riley Jenkins never broke rules. The rebel gene just wasn’t in her.

She chewed on her bottom lip as she pulled into an empty spot and hastily got out of the car. Her eyes looked over the other cars, but they were pulled to the front of the store by a waving hand. Adam stood in front of the sliding doors in dark blue jeans, a dark shirt, and what looked like a leather jacket.

She was surprised by the smile that easily turned the corners of her mouth up. “Hi Adam.” She greeted once she’d reached him. He grinned wider as he opened his arms.

“Hello Riley.” He was determined to be on his best behavior. She looked unsettled for a moment, but then she stepped closer and allowed him to wrap his arms around her. She smelled sweet, like candy. “You look good in your nighttime party wear.”

She lightly pushed him, but kept smiling. The two walked into the store. Riley went to grab a cart, but Adam beat her to it. He pulled one out and smirked at her as he leaned forward on the bar. She rolled her eyes at his playfulness and then started to slowly walk forward. He followed her and a few seconds later the curiosity burned in his throat.

“Why did you ask me to come?” He spoke thoughtfully as she led him toward the back of the store. She glanced at him and chewed on her bottom lip again. This was your bad idea, she reminded herself and then sighed.

“I’m sorry for calling you.” Her eyes fell to the ground and he immediately regretted bringing it up. “I know it wasn’t the most ethical decision, but,” she hesitated and started to twirl a strand of hair around her finger. “I don’t shop alone.”

Adam laughed, to her surprise. “You don’t shop alone?” He repeated as a question. He raised both eyebrows as she gave him another nervous glance.

“It’s an insecurity thing, I guess.” She shrugged. “I got left at the super market when I was five. Ben had caused a scene and my mother had dropped everything to take him home, including me, by accident. I was there for two and a half hours before she came back to get me.” She’d never retold the story to anyone before.

“Where’s Ben?” He was positive she wouldn’t have called him unless he was her last option.

“Working.” She smiled over her shoulder. “He’s sucking up to the boss man which entails a lot of extra hours at the shop and baking.”

“Baking?” He watched her pick up a bag of wheat bread and put it into the basket. His lips twitched. He should have seen her heath nut personality coming.

“I bake, he takes the credit.” She giggled. “The boss’s daughter is apparently in love with my cinnamon sugar muffins and she may have a small crush on Ben because of them.”

“Sleeping with the boss’s daughter.” Adam shook his head and made a tisk noise. “That’s a sure way of getting into a shit load of trouble.”

“Speaking from experience?” She smirked at him as she paced a gallon of milk and a half gallon of chocolate milk into the cart. He was at a loss for words. There was no right way to answer that question, and he knew it. She laughed at his flustered behavior. “It’s alright, Gontier. I expected that from you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He was a little hurt as she gave him a look and then shrugged, turning back to the yogurt she was eyeing. He couldn’t help but wonder what else she expected from him. How bad did her thoughts about him get? Did she think he a man whore too? He shook his head and tried to focus on her voice.

“Boston Crème Pie flavored yogurt. That just sounds gross.” Her nose crinkled and he chuckled at how cute she looked. “I think I’ll stick to my berries and crème, thank you very much.”

“Do you always talk to the products you buy?” She gave him a fake glare but soon lost it and smiled as he had one eyebrow arched and a cute smirk on his lips.

“Yes, for your information. I do. Always have, too. Sometimes Ben pretends to talk back through them.” She giggled lightly at fond memories of her brother.

“So he’s a little strange too, huh?” From what he heard, he’d figured Ben was the more stable of the two. Riley was eccentric and he’d thought she needed someone to calm her down at moments.

“Ben’s imaginative.” She corrected and smiled to herself as she scanned over the different flavors of bagels. A silence settled as they walked around a little bit more. Riley was making sure she’d grabbed the essential’s she’d need for the week when Adam started up the conversation again.

“What are you doing Tuesday night?” Her stomach knotted as she refused to look at him. Her hands clutched at the basket as she bit her bottom lip hard.

“Adam, I know I called you but,” she hesitated and shook her head, “but I still stand by what I said. We shouldn’t see each other outside of the sessions. This was a mistake and I’m sorry for that, but I don’t think it’s safe to make any other plans.”

“Calm down, Riley.” Adam placed a hand lightly on the top of her back, between her shoulder blades. She shuddered at the simple touch, but then her muscles slowly relaxed under it. “I didn’t mean anything by it, I swear.” He wished he meant something, but he didn’t want to break her wishes.

“Then why’d you ask?” She finally brought her eyes up to his, searching for the answer there. His face was soft, and caring. She had that impulse to touch him again, to run her fingers through his hair in a comforting way.

Adam licked his bottom lip. “I do like you Riley. You’re kind of quirky and easy to talk to. I just,” he darted his eyes around. He felt unnerved saying this to her, but once his eyes reconnected with hers he couldn’t keep it in. “I‘d like to be friends. I’d like to still know you after this.”

Her insides melted at his words. It was like a barrier crumbled from between them. She sighed. “I’d like to be friends too, but,” was it really wrong to just be friends? She fought in her mind while staring into those sad pretty blues. “But we keep it just friends.” She crossed her arms in a stern stance.

A grin broke out on his face as his eyes sparkled. “Just friends,” he nodded quickly. Her shoulders slumped forward a little as her arms fell to her sides. “Now this week the fair’s in town and the guys are all going Tuesday night. If you’re uncomfortable with the couple’s thing though, we can ditch them and it’ll just be us.”

Riley chewed on her bottom lip as she contemplated the two situations. The couples thing would make her uncomfortable, but being alone with him might prove to be too tempting for her own damn good. “I’d like to go to the fair.”

His chest loosened as his grin widened. “Okay, I’ll call you Tuesday night then. We’ll probably leave around six or so. You should invite Ben too. I’d like to finally meet the other twin.” Adam’s grin turned crooked and Riley was practically a puddle on the floor, until she realized she was staring at him with a dream like expression. She hastily snapped out of her trance and blushed deeply.

“I-I’ll ask, but he’s probably sucking up to the boss man.” She forced a laugh out and then closed her eyes as she heard how awful it sounded. “Um, I think we’re ready to check out.” She tried to subtly change the subject and he chuckled at it.

“No ice cream?” He teased and she shook her head.

“There’s plenty of that from last weekend.” Riley’s giggle bubbled up as she pictured her freeze in her mind. Adam let her pull the cart toward the register as he watched her. He loved the way her laugh sounded and he loved the glow that came to her face when she laughed. “I let Ben go to the market by himself last week because I had extra studying to do.” She shook her head. “He came home with six gallons of ice cream, whipped cream, an assortment of chips, and about ten packs of hot dogs. He’s forbidden from going grocery shopping alone ever again.”

“The two of you even each other out, don’t you?” Adam watched as she rolled her eyes.

“My dad used to say that Ben and I were like Ying and Yang.” She had hated being called Ying for most of her childhood. Ben would use the nickname sometimes, but only to get under her skin.

Adam merely nodded as they’d finally reached the register and he moved to put all of her things onto the conveyer belt. Riley bit her lip as she watched him and stood in front of the cashier. From a passerby’s point of view, it would look like the two were together and that made Riley very anxious.

After she paid for the groceries and he’d placed the bags carefully back into the cart, the two left the store in silence. Adam was once again pushing the cart toward her car while wondering where the sudden tension had come from. Riley closed her trunk after the two had put the bags in it together and turned toward Adam.

It was unsettling quiet before she broke it with the words she’d meant to say at the beginning of the night. “Thank you.” She wasn’t quite sure what else to say, but the words seemed to fill the strange void.

“It was my pleasure.” Adam slipped his hands into his pockets. “You can call me anytime you want to go shopping.” She giggled at this and nodded, a little embarrassed.

“I’ll keep you on speed dial for my rare emergencies like this.” He nodded this time and the soft laughter died down, leaving them in yet another awkward silence. “Well, I’ve got to get back home and study. I, uh, guess I’ll hear from you Tuesday.” Her gut knotted up as she thought about it.

“For sure.” Adam stepped forward without thinking about it, and pulled her into him. Her arms slid around his waist as her head rested on his chest, just like it had the day of the barbeque. Fits like a glove, Riley’s eyes widened as the phrase flew through her mind. She quickly jolted away from him. He didn’t want to let her go just yet, but he didn’t have much of a choice as she ripped her body out of his arms. “Bye Riley.” He whispered before turning to go to his car.

He was almost there when a thought occurred to him. He turned around to see her slim figures just curling around the handle to her door. “Hey Rye!” He shouted from where he stood. Her head turned and her hair flew around her. The parking lot was empty beside the two and that gave him even more courage to scream the words. “I’m an addict.” He didn’t exactly scream them, but she heard them nonetheless. She gave him a small smile. “I am a drug addict.”

She saw the struggle in his eyes, even from twenty feet away. She knew how hard it was for him to admit to, but she was glad he finally had. There weren’t words she could return with. She widened her smile just a little more and nodded. That was all he needed. With that, he spun around and continued to his car while she got in hers.

Adam sat in his car after she left. He couldn’t believe he’d actually said it. He felt the twinges in his body at the words. He’d been fighting for so long to keep them out of his mind and mouth, yet they just spilled from him. Because of her. She’d broken through that defense wall and gotten in somehow. He felt sick. He was an addict. He needed help.

His hands trembled as he pulled out his phone and dialed a number that should have been unfamiliar to him. He licked his lips as it rang in his ear. His eyes darted around the empty parking lot as he pictured Riley sitting beside him for support.


Adam swallowed hard as he closed his eyes. “Hey mom. It’s Adam.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Fifth Installment : ) I love Adam Gontier. Attire.