‹ Prequel: Dark Eyed Dreamers

Back to the Place We Knew Before


Everyone left the pre-labor room, leaving me and Rian alone in the pink and blue room. This was it, I was having this baby finally. Even though it felt like my internal organs were being ripped out I was happy. I was happy that Rian and I would finally have this baby to raise together.

"I found a name I like." I told Rian, holding onto his hand for dear life. "How do you feel about Andrew?"

"I love it, it's perfect." Rian grinned at me, his smile made me push all the fears of motherhood to the back of my head. I was focused only on the good.

"I want him to have your last name." I told Rian, focusing on his eyes and nothing else.
"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. I was afraid to tell you this but...the night I got pregnant I was with you." I bit my lip and looked at Rian's blank expression. I had no idea how he would react to this.

"This-this is great!" Rian grinned like crazy. "You should have told me sooner. I-I can't even believe this! This is so great! We're having a baby! We're having our baby!" Rian was so excited, I don't know why I kept this from everyone. I guess I was afraid he wouldn't be as happy if he knew it was his baby. I thought maybe he'd freak out.

"Alright, let's have a baby." The doctor said walking into the room.

I thought only of things that would happen after this baby was born. I thought about taking him home to that beautiful nursery. I thought about what he'd look like, would he have Rian's smile? I thought about the people he'd grow up around. Would he be a drummer like his dad, an artist like my best friend, an singer like Alex, grammar police like Reagan, a hyperactive lunatic like Jack, or a reserved guy like Zack.

I thought about his first day of pre-school, first day of kindergarten, first day of middle school, first day of high school, his graduation, his wedding, his children. I couldn't keep the smile off my face even as my mom pushed Rian out of the room, I was just too excited to finally start a family with the man I was head over heels in love with.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm a little more than hyper right now.
Look at my crazy eye.

Meghan Told me I had to post this.