The Wicked End.

Bridge burned completly

“I want your love and I want your revenge, You and me can write a bad romance, I want your love and all your lover’s revenge, You and me can write a bad romance.”

I rolled over, pulled the pillow over my ear and groaned as the sound of Lady Gaga seeped through my walls.

It was 9am on a Saturday morning and they had begun to party so that they could go to Gasperilla drunk off their asses. What is Gasperilla you ask? Think of Mardi Gras in New Orleans but a smaller version and instead of carnival images it has to do with Pirates.
As I lay in bed I assumed that they were all dressed up in some sort of pirate gear. Everyone that went to Gasperilla always dressed up in some sort of pirate gear it was sort of a tradition to do so. The music turned off and I thanked God that they were leaving to go party somewhere else. I really wasn’t in the mood to deal with all of SJ’S drunkenness not after that night. The bridges of our friendship wasn’t fully healed, there were still broken planks in it but I over looked that because I’ve known her since freshman year.

“Ok so what are we going to get from the cafeteria again?” I hear someone ask in the common room.

“French toast and whatever else is there. We need to eat something before we get shitfaced” someone responded.

And with that they all left the room. I was ecstatic with joy as I lay there in bed. I rolled over and let sleep take over my body.

“Lets have some fun this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick, Lets have some fun this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick.”

My eyes shot open and I cursed the company that built my dorm building for making the walls so thin that I could hear every word of Lady Gaga’s song Love Game so clearly. The next sounds that I heard infuriated me even more than being able to hear Lady Gaga through the walls. Laughter. They were all laughing and yet they knew that my roommate and I were in the room next to them trying to sleep, or at least I was since my roommate can sleep through just about anything if she was in a deep enough sleep.

“Fuck this I’ll just wake up and do whatever on my computer because I’m not going out there and its 10am” I said to myself as I threw the covers off of me and scooted towards the edge of my bunk-bed-like-bed and climbed off. I grabbed Monster, my laptop, and placed him on my bed along with Ironhide, my iPod, and a set of headphones. I climbed black onto my bed and started up Monster. Once I got Monster started up I turned and grabbed Ironhide turned him on and scrolled through my artist looking for Avenged Sevenfold to blast through my headphones to drown out Lady Gaga.

“Oh how I love you Avenged Sevenfold for making loud music”

3 hours later

“Ok come on you guys lets go” someone said as the music started to die down.

“What time is it?” another person asked.

“Its 1pm lets go I don’t want to miss the parade?”

“Ok you guys go on ahead I’ll meet up with you over there” SJ said

“Ok, come on you guys.” And with that the door slammed shut and the music was turned back on, this time the song that seeped through the walls was Ke$ha’s Tik Tok. At this moment my roommate, Rac finally woke up and asked “Did they leave already?”

“Yea…well she’s still here with some guys but the rest of them left” I answered.

“Good because I have to pee now” Rac said as she climbed down off of her bed.

She opened the door and walked out into the common room and walked into the bathroom leaving the door open. When Rac came out of the bathroom she bumped into one of the guys that was left behind, whose name was Montana. They started talking and SJ walked out and told Rac that she was sorry for him and they were leaving now.

SJ started pulling Montana out of the room along with his friend. When they walked out of the door and closed it Rac walked back into the room.

“OMG he is fucked up. They can’t expect him to walk all of the way over there he can’t even stand up straight” I said to Rac.

“Yea I know he wasn’t even making any sense at all when I was talking to him. He’s sitting on the bench right now and SJ is yelling at him” Rac said.

“Wow” I said with a slight chuckle.

Everything was quiet for a while until there was a knock on the door. I got up and walked over to open it.

“Hi Rac sorry but I lost my Spartan ID and I was wondering if maybe it was in here?” one of the guys that was with SJ said. I just gave him a weird look and let him come in to look for his ID. He looked in the bathroom and in SJ’s room and then walked back to the door.

“Um if you find it do you think you can tell SJ to give it to me,” I nodded and then it was his turn to look at me weird, “You’re not Rac are you sorry.”

“It’s ok. And yea I’ll tell SJ to give it to you.”

And with that he turned around and walked away. I shut the door and made my way back to my bed. About ten minutes later SJ walks in and sits on the couch and passes out. The same guy came back with Montana five minutes after that and Rac let them in this time. Montana started messing with SJ trying to wake her up. When SJ wakes up they went into the room and started taking more shots. One guy leaves and it is just SJ and Montana in the room. At about 2pm they finally leave to go to the parade.

Half an Hour Later

“Who is knocking on the door now?” Rac asked getting up. I just shrugged and looked at the door waiting to see who was there.

“Hey is SJ here?” Montana asked, who was now not that drunk.

“No why?” Rac asked.

“I thought SJ was here since I lost her because SJ got mad at me. Well is it ok if I look for her purse because she lost it.”

I get down off of my bed and walked into her room saying that I was going to look for it. When I didn’t find it he simply just shrugged and then started packing his stuff up.

“Why did SJ get mad at you?” Rac asked him as I once again was getting up onto my bed.

“Because we got to the parade route and after a few minutes she loses her purse and then blamed me and then just stormed off after I said I would look for it.”

“Oh” Rac and I said at the same time.

“Yea” he said and walked to the common room taking a seat on the couch.

“What is he doing?” I whispered to Rac.

“He’s just sitting there.”

At that moment SJ stormed into the room, walks to her room and then slams the door shut. Rac, the drunk, and I just shrugged and left it at that.

10 Minutes Later

“Hey K is coming upstairs to get her stuff from SJ’s room.” Rac said hanging up her phone.

“Ok that’s fine.”

K comes into the room and asked if SJ was there.

“Yea she came in a little while ago all mad then slammed her door” I told K.

“Oh ok. Well my friend left her stuff in the room and we need to go in there and get it since she has to leave.”

“Ok. How was Gasperilla?” Rac asked.

“Oh it was fun but it was raining.”

“Yea we figured since it looked like it was when we looked outside the window earlier” Rac said.

“Yea” K said turning around walking to SJ’s room.

“SJ it’s me K can I come in my friend left her stuff there and she needs to leave now” K said knocking on the door.


That’s what I heard for about fifteen minutes, that and banging on the door and the wall. No matter what we did SJ wasn’t responding.

“Do you think that we should get an RA to open the door for us?” Rac asked K and I when they walked into my room.

“Yea” I said getting down grabbing my blanked and rapping it around myself.

Rac and I walked to the RA’s room down the hall and explained our situation to her. She agreed to open the door for us because we were concerned for out suitemate. When she opened the door SJ was laying on a bed passed out and not moving. The RA had us try and wake SJ up; when we had no luck she called security to do it. Security came and woke her up with no problem while the RA wrote down all of the alcohol that was in the room. Security asked her a couple of questions to make sure she was fine and before she answered each question SJ said “I’m not drunk, I was just sleeping.” Security also had to ask her multiple times to look him in the eyes before he asked each question. Security made Rac and I dump out all of the alcohol down the drain under his supervision, as we were doing that SJ said “They have some in their room too.”

“Really SJ? Really?” Rac asked SJ.

Security said to just give up the alcohol, so Rac did.

I turned to SJ and with an apologetic tone told her that we had no other choice. “It doesn’t matter if I’m going down then so are you” SJ told me with hatred in her eyes.

As he was leaving he said “No I know you are all mad at each other but just sleep on it tonight and then talk to each other in the morning. And if I have to come back to this room tonight it won’t be pretty understand me?”

We nodded and he left.

“Now you all should get an email telling you if you have to go for a judicial board hearing soon or not” the RA said as she left the room.

The Next Day

“Really SJ if you have something to say why don’t you say it to my face?” Rac said as she stormed into the common room where SJ was with her friends.

Not wanting to hear what was being said I turned on Ironhide and let the sounds of Tokio Hotel consume my thoughts. Although through the headphones I heard some of the exchange of words and my name being said. Knowing that if I got into the argument that I would be kicked out of school I simply turned up Tokio Hotel’s Scream louder and blocked everything out.

A Week Later

I recounted this story to the one of the Dean of Students.

“So first I want to applaud you for doing the right thing and want you to know that you are not getting into trouble because you did the right thing. But since there was an excessive amount of alcohol found in her room and some in yours you are going to have to go to alcohol counseling because you are a minor.”

I nodded and she continued.

“So I’m guessing that there is some tension in the room now?”

“Yea Miss there is.”

“And how do you feel about it and this whole thing?”


“Yes honestly”

“I don’t really care about the tension because now she can go her way and I will go mine.” And with that the meeting ended and I left the Dean’s office knowing that this time the bridge to mine and SJ’s friendship was burned completely and there was nothing that she could do to fix it because I was done.
♠ ♠ ♠
This story along with it's prequel Drunken Messes and Broken Bridges were both true events that happened between me and my suitemate. The last part of this story was somewhat true I was done with her at the time but now we have literally just started talking again but have still yet to talk about what happened.