Mistake After Mistake


Winter break had just ended and I was definitely not ready to go back to school yet. My alarm went off at 6:15 as usual so I could straighten my hair and get out my clothes and do my normal morning routine. Once I got to school that morning, it was like there had been no break at all. My classes were the same, all my friends were back from their vacations, and everything was normal. The next couple weeks passed without a hitch. The work was easy, my teachers were nicer than before break, and my friends and I got our vacation stories out of our systems.

It was the third week back to school, and I noticed we had a new student in my first period. He looked EXTREMELY familiar, but I just couldn’t figure out why. That is, until the teacher introduced him to the class… “Everybody, please welcome a new student to the class. His name is Nicholas Jonas, and he is from California. Please be nice and courteous and show him how nice the kids at BHS can be.” said my English teacher. Philip was one of my best friends that knew about my former obsession with the Jonas Brothers. He turned to me to make sure I was still breathing. “Amanda, don‘t freak out ok?” he said to me. I kind of whimpered at him because I was scared that if I tried to say anything I’d be screaming about the fact that NICK FREAKIN JONAS GOES TO MY SCHOOL NOW!!! After about 5 minutes, I started talking to Philip like nothing ever happened, and he just stared at me like I had five heads.

There were about three minutes left in class, and everyone was waiting by the door for the bell to ring. I was talking to Philip when someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was Nick. “Excuse me, do you know where the chorus room is?” he asked me. I looked back at Philip who was looking at me to see if I would freak out or not. “my next class is chorus, I‘ll show you where it is.” I said smiling. The bell rang and we walked to second period together. “I‘m sorry, I never caught your name.” Nick said as we were walking. “Oh, I‘m Amanda, I guess I kinda forgot to tell you my name… And obviously your name is Nick since our teacher introduced you to everyone” I said chuckling. “Haha, yea, that was kind of awkward.” He said. “Yea, I can imagine. I remember when I was the new kid back in middle school… it was horrifying!” I chuckled, trying to make him a little bit more comfortable.

We got to our second period class, and I introduced Nick to Mr. Smith, our chorus teacher. “Great! Now we finally have enough guys for them to actually be considered a section!” Mr. Smith excitedly said. I sat in my seat and my friend Chitra and asked who the new kid was. “Oh, that’s Nick Jonas, you know, from the Jonas Brothers?” “Stop lying Amanda. Why the hell would Nick Jonas be going to public school when he is famous? Let alone a public school in Gainesville. That would be so utterly random!” Chitra whispered to me as Mr. Smith was taking role. “I agree! But he was in my first class, and my teacher introduced him as Nicholas Jonas, and if I‘m right, Jonas ISN‘T a very popular last name…” I said glaring at my friend josh, who was making random faces at me.

After that, Mr. Smith had us warm up, and we ran through two of the songs we had memorized for our upcoming chorus concert; Seasons of Love from Rent, and Clocks, by Coldplay. Of course, since nick was who he was, he picked up on the songs the second time we sang them. “Ok class, listen up! Y‘all will be having your written tests next Thursday and your singing tests next Friday, so don‘t forget!” Mr. Smith yelled over everyone talking. The rest of the school day went by extremely fast, and I was extremely thankful that it was a Friday. and Nick was in my sixth period biology class also. After class we walked to the bus loop area together, because he was waiting for his brother to pick him up and he wanted to walk with me. We got to talking, and it turned out that he lived in the same neighborhood as me. I was simply ecstatic that Nick frickin Jonas would even think about talking to me! I always thought that if he went to public school, he would be a part of the popular ‘cool’ crowd. But I guess I was wrong! “Well, I guess I‘ll see you tomorrow Amanda.” Nick said while giving me a hug before I got on my bus.
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I know this chapter is short, but i don't have all that mush written yet. I just wanted to get this out so i would start writing more! I hope you enjoy, comments would be lovely, but are NOT required for me to post a new chapter. =]