Mistake After Mistake

New Neighbors

The whole ride home I was just thinking about him. I mean sure, when I used to be obsessed with the Jonas Brothers, I always thought Nick was the cutest and I kinda had one of those celebrity crushes on him, but I NEVER thought that I would ever actually meet him and become friends with him! We had exchanged numbers while we were walking, so a few minutes after we said goodbye, I got a text from him.

‘Looks like tonight is gonna be interesting. Kevin just told me that we are going to have dinner at our next door neighbors house tonight. Wish me luck! XD’

I chuckled at his randomness and sent,

‘Haha, tell Joe not to have any sugar before you guys go over there! Who knows what he will do if he is hyped up on sugar! ;]’

A few minutes later, I got off my bus and was walking home with my iPod earphones in my ears, not paying attention to anything except the music flowing through them. Soon enough I was home and I found my mother running around the house, trying to clean everything she could. “Mom! What are you doing?!” I yelled at her so I knew she would hear me. “Cleaning! We are having guests over tonight. Put your bag down and help me!” she yelled back. Immediately, my mind went to the text that Nick had sent me. ‘Shit, Nick is coming over to my house tonight.’ I thought.

With that thought, I booked it to my room and started cleaning EVERYTHING. From my closet to my dresser and even my guitars! Because, knowing my mother, after dinner, she is going to tell me to take all of them to my room so we can get to know each other. I stared at the wall that had my Good Charlotte, Boys Like Girls, Metro Station, We The Kings, and The Cab signed pictures and figured, if they don’t like me because of the bands I like, they are gay! That’s when I noticed my Rolling Stones poster of the Jonas Brothers. I had been wanting to take it down and put up my new poster of John Lennon, but I was too lazy and decided to keep it up. Just then, my phone vibrated on my dresser, making a really weird and annoying screeching noise. I picked it up and it was a text from Nick.

‘Whoever owns the house we are going to takes good care of it, this house is gorgeous!’

I chuckled to myself as I went to go get the door since my mom was in the bathroom. After someone knocked, I opened the door to find Mr. & Mrs. Jonas standing there. “Hi, you must be our new neighbors. I‘m Amanda. My mother should be right out, she is just finishing getting ready.” I said with a smile. I shook both of their hands and let all of them in. Nick was the last one to walk in, so when he passed me I said, “So, you think my house is gorgeous, huh?” and laughed. “AMANDA!!!!!! YOU LIVE NEXT DOOR!!!!” Nick yelled while giving me a hug.

While I was being crushed in Nicks arms, not that I’m complaining, I heard his mom say, “well it sounds like Nicholas isn‘t having any trouble making friends.” He finally let go of me, and I found myself being crushed in someone else’s arms. “Joe, could you please let go of my before you break my spine?” I asked, but it was muffled since I was pretty much talking into his shirt. “oh, yea, sorry. It‘s just that, I saw Nick hug you and I thought, ‘hey! That’s not fair! Why does nick get to hug the pretty lady?’ so I hugged you! And by the way, I LOVE the random streak of blue in your hair!” Joe said, just hugging me tighter. I was glad that he was still hugging me though, because if he hadn’t been, everyone would’ve seen me blush a deep red. “Hey, get it right buddy! That color is called blurple!” I said while sticking my tongue out at Joe once he finally let go of me. He just laughed at me and walked into my living room.

“Looks like none of us are going to have issues being neighbors!” I heard my mom say as she walked into the living room. At that moment, I decided to go introduce myself to Kevin. “Hey, I‘m Amanda, the girl that Joseph almost killed!” I said, raising my hand out so he could shake it. Kevin pulled me into a hug and chuckled. “Haven‘t you realized by now that us Jonas‘s are huggers?” “I guess I should‘ve realized that huh?” I giggled. Then I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I looked down to see Frankie Jonas peering up at me. “Hey Frankie! It‘s great to finally meet you! Nick wouldn‘t be quiet about you today at school!” I smiled down at him and ruffled his hair. “Nick was right, you are pretty!” he said. I looked up at Nick and saw that he was glaring at Frankie. “Aawwww, thank you Frankie, that’s so sweet.”
We all sat down at the living room table and had a delicious meal of my mothers lasagna and Caesar salad. After dinner, just as I suspected, mother said, “Why don‘t all of you go get acquainted with one another while the parents talk?” all of us chuckled at the fact that she was talking to us like we were 12 while I guided them to my bedroom. We had locked my dog, Angel, in my bedroom just to make sure she wouldn’t beg for food while we were eating. I picked her up as we all walked into my room, and Angel immediately took a liking to Frankie.

While Frankie was keeping Angel occupied, Joe, Nick, and Kevin were looking at everything in my room. Joe stood next to the Rolling Stone poster and said, “Why who is this handsome young chap? Might it possibly be moi?” We all chuckled as Frankie ran out of the room with angel to go join the adults. “Yea, I‘m a fan of y‘alls…but so what, your music is amazing to me!” I said blushing. “Hey, we think its really cool that you like our music.” Kevin said, hugging me again.

That was when he noticed my Les Paul electric guitar. “Holy bejeebus! You play guitar?!” he yelled as he ran over to my guitars. He gave me a look, asking if he was allowed to touch them. “Go ahead, you can mess with them. But only because I know none of you will screw them up.” I laughed. “I kinda figured that you played guitar, you look like a guitar player…” Nick said, picking up the acoustic guitar. “What gave it away? The fact that Mr. Smith had asked me if my 2nd Les Paul had come in yet, or that I have like, three guitar picks on my necklace?” I joked, lightly bumping him with my shoulder.

“Actually, it was neither of those things. You just look like you would play guitar. I actually didn‘t even hear Mr. Smith say anything about that, and I noticed the guitar picks after I made the assumption that you play guitar.” he said smiling, like he had just beat me. “Play something for us!” Joe said while handing me the acoustic guitar that he had stolen from Nick’s grasp. “No, I haven‘t practiced in a while, and I don‘t know what I would play…” I mumbled, trying to make excuses. “Oh come on, please????” nick pleaded, giving me the puppy dog pout. “Oh fine, as long as you stop giving me that look.” I said glaring at him as he smiled triumphantly. I started to play When You Look Me In The Eyes. As I was playing Joe and Nick started singing while Kevin hooked up my Les Paul to an amp and was playing the electric guitar part. After the song, I just kind of sat there, staring at them. “What? What’s wrong Amanda?” Nick asked, sitting next to me. “That… was… AWESOME!!!” I said. Joe laughed at my randomness and we all just got to talking.
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yay, second chapter! =]