Mistake After Mistake


After a couple of hours, my mom walked in and told us that it was time for the boys to go. “AWWWWW! I don‘t wanna leave!” Joe whined, looking up at my mom.
“I personally don‘t care if you guys stay here for a while. But your mom wants to leave, so if you guys want to stay, go ask her.” my mom chuckled.
As soon as she said that, Joe ran out of the room to go ask his parents if they could stay longer. Since my bedroom door was open, I could hear everyone in the living room.

I heard Joe begging his parents, and then his mom sighed.
“Fine… you guys can stay. Just be quiet when you guys come home, because chances are that your dad and I will already be asleep.” and she handed him their house keys.
“OMG I LOVE YOU MOM!” he yelled and ran back into my room dangling the keys for us to see.“Um… I think I‘ll take those Joe. You always lose your keys.” Kevin said, taking the keys out of Joe’s hand.
Meanwhile, I was rifling through my drawers trying to find something more comfortable to wear. “Guys, I‘ll be right back, I just need to change out of this outfit.” I said, walking into my bathroom.
After I got changed, I walked to my mothers bedroom and said goodnight to her.

Once I got back to my room I saw Nick and Kevin messing around with a couple of my nicer acoustic guitars. They were playing a song I hadn’t heard before, but it sounded good. “Is that a new song you guys are playing? I really like it.”
“Yea, we have no words or title for it, but Kevin and I randomly came up with this a couple weeks ago.” Nick said as he strummed the guitar.
Joe chuckled and said, “Well doesn‘t somebody look like they are ready to curl up in their bed.”
I had changed into a pair of black gym shorts and a grey tank top, while I had bundled all my hair up into a simple bun. “Hey, its comfortable and I like it, so nyah!” I stuck my tongue out at him.

Then, out of nowhere, my phone started blaring Year 3000. I instantly blushed and answered my phone by saying, “Aly! What have you been up to?!”
She was talking on and on about how she was gonna see the jonas brothers in a couple of months and everything, and I just started laughing. “What’s so funny???” she demanded. “Oh, just this…” I said and gave my phone to Kevin.
He started talking to her like it was no big deal and when she realized that it actually was THE Kevin Jonas, she asked him to put me back on the phone.

“Why didn‘t you tell me you knew the jonas brothers?!” she yelled at me.
“Hey, don‘t get your knickers in a knot! I just met them today!”
“How?! Wait a minute… did you seriously just say knickers in a knot?” she laughed.
“Why yes Alison, I believe I did!” I smiled. I told her that I had to go, and that I’d call her tomorrow so we could catch up. After I hung up, Kevin said, “Well, that’s wasn‘t random at ALL!”
“Haha, I know, but she lives in new jersey and I haven‘t talked to her in a really long time, and the year 3000 thing is kind of like an insider between us. It‘s my ring tone for her, and her ring tone for me!” I replied, flopping down onto my bed.

“Mmm, my bed is soft…” I mumbled into my pillow.
“Sounds like somebody is in the middle of a sugar crash!” Nick said, giving me a noogie. “NICK! You messed up my hair!” I whined pulling my hair tie out and fixing my hair. Nick just smiled innocently at me, so I took my chance. I attacked him and gave him a noogie. Which caused Joe to jump in and nick randomly disappeared, so Joe and I were just randomly wrestling.
“Ok, enough guys! You are gonna hit a guitar!” Kevin yelled, attempting to shield the guitars.

I immediately got Joe in a headlock and then quickly jumped off of him and on to my bed. “Holy jiminy crickets! It‘s after midnight!” I yelled, randomly waving my arms in the air.
“Oh jeez, Amanda got her second wind, BACK AWAY!!” Joe yelled running behind Kevin while I just smirked.
“Trust me Joseph, this is definitely NOT my second wind, I get extremely alert and I can‘t fall asleep… I just get like this sometimes.” I said, yawning.
“It is getting kinda late, and this little one keeps yawning. We might wanna get going.” Nick said to Kevin.
“I AM NOT LITTLE!!! I’M ONLY A COUPLE INCHES SHORTER THAN YOU!!!” I yelled, jumping on his back as he stood up. “Ooh! Piggy back ride!” I squealed.

“You get very loopy when you crash, don‘t you?” Kevin asked. “Psh! Noooo… why would you ask that you silly person?” I giggled.
“I‘ll take that as a yes.” nick said, laughing. I yawned again and said, “I guess you guys should go before I just pass out…” I climbed off of Nick’s back and gave Joe a hug.
“I‘ll see you tomorrow chicky.” “Nighty night buddy.” I mumbled into his shirt. Then Kevin attacked me in a hug.
“You go to sleep and don‘t stay up long enough to have a second wind, ok?” “yes sir Mr. Kevin sir!” I replied, saluting him. He just laughed and ruffled my hair. I then hugged Nick and he whispered, “Sweet dreams” in my ear, which gave me the chills.
“Night Nicky boy!” I smiled, giving him another noogie.

Joe dragged him out before Nick could get me back, so I just waved goodbye and smiled. After they left and I locked the front door, I walked to my room and collapsed on my bed. I was almost asleep until something underneath me started vibrating. I turned over and realized I had been laying on my phone. I looked at the screen, and it said that I had a new text from nick.

‘Goodnight Amanda, I had a great time today, can’t wait to see you again. =]’

I smiled, knowing full well that I was going to be seeing them again tomorrow. I texted him back saying goodnight and put my phone on silent. I then let it drop to the floor and rolled over, slowly falling asleep.