Status: Active if you want it to be *shrugs*

Vicious Delicious

Just something that popped into my head again. Hopefully this will be more structured than Something New. It's also a lot shorter, in a hope that it will keep the story more structured. In the first chapter it Cory or anyone in A Skylit Drive will be involved. Mentions of members of many bands signed by Fearless Records.

I'm really not good at summaries, but if you watch the Studio Episodes on ASD's myspace, things should hopefully make sense, if I continue.

This story will be taking place during the recording of Adelphia.

Casey is the producer of Adelphia and Jared was in the third Studio Episode, so I'm throwing him in there too.

Everyone else: Stephen, Max, Nick, and Benji are all mine

Disclaimer: I do not own ASD. This is all the imagination of a teenage girl that loves bandom slash.