Status: Done and Dusting. :)

It Hurts in the Worst Way


The sound of something crashing and Robert yelling ‘Shit!’ woke me fully from my crappy sleep. It didn’t have that good of a sleep last night because where that bloody ant bit me was stinging for a while. I sighed and pushed the blankets off me. I couldn’t lie in bed any longer with this small headache I have.

I got out the bunk and stumbled to the front of the bus. All the guys were up. I looked out the window and noticed it was raining and we were moving. Oh yeah today was a travailing day and tomorrow we’re having a concert...

I walked passed where Robert was picking up small boxes of food from the ground by the bench and to the lounge area. Monte was lying down across one of the couches with his iPod in his hand and eyes closed. Max and Craig were sitting on the other couch watching TV.

I sighed and walked up to them. The only place I could sit was on one of their laps. Craig looked up at me from the TV just as I sat gently on his lap. I moved so I my legs were in Max’s lap. I rested my head on Craig’s shoulder.

“Morning.” Max smiled patting the side of my leg.
“How you feeling?” Craig asked looking down at me.
“Still a bit sick.” I sighed. “I have a headache.”

They both nod their heads. I looked up at the TV. They were watching Viva La Bam. Craig wrapped one of his arms around my waist and I leaned on him a little more. It was actually nice sitting here like this. I closed my eyes but listened to the TV. I wish this headache would go away...


I opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed was that the TV was off and there was quiet music playing, and also I had no headache. I sat up a bit and looked around a little. I was lying on the couch and my head was in someone’s lap. I looked up as I rubbed one of my eyes. Craig smiled down at me.

“Hey you’re awake.” He said quietly.
“Awake?” I asked confused.
“Yeah.” He chuckled. “You fell asleep about half an hour ago.”

I sat up a little more and smiled lightly at Craig. I was feeling a bit better now. That’s good.

“I hate these ants!” Max hissed spraying the bench.

He looked really pissed off. I looked at Craig confused.

“An ant bit him on the foot.” He said trying not to laugh.

I chuckled a little. How could an ant get him on the foot if he always wears shoes? Max threw the spray can in the sink and sat down at the table mumbling to him self and Monte was standing by the bathroom door trying not to laugh. I guess Robert was in the bathroom or lying in his bunk.

I sat up properly on the couch and let my head droop into Craig’s shoulder. He smiled at me and placed his head lightly on mine. I chuckled a little.

Suddenly Max slammed his hand on the table making a really loud noise which made me jump surprised. He looked at his hand and wiped it on his black ripped skinnies.

“You know those ants are actually only in the kitchen area. Their not by the couches, bathroom or bunks.” Monte stated.
“That’s odd.” I mumbled.

Craig nods his head. I was about to say something else but I was cut off.

“Hey everyone, were stopping here for lunch for about 2 hours.” Our driver Rob said through the little speaker system.

When he made announcements like that was really the only time he speaks. He is so quiet and keeps to himself a lot. Sometimes it’s really easy to forget he is even here.

“Ok cool!” Robert called appearing from the bunks.

I moved my head from Craig’s shoulder and he stood up. The others all walked over to us. Max was limping a little. I sighed and went to stand up but almost fell back down. I grabbed Monte’s arm before I could. I feel really dizzy...

“Maybe you should stay here.” Monte said wrapping his arm around my waist to hold me better.
I nod my head slowly.
“Yeah I guess...I do feel better than last night, I just fell really dizzy at the moment.”
“You’re look really pale.” Robert pointed out.

He walked up to me and suddenly picked my up and placed me across the couch. I smiled shaking my head. These four are always looking after me, just like I was a little sister to them. I smiled lightly at the though.

“We’ll go and have lunch and bring you back something ok?” Robert smiled.

I nod my head.

“Ok sure.” I said. “But what am I going to do?” I asked.

Suddenly Max dangled his Mp3 in front of my face smiling.

“You can listen to my awesome music.” He smirked proudly.

I chuckled a little and took it.

“Thanks.” I smiled.
“Your welcome!”

Max then turned and walked to the door of the bus and the others followed. I watched as they all walked out after Rob our driver. Craig was the last one out and just before he shut the door he waved at me. I waved back and he closed the door. I could easily tell from his eyes he was worried about me...

I let out a long sigh and placed the speakers in my ears. I turned the MP3 on and turned it down low before closing my eyes. How come all of a sudden I feel so sick? I don’t normally get sick and when I do it’s not this fast...Maybe I ate something that was off...? Though I should have noticed it I ate something that was off...

I shook my head lightly. Whatever is wrong with me better go away soon, I have a job to do, being ETF’s merch bitch. And the last thing I want is to be sick for most of this tour, I had the flu one time being on tour with the guys and that was just horrible.

I let out another long sigh and concentrated on the music. I listen to song after song that came on randomly. I bet if I didn’t fall asleep before I would be asleep now.

Suddenly there saw some other noise. Is that other music? I turned off the MP3. Someone’s phone is ringing. It’s not mine; my ring tone is Cellar Door an old song of Fate’s. I sat up slowly on the couch and stood up carefully. I still felt a little dizzy but not enough to fall over. I left the MP3 on the couch and walked to where I could hear the phone ringing. It was coming from Craig’s bunk.

I found his phone glowing and still ringing. He must have forgotten it. Should I answer it...? I looked at the caller ID; it was his Mum. Maybe I should answer it and tell her that he’s not here at the moment. I pressed the talk button and leaned against the bunks.

“Craig?” Her voice asked quickly before I could say hello.

I knew his Mum a bit, she was a lovely person.

“Craig isn’t in the bus at the moment; he’s gone to get lunch.” I said.
“Oh...” She trailed off her voice soft like if she was upset about something. “Who is this?”
“It’s Claire.” I said softly.
“Oh, hello sweetie. Um...Do you know when Craig will get back? I really need to talk to him...It’s important.”
“I’m not really sure at the moment, if you want I can tell him to call you right away when he gets back.”
I offered.
“That would be great, thankyou.”
“No problem.” I smiled though she can’t see it.
“Bye Claire.”
“See you.”

Then she hanged up. She sounded really upset about something. I hope nothing bad had happened. I turned and walked back to the couch with Craig’s phone in my hand. I sat back down to wait for the guys placing the phone next to me.

I waited for about 20 minutes sitting there with my head in my hands until I head the bus door open. I looked up and Monte, Max and Craig ran in the bus laughing. Robert followed them in shaking his head smiling. Max ran up to me and handed me a small box of food. I took it smiling. I looked over at Craig.

“Craig, your Mum called.” I said holding out his phone. “She wants you to call her back fast, she said it was important.”

He took the phone from me and looked at it confused.

“Thanks.” He said.

He sat down on the couch across from me and placed his food next to him. I gave Max’s MP3 back and he sat next to be after putting it in his pocket. I noticed Craig placing the phone by his ear.

I opened the box and started eating slowly while watching Craig.

“Hi Mum!” He smiled.

Suddenly the smiled fell from his face. He looked shocked. I looked at him confused. He just started towards me but not looking at anything. His eyes were like blank in shock.

Suddenly he jumped up from the couch and almost ran to the back of the bus. Me and Max looked at each other confused.

“What’s that about?” He asked.

I looked away from him and to where Craig had gone. Monte and Robert was sitting at the table looking confused too. What happened?
♠ ♠ ♠
yeay, an update!
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