
First Day Flirts

“Whoa so your really new then... awesome” he replied with maybe a little too much enthusaim. I could tell that I was gonna like this boy even though he looked like he was the complete opposite of me. Once again breaking me from my trance he started questioning me again. “So what grade are you in this year?”

“I’m in going into 10th year.” I said hoping that we were in the same grade at least.” Awesome so am I! so are my friends Vicky-T, Alex, Ryland, William and Nate.” He replied. “Oh okay, um so where is this office?” I asked. “It’s just around the corner” he replied looking a tad down that I had asked him; maybe I sounded like I was sick of him. I hope to god that I didn’t.

I entered the office looking back to see if Gabe was still there and it must be my lucky day cause he was looking me straight in the face and smiling.” Do you want me to stay with you and show you were everything is after you get you’re timetable? He asked me looking very hopeful. How could I resist a face like his, its makes me melt on the spot.” Yes please that would be really nice of you!” I smiled a big wide and genuine smile.

After spending 10 or so minutes in the office collecting all of my class details and filling out forms I was ready to find me new locker so I could dump off of this shit that was in my bag. I said out loud to no one in particular “locker number A34” hmm I wonder where that is, I had forgotten that Gabe was waiting for me I don’t know how I managed that but I did. It came as a surprise to me when he jumped up beside me and called out “I know where that is, it’s right next to mine”. Yes I screamed in my head. Thank god our lockers were just around the corner from our shared home room. Yes I was in the same classes as Gabe except for Art. We were in the same maths, English, ancient history, science and sport class. This was going to be wonderful. “Hello earth to lizzAY…hello?” was what brought me out of my day dream, “oh yeah hey whets up?” I replied looking over at Gabe. “I was just saying that I’m in a band with a few of my mates and I was wondering if you would like to come and watch us practise tonight?” he said rather out of breath and embarrassed, “of course I would love that” whoa I though not only is he sexy but he’s in a band, I wonder what he does. “What instrument do you play and whets the band called?” I asked with a very curious face. “Well if you really want to know the band is called Cobra Starship and I sing.” He said while turning a slight shade of red. Damn how sexy, I always have had a thing for singers.

<After school>

“So ill meet you at my house in say 20 minutes for practise tonight.” Gabe told me whilst we were rushing out of the door to exit the school. “Awesome, I can’t wait to hear you guys.” I hope that he could see that I wasn’t just saying that I really meant it. He leaned in and lightly kissed the side of my cheek and smiled then he was gone in a flash. Whoa did that just happen? Did Gabe Saporta the sexiest person I have ever laid my eyes on just kiss my check? Touching the spot I walked home in a lulled and happy trance. I can’t wait for tonight its going to be awesome I though out loud.

<At home>

When I walked in the door my mother asked me 50 questions on about how my day was at my new school. In a few seconds I had managed to tell her that I was going over to a friend’s house to watch his band play and that I was leaving in 10 minutes. Quickly I ran upstairs and opened by overflowing wardrobe to pick out something that would catch gibe’s attention with out it being intentional. I finally came across a black and red mini frilly “emo/Goth” style skirt and a black singlet top that had they words “Riot” scribbled on in red font. I complete my outfit by straightening my brown hair and left it out covering my face with a fringe, and then I applied a thick layer of back mascara and eyeliner. I then put on my black chucks and grabbed my phone. Rushing out of the door I tried to find the address that Gabe had given me. Only to realise after a few seconds that it was just 1 street away. When I arrived at the house it was multi level and it had a nice garden and a fence. By the looks of it they had a dog. After knocking on the front door, it opened and I was startled by a shirtless Gabe. God damn I though. “urm hey sorry I’m late I couldn’t find your house” I said while looking at my shoes. Suddenly they had become really interesting.

{Gabe P.O.V}
I heard the door bell ring that meant that lizzAY had arrived. I ran to the door and opened it. Damn I though she looks so hot. She was wearing a short skirt and a strappy top. If she were mine id have her right here, right now. Looking at her face I realised that I had forgotten to put a top on. Suddenly I felt really embarrassed because not very many hot girls have ever seen me with out my full clothing attire on. “Urm hey sorry I’m late, I count find you’re house” she muttered whilst looking at her feet. I had to reply even though I didn’t think I could speak, “Hey no worries, the others haven’t arrived yet, come in” I said making sure to move out of the way so she could enter my house. “Come up to my room and we can hang till the others get here, sorry to make you wait” I said hoping that she wasn’t repulsed by me because I didn’t have a top on. I walked up to my room and went to my wardrobe to find a shirt.

{normal P.O.V}

He had a nice room, the walls were painted red, he had a double bed with a black cover, there was a desk with a computer on it and in the corner were a few guitars and other instruments. I noticed that Gabe had gone to find a shirt to put on. Damn I really like looking at his bare chest. I sat on his bed and decided to wait for him to return. While I was staring at his poster ridden walls I felt the bed sink beside me, so I looked over and Gabe was siting there his face was so close to mine. I was taking in his beautiful features that I didn’t even realise that he was leaning closer to me every few seconds. Our eyes met and then he closed the distance between us. I closed my eyes just as his lips touched mine. For a few seconds I stayed still and I felt him tense up and start to move away but then I started kissing back, I put my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist. We deepened the kiss quite quickly until we were eventually making out. We stoped kissing after a while to catch our breath; while we did this we rested our for-heads together. Then he attacked my lips again with so much force that he pushed me over so that I was lying on the bed, with him on top. Then I felt his smooth hand go under my top and rest on my hip while his other hand was rested on my thigh.