Status: THE END

To Speak.

Just A Little Romantic..


Zacky was bored out of his mind. His only source of entertainment at the moment was texting Indy. And that wasn't helping either. He wanted to see her, hear her laugh and talk, and have her sit on his lap so that he could nuzzle his face in her hair which he grew to love so very, very much.

Also, Indy's mother got every other Sunday off. Today she was spending time with her, so her texts would sometimes be late. It was okay, though. He understood perfectly that she deserved time with her mom. After all, to him it felt that Indy spent time with him more than her at times. She had apologized for her delayed texting many times and he had told her it was just fine the same amount of times, too. It would only be for today anyway, then he'd have her all to himself tomorrow.

Currently, his parents were out having lunch with an "important client" and he was left alone with his television and the occasional texts from Indy. The others were at home and they probably couldn't actively text until their homework was finished. Bunch of procrastinators..

His phone buzzed signalling that he had another message.

Zacky they called my mom in for an emergency.... She left a few minutes ago.. ):

Zacky knew that Indy must've felt horrible at the moment. He frowned to himself as he thought of what he could do to cheer her up. The only thing he could think of, though, was having her come over.

After a few minutes, he thought, Screw mom and dad. Indy's more important.

He replied, D=. That totally sucks. Why don't you come over and we can hang out...? My parents are out right now and if they do come back while you're here, they really won't mind.

Oh.. Okay then.. I'll be over in 10.

Zacky couldn't help but feel a bit disheartened at the unenthusiastic message but told himself to keep it together. Once Indy came over, he would do his best to have fun with her and lighten her mood.

He tried to keep himself busy. After all it was only 10 minutes right? Too bad for him he was practically itching to see her.

When Indy finally arrived, Zacky opened the door with a grin, which faltered when he saw her gloomy expression and half-hearted smile.

"Hey, Zack." she greeted softly.

He gave a slight wave and motioned her to follow him up to his room. Once there, she got in his bed and let out a long breath. That was when Zacky thought he had been a bit too inconsiderate. Maybe Indy had wanted time alone to do things that girls did when they were sad.

Which led him to thinking: What did girls do when they were upset? He was only a guy after all....

But..... Snapping out of his thoughts, he typed on his phone:

Did you not want to come over? I can drive you back home. I won't mind.

"What? No! Coming over was just what I needed.."

Sighing, she sat up and ran a hand through her hair. "I'm just.. kind of down today.."

Zacky gave her a smile and nodded. It's okay. I was just checking to see if it'll make you feel better.

"Thanks, Zacky.."

He sat down besides her and scooped her onto his lap.

Don't like it when you're sad..

Indy felt better after reading the short message and rested her head against Zacky's shoulder.

"I felt like crying today. I hate my mom's boss. She's actually a nice lady, I met her once. She's kind of old, but she's married, has 3 kids..."

As Indy rambled on and on about other topics, Zacky listened patiently, nodding every now and then to show that he was paying attention.

"...And then I saw it was full of these icky grape flavored ones and I was all whiny and throwing a bitch-fit and my mom got mad, 'cause my dad apparently thought I would really like it you know? But, me being four years old and hating grapes with a passion, couldn't help but pout and glower and I got grounded for the first time in my life."

Zacky let out a slight laugh, causing Indy to smile. She wriggled out of his grasp to lie down comfortably on the bed. Patting the space next to her, she said, "Lie down with me."

Lying down on his side, Zacky did as he was told, scooting in closer to Indy.

"I feel better already."

Good. That's exactly what I intended.

After a few minutes of silence, Indy stared at Zacky's face thoughtfully. Piercings wouldn't look so bad on him...

"You know, Zack." she started, getting closer to him.

"You should get your septum pierced," she said softly, tapping his nose, causing him to blink and making her laugh.

"..Get a lip ring here.." she touched the corner of his bottom lip.

"And another one, right here.." A gentle touch to the other corner, but this time, she didn't pull her hand away and instead let her fingers stroke his cheek.

Zacky's breath was caught in his throat. It was just like last time, when he was sick, but this time, he wasn't going to let anything interrupt this moment. If the phone rang, he wouldn't pick it up, if his parents came home, he wouldn't care.

Slowly and carefully, he brought his lips closer to Indy's. He could feel her breathing now, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous, his heart was beating rapidly in his chest and he was sure Indy could hear it, what if she really could hear it? That'd be kind of weird, it'd be kind of unhealthy, actually. He brushed his teeth this morning right? Yes, he did. What'd he have for breakfast? Just some cereal and juice. Did he have anything after that? No, he couldn't recall anything else--

His nervous thoughts came to an abrupt halt when he gently kissed Indy. He smiled when he felt her hands in his hair and let his own hands roam freely, and, now feeling more confident, moved so that he was on top of her and deepened the kiss. When he felt Indy part her mouth slightly, he almost fucking exploded into a million pieces, but managed to keep it together so that he could continue to kiss her. He let his tongue explore her mouth and, shit, it was getting pretty hot in the room and fuck, Indy tasted great.

Eventually, they pulled away for air after several more heated moments.

Indy was in a daze. That was her first kiss, and what a kiss! Her wits were scattered about her and she didn't even bother trying to collect herself. She knew it was useless. Instead, she contented herself with staring into Zacky's lovely eyes, and when she caught her breathe, she said so coyly, so softly, it made Zacky shudder, "Another one?"

Zacky was still on top of her, mind you, and wasted no time in complying to what she had asked. This time, he gave her a loving peck on the lips and let himself smother her in gentle, butterfly kisses all over her face and neck. He had been dying to do this for a while now and he certainly wasn't going to stop anytime soon, oh no he wasn't.

Indy always wondered what her first kiss would be like. And you know what? This was pretty damn close to what she had in mind. Prince charming? Check. Gentle and loving? Check. Environment? Well.. Zacky's room was far from the beach, but, hey, they were in California! She'd just have to check that off as well.

Enough checking, though, she thought. She had probably the sweetest guy in the whole world trailing kisses down her neck and collarbone, hands in places she never thought she would let a guy touch so quickly in a relationship before, well she's known Zacky for quite some time now, but, whatever, pleasuring her and making her whimper and moan softly. She never knew Zacky could be so... dominant.

She liked it... It was quite a.. turn-on.

As much as she hated herself for it, she had to whisper, "Zacky.. Stop.."

Zacky looked up confusedly at her, worried, but those vanished when she said, "I think I heard your parents."

He nodded and got off of her, and helped her up. They probably wouldn't check up on him but he decided to play it safe. He watched Indy, amused, as she tried to fix her hair in his mirror, then frowned when he realized his hair was probably messy, too.

Move over.

Indy giggled and moved to the side so that Zacky could use the mirror with her. She found a comb and combed her hair before helping Zacky with his own hair.

Just as Indy finished with Zack's hair, his parents knocked on the door.

When Zacky opened it, his mother was there, suitcase in hand.

"Zachary, we-- Oh.. You're Indy, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. Nice to see you again, Mrs. Baker."

"It's nice to see you, too. Well, I'm just here to say we have to leave earlier than we planned.. Our flight's in a few hours but we need to check in and everything.."

Zacky was bemused. His parents usually didn't bother saying goodbye. They just left. But all he did was nod and wave in goodbye. It was pretty awkward until they finally left..

"So," Indy said, getting closer to him and wrapping her arms around his neck. "Where were we?"


Later that day, the two went to Indy's house, hands laced together. They had been snuggling together, stealing kisses every now and then until Brian had called and told them, asking if they wanted to go to the mall. They were going to Indy's because she felt like changing.

While Indy was looking through her closet, Zacky couldn't help but think, What are we now?

Had he been too touchy earlier? He basically molested her, his hands were under her shirt and he was close to undressing her, too, and although she didn't seem to dislike it, he was still doubting himself. Like he always did.

He contemplated on whether or not he should ask her to be his girlfriend and was on the brink of just forgetting the idea when he spotted the teddy bear he had given to her all those weeks ago.

Indy was now in her bathroom and Zacky impulsively wrote a note and slipped it into the bear's pocket and stared at it for a long while until she had finished changing.

"Oh, were you talking with James?"

Zacky grinned at her childishness and nodded, but then felt nervous again as she took the bear and sat down on his lap. Indy kissed his cheek and nuzzled her face into his neck. When she looked down at James, she saw the white note sticking out of the red pocket.

"What's this?" she murmured.

Please be mine? I'll love you forever <3 -Zacky

"Oh, Zacky!" she exclaimed, flinging her arms around him. "Of course! How could I say no? This is so sweet! Oh my gosh, I can't believe it, I've been wanting this forever now--"

Zacky's ears perked up. I've been wanting this forever now. He smiled at her and kissed her before she pulled away saying, "We need to tell the others! Let's go!"

Indy flew down the stairs and opened the door when she realized Zacky wasn't with her. She ran back up to see him setting James down where he originally was, in the corner of her bed.

"Come on, hurry!"

She grabbed his hand and they quickly went to the mall. When they were at the food court, everyone else was already there.


"Together now? It's about time." Brian interrupted Indy, causing her to huff at him.

"Well thanks for ruining my moment."

"Brian, that was rude." Michelle scolded him.

Brian laughed and said, "Sorry about that. But congratulations. You two really are perfect for each other."

The others took turns congratulating them and joking around about how long Zacky took to grow a pair to finally ask her out. Zacky didn't really appreciate that, but got over it.

They hung out until eight, which was when their mothers called seeing it was a school night for the others. Indy and Zacky spent a bit more time together before he dropped her off home.

Zacky was caught off guard when Indy jumped on him with a kiss. He stumbled but managed not to fall and kissed her back. He had been craving this and he was finally getting it. It seemed too good to be true.

When they pulled away, Indy gave him a soft peck before saying, "I loved today, Zacky."

He nodded in agreement and she said, "Will you come by tomorrow?" To which he nodded again.

"Okay then. Night, Zacky! Thanks for dropping me home."

With a final kiss, she went inside and Zacky was on his way back to his house, feeling exceptionally good about himself. Kissing Indy was probably one of the boldest things he's done in his life, and that's saying something.

When he went home, he took a shower and went straight to bed, eager for the next day to come so that he could see his girlfriend again tomorrow.

He really couldn't wait..


Indy's mother was at home and when Indy told her the news of today, she was more than supportive of her daughter.

"That's great dear! I'm sure he'll be wonderful to you."

"He already is, mom!"

Ms. Evans laughed and nodded. They talked for a few more minutes before Indy decided to wash up and head to bed.

"Night, mom. See you tomorrow."

"Good night, Indy."

After Indy had taken a quick shower, she dried her hair with a blow dryer and and lied down on her bed, squeezing James with all her might. She heard something crumple and looked in his pocket.

Indy then realized why Zacky was being so slow earlier. He had slipped in another note.

I love you (:
♠ ♠ ♠
whew... I kind of like this one.. Sorry if there are typoes, I totally didn't feel like proofreading.


isobelrose12 (Thanks for being so enthusiastic LOL. I hope you got the email for this one! And that last part about your dad made me laugh!)
Devi_V (Aha.. So no more bottled up feelings. What did you think this time? LOL)
Ultraviolet Light (Whoo hoo! New commenter! *love* Thank you!!)
VengeanceXX6661XX (That will be revealed later!!! It's still a mystery........)
Strange Lifestyles (I so totally kicked writer's block's ass. I was on a roll while writing this. I owe you one.)
Norah Lullabye (Yeah.. she should bring it up huh... But.. That's later. Right now, she's too happy being his girlfriend.)
The Suffering (You know, I really love your comments. It's like you actually contemplate and think deeply before commenting, even if you don't. I feel special.)
colours of fail. (Dude. Fucking. Awesome. Signature. I was like O_O ARE MY EYES BETRAYING ME?!)
leila. (Here's the kiss. Hope you liked it. I kind of did....But what seemed weird..?)
piihuu (Another new person! Yay! Thanks a lot, it means a lot! ><)

*You guys like what I did with your usernames? I underlined them and shit.

Waffles for everyone, just 'cause I'm eating them right now. We ran out of syrup though, sorry. But it's chocolate chip so that should make up for it.

Jacoby Shaddix = SEX.

This story now has ten stars!! Thank you and you and you and you and you and you and EVERY FUCKING ONE OF YOU!!!!!!!

Well what do you know? My tenth chapter gave me my tenth star!!!

One more thing: I'm thinking of starting a new story. With vampires. Just for shits and giggles. I'm thinking Brian, the silent mysterious one, hates a girl then falls in love with her. What do you guys think? I'm also thinking that this should be a joint story. Any volunteers..? Message me, instead of commenting please..