Status: THE END

To Speak.

Amber Wants To Intrude & Indy Hates Math

That little bitch...

Amber was seething in rage the day school started. It infuriated her seeing Zacky and that annoying, bratty, worthless slut clinging onto him the whole day.

"Who the fuck does she think she is?!" she muttered angrily to herself, driving back to her house.

Once she was home, she didn't even bother saying a hello to her parents and went straight to her room, angrily searching through her closet before she found what she was looking for.

There we go..

It was a box from her ninth grade year. It was filled with little love notes and pictures of her... and Zacky.

Now to pick out the one that'll go in Indy's locker tomorrow.

Zacky being such a sweetheart and softie made this all the more easier for her. He loved taking pictures and insisted on being close to her in almost every single one of them.

This was exactly what I was looking for.

She smirked to herself and placed the picture in her folder, deciding to get to school early tomorrow to surprise Indy.

You won't even know what hit you.


The next day at school, Zacky and Indy were at Indy's locker, they had just got to school, when she opened it and something fell out.

"What's this?"

Indy picked it up and frowned when she saw what it was. It was a picture of Amber and Zacky, they both looked absolutely happy together in it, with Zacky kissing her cheek and Amber laughing, arms around his neck.

Zacky's eyes widened as he snatched the photograph from Indy, tearing it up into pieces, throwing it away. He should have expected this. It was only inevitable. He couldn't let it get to him. Amber would do even more things to tear him and Indy apart and he wasn't having it.

Turning away from the trashcan, Zacky looked back to Indy to see her lost in thought as she gathered the rest of her books and closed the locker. He inwardly groaned and walked towards her, gently taking her hand and smiling at her.

"I don't like her."

Zacky nodded in agreement and kissed her cheek before leading her towards English class where Amber was seated behind where they usually sat. They were a tad late so couldn't really sit anywhere else and was forced to sit in front of her. Zacky knew Indy wasn't in the best of moods right now and decided it would be up to him to show Amber that the two of them wouldn't care what she tried to pull off and that whatever she did would never work.

For English, since they had a pop quiz, there wasn't much going on. Zacky hoped it would be the same for Math.

Like always, he had moved his chair to help Indy out. But today, Amber decided to tell the teacher that she honestly couldn't understand anything and that she'd love it for Zacky to help her. And since Zacky was always with Indy, the teacher consented and Indy was left alone.

What the hell are you trying to do? Zacky wrote, glaring at Amber when he had reached her seat.

"Just wanted to be with you, Zacky." she said softly and sweetly, making Zacky internally gag.

Whatever. Let's just get this over with.

He glanced over at Indy throughout the whole class and couldn't help but frown as she was obviously having a hard time with the lesson. She asked the teacher for help many times but he didn't seem to help much either..

Zacky knew how frustrated Indy could get in Math and noticed she was on the brink of giving up. However, as soon as class ended, he got up and helped her pack up as soon as he finished getting ready himself.

"I hate math." Indy muttered.

Zacky gave her a small smile and kiss to the cheek and took her hand, leaving the classroom. At least after this, he'd have no more classes with Amber. He was very annoyed at this point and wanted nothing but to get the hell out of school and go home.

This is great....


Needless to say, school was pure torment for Indy for the rest of the week. Zacky noticed, but there wasn't much he could do to comfort her except kiss her and write her little notes and hold her close to him. And it did help, for the moment only. When Amber was around, she would get angry and moody.

It was Friday afternoon and Zacky was to go over to Indy's house to help her with math. Again.

"Do we have to do math? Can't we watch TV or something?" Indy asked as they were walking.

I do happen to care about your grades, you know. If your math great drops, you get grounded, and I can't see you outside of school.

"You're no fun."

Zacky playfully rolled his eyes as he fished Indy's house keys from her pocket to unlock the door.

"You've got quite the nerve digging through my pocket like that, sir."

Oh, hush. You didn't mind.

They went up to her room and Indy brought out a small table for the two of them to work on the floor. She sighed as she took out her math book and slammed it on the surface, making Zacky jump.

She giggled and said, "Sorry."

The first few problems went by smoothly. But as time went by, she became more and more frustrated as she kept on messing up. Eventually, she gave up and Zacky had to beg her to keep trying.

"No, I can't do it."

Please? Just one more time. I know you can get it.

"You said that the last five times! I'm horrible at math and there's nothing you or anyone could do about it!"

You just need to keep practicing and you'll eventually get it.

"No, because I'm stupid."

Now you're being childish.

Indy huffed and crossed her arms, refusing to do her work. She's had a particularly bad day and doing math right after coming home wasn't help. At all.

Indy Evans, you finish your math homework right now or else.

"Or else what Zacky? You'll stop kissing me?"

Actually, yeah.

"Zacky!" Indy whined, "That's not fair! Amber's a bitch and I'm in a bad mood and I hate math!"

Zacky smiled at her and sighed, nodding. Let's take a break then. We'll rest for half and hour and then we'll start again, sound good?

"Fine then..."

Zacky led them down to the living room so that they could watch some TV. Indy sat on his lap and tried to kiss his cheek, but he moved away smirking.

No kisses remember?



Friday ended with Zacky sleeping over, since Indy stubbornly complained and griped throughout the whole math session, thus not finishing it. She only had a few problems left, but Zacky decided that she had had a bad enough day and to let her rest for tonight.

"I hate math.." Indy mumbled for, like, the billionth time that day.

Zacky, who had just gotten into bed, just pulled her closer to him and kissed the top of her head.

Yawning, she continued, "But it's not that bad since you're helping me. I think I can survive tomorrow. It's Saturday after all. Can we go to the beach afterwards? With the others?"

Indy got a smile and nod in response with a sweet kiss to her lips. She squirmed around for a bit before getting comfortable by pressing her back against Zacky's chest. She felt him nuzzle his face in her hair and giggled. "Night, Zacky."


"Alright the beach!!"

After Indy had finished math, they stopped by Zacky's house so that he could change, called the others, and were now at the beach. They were now swimming in the water and honestly? Zacky couldn't keep his eyes off of Indy. She was a gorgeous little thing and he couldn't help but swim over to her just to give her a kiss.

He liked the feeling of her bare skin against his when she went on his back, ordering him to swim around. It was a good thing the water was pretty cold today.. 'Cause.. You know..

Soon enough, Indy was with the girls as they gossiped amongst themselves, having their own girl time.

He was thinking about her, not really doing anything until a splash brought him out of his thoughts.

"Stop staring at lover girl and let's get outta here. Matt brought a foot ball with him."

Zacky glared at Brian but followed him anyway. Was his staring really that obvious?

Apparently, it was as Jimmy and Johnny kept on making fun of him for it.

"Zack's in LOVE!"

He growled to himself and threw the football as hard as he could to Jimmy, who caught it with a slight 'oof.'

"Woah, man. Don't tease Zacky about Indy. He'll beat you to a pulp."

"There's Zacky and Indy and Johnny and Jimmy and Addy and Pressy and Addy and--"

"Dude, you said 'Addy' twice." Matt laughed.

Jimmy froze and said, "So what if I did? I couldn't think of anything else."


"Yes. Really."

"Well.. To me, it seems as if you have a thing for Miss Addison."

"And you seem to have a 'thing' for Val!"

"I'm dating her, dumbass."

"Yeah, and Zacky's dating Indy."

"He is dating Indy. Jimmy, where the fuck are you going with this? Just admit you like her."


The others laughed out loud at that and continued to toss the football around. They soon got thirsty and joined the girls sitting down in a shady area. Zacky sat down and Indy crawled over to where he was at to sit in between his legs, leaning back against his chest. She handed him a water which he took with a smile.

"So what were you ladies talking about? Me, I'm presuming?" Brian said, sitting down next to Michelle and then setting her on his lap.

"Yes, Brian." Michelle said rolling her eyes. "We were talking about your amazing body and charm."

"Oh," he replied with a wave of his hand. "Carry on, don't mind me."

"God, you're conceited."

"My name is Brian, but God will do, too."

"Brian just shut up."

As they talked, Zacky laced his fingers with Indy's and gently rubbed his thumb over the top of her hand. She turned so that she was still in between his legs, but was leaning against him with her right shoulder.

"Well aren't you two just adorable?" Michelle cooed, absentmindedly tightening her arms around Brian, choking him. Zacky bit his tongue while Indy laughed quietly.

"I.. Babe.. Come on.."

"Hm? Oh! Sorry, BriBear!"

"BriBear?" Matt said, snickering.

"...Shut up-- Michelle you said you wouldn't tell the others!!"

Everyone laughed while Michelle apologized in between fits of giggles. Indy even heard Zacky chuckle quietly to himself and couldn't help but smile.

They all went home sometime in the early evening with Zacky dropping Indy off of at her house.

"Today was fun, wasn't it?" she asked as they reached her doorstep. He nodded in agreement.

"So.. see you tomorrow?"


"Alright, then! Night, Zacky. Thanks for dropping me off."

With a hug and short kiss to the lips, Indy went inside and Zacky went on his way home. He liked the way his relationship was going. Kissing Indy was certainly a treat for him and he decided he had waited long enough. It was wonderful being her boyfriend.

As he entered his house, he quickly took a shower and towel dried his hair. He was pretty tired from today's events and wanted to get to sleep as quickly as possible.

His last thoughts, right before he drifted off, were about his friends, his life, and Indy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Crap, crap, crap. I fucking hate that last line. Hate it so much I swore in the author's note. It's late, my whole family's being a bitch, and I'm as pissed as hell. I am on the brink of crying in frustration because MY FAMILY IS SO ANNOYING. WHY THE FUCK CAN'T THEY LEAVE ME ALONE???

Filler chapter, short chapter, bad chapter, bad ending, I'm sorry. It's okay, though. You know why? Because there's a new story in town!!!

Indy and Zacky's personality from this story will be in that one!! Exciting, eh? It's like a crossover, the two stories have no connection whatsoever.

This is a joint story with colours of fail. She's AWESOME at writing and she's super funny. Check it out, okay? The introduction is nice and long so you get the gist of things and I really hope you guys like it! The first chapter is written by colours of fail. and is short, but the rest of the chapters will be longer, okay?
It's called Change or Die.
It has vampires! And Synyster Gates portrayed as an asshole! He falls in love, though!

Haha, okay, on to thank you's:

Alex1309 (Congratulations. You broke a record. Most non-consecutive comments. Props to you!)
The Magician (Don't die! There's more to read!!)
Norah Lullabye (I'm glad you liked the waffles and chapter. I worked hard. On Both of them.)
VengeanceXX6661XX (Oh em gee! It was my favorite chapter, too! And I'm getting the hang of typing your username!)
Beezy. (Yay for new reader/commenter! Thank you a lot!)
Strange Lifestyles (He'll talk... Just not yet.. Amber needs to bitch first. Sorry.)
forever_free (Favorite comment of the chapter. "Bad Mr. Vengeance" is a very good phrase. I may use it in the future.)
If You Only Knew... (I hope he talks to her, too! Not yet, though. LOL)
leila. (You were absolutely right! Chapter 9 WAS rushed! And you knows what? So was this chapter, but only 'cause it's a filler. Check out my new story eh? I'll love you like a fat man loves his cake.)
Ultraviolet Light (Cheshire cat is kind of weird. It's okay, though. I like that you liked it 'cause I liked it, too!)
isobelrose12 (New story... *wink* and OF COURSE I'll keep up with this one! I have the next two chapters planned out smoooooth. Okay, I lied. The next one might be another filler... But after that it'll be awesome. Promise.)
colours of fail. (I've nothing to say. I've said it all on MSN. But you know what? Thanks a lot for commenting on other stories, too. HAH. You rule.)
The Suffering (Zacky always doubts himself, though. ): He's gonna do it a lot more, too.. And Amber is angry! Very angry!)

Thank you all so very much. I'd give you icecream, but I've eaten it all. I'd give you tacos, but I ate those, too.