Status: THE END

To Speak.


So sorry, I totally lost track of the seasons and stuff like that o_O I have no clue if it should be summer by now or not -____- But WHATEVER. It's ALTERNATE UNIVERSE.


It was hot. Really hot.

Zacky could not sleep due to the temperature. It was driving him nuts. Summer was coming, which meant his junior year was coming to an end, but then there was that unbearable heat. He needed to get that aircon fixed soon, and fast.

Summer wasn't all that bad. He could go to the beach during the day with his friends and maybe play some shows at night. No school, no homework, no studying, and most importantly to him, no more of his classmates for three months. Yay.

The whole ordeal at school was long forgotten the next day. There were a couple of people who had approached him, but they chickened out of asking him to talk after a few seconds of his blank, apathetic stare.

He was thisclose to shutting himself back up, but fought against it, because of Indy. He certainly felt like a fool after his breakdown and wanted crawl in a hole and become a hermit or something but realized.. That that wouldn't be a good idea.

Sighing, Zacky sat up and decided to sleep on the couch for tonight. It was cooler outside and his parents were gone. So he grabbed his blanket and pillow and made his way downstairs to situate himself on his couch and slowly fall back asleep.


Indy hated Wednesdays.

Mondays were bad, but Wednesdays were horrible. It was the middle of the week. The point where you're tired and just want the weekend to hurry and arrive. To her, everyone was tired on Wednesdays. Wednesdays were the days her mother worked the longest, too. See? Just another reason to add to her list of why she disliked Wednesdays.

Rubbing her eyes, she decided to go outside to wait for Zacky. She locked her front door and sat down on the steps and yawned. Today was going to be a long day.

When Zacky came into view, her somewhat bad mood seem to disappear as she smiled and got up, running towards him and launching herself into his arms. "Hi, Zacky!"

Zacky gave her a kiss and let her bury her face in his chest before saying, "Good morning."

Indy looked up and smiled but then frowned and pulled away when she saw how tired Zacky looked. "Wow, Zack. Did you sleep at all last night?"

"Y-yeah.. Kind of.. N-not really.."

"What? Why?"

"It was t-too hot. Damn aircon w-wouldn't work. And guess what? It worked p-perfectly well this morning!"

Indy couldn't help but laugh. "Aw, sorry about that Zacky. At least you don't have to call in a repairman and have a stranger in your house for a couple of hours."

"I-I guess so.."

"I'd give you a piggy back ride, but I think you'd squish me." she giggled as they started to walk to school.

Zacky frowned and stopped. "Th-that was so uncalled for, Indy. I'm hurt."

Indy laughed and pulled on Zacky's arm to get him to start walking again. "I'm sorry, Zacky. Forgive me please?"

"I don't know..." he trailed off.


Zacky looked at Indy's smiling face and happy eyes and could not pretend to be angry any longer. He grinned and kissed her. "All forgiven."


"Can I sleep over your house this Sunday? Since Monday's a holiday? My mom has work late this weekend and she already said yes.." Indy said, while they were eating lunch. Well, Zacky, being a guy, had finished his long ago, and was patiently waiting for Indy to finish her sandwich.

"I'll sleep over at y-your house in-instead." he replied. "S-so your mom doesn't have to c-come home to an empty house."

"You're so thoughtful, Zacky!" Indy said, sipping her water. "Mom will be glad to hear that."

Indy finished her lunch and the two of them went back inside. Usually, they would stay outside until break was over, but it was just getting too hot. About fifteen minutes were left, so the two of them just decided to go to their next class.

Class soon started and the teacher came in. Indy usually did not have much of a problem with her grades in history, but had a hard time paying attention today. Maybe it was because it was a Wednesday.. She gave up trying to listen altogether and focused her attention on Zacky who was busy scribbling down notes. Why he bothered, she never knew. He never ended up using his notes and borrowed hers instead, but claimed that writing things down helped him 'retain important information.' Yeah. Right.

He was cute, though, she'd have to admit that much at least.

"....Miss Evans?"

"Hm? What?" she said.

"Answer the question, Indy." the teacher said. "Or were you not paying attention? Stand up, please."


The history teacher, Mrs. Reinholds was notorious for giving out detentions to students who dozed off in class. Too bad for Indy, she did not hear a single word of the question nor did she know anything about today's topic, except that it was about the Cold War.

She felt a light tap on her hand and looked down to see that Zacky had highlighted the answer on his messy, but still legible, notes.

The Truman Doctrine

Indy answered with what she read, giving the teacher a smug look when she was told she was correct.

She sat back down, shooting Zacky a grateful smile, getting a grin in return.

Alright. So his notes weren't so useless after all.


Zacky and Indy stayed back that day to complete a lab. They had finished a few minutes ago and had just exited the school. There were a few other students still there, who, like the two of them, had some school work to makeup, or snuck out of detention.

When Zacky saw Amber approaching them, he knew something big would happen. He was anticipating bad events.

"You two look so happy together." Amber commented, though it was apparent she was only talking to Zacky. Indy rolled her eyes, while Zacky raised an eyebrow.

"But, Zacky, I miss you a lot." she continued, with a sickeningly sick tone. It made Indy inwardly gag.

"Don't you miss the way we were? We were so.. in love."

Suddenly, a thought struck Indy just then.

Why am I such a pushover?

Indy decided that had had enough with Amber. She felt the anger bubbling inside of her, increasing and getting bigger and bigger by the second. She was annoyed, irritated, mad, and bothered by her very presence. How could one person be so troublesome? Was she born to make other people's lives miserable? Did she honestly have nothing better to do than pester others around her?

She decided then and there that enough was enough. It was time to put Ms. Bitchface in her place.

"Tell Indy to leave, Zack." Amber whined, getting Indy more and more irritated.


It would be an understatement to say that everyone who had witnessed what had just happened, most certainly including Zacky, was shocked.

Indy had slapped Amber across the face, resulting in that loud, satisfying noise from just seconds before.

"I've been so nice to you all this time, you know." she said. "And I'm running out of patience, but I'll say this one last time: Stay the fuck out of my life and away from Zacky. You're just a desperate attention whore. You were such a slut, you know, cheating on Zacky for six months two years ago. Yet you still believe he'll ever want something like you again. Amazing, really."

Collective gasps were heard around them. Some girls were in envy that Amber had gone out with Zacky. Some scoffed and rolled their eyes. Both reactions really ticked Indy off, but she continued. "I'm so surprised a two faced lying bitch like you has friends. You probably talk about them behind their backs all the time. It's about time you realize that you don't have any real friends. No one here would here would risk their own neck to help you in any situation."

Amber tried to talk, but Indy cut her off. "Please. I honestly don't care about what you have to say, so if I were you, I'd save my breath and just go back home or something. And next time, don't even think about coming near us again."

Indy smirked and turned to Zacky who also had a smile and amused look on his face. The two of them left the school grounds and went back home, leaving a stunned audience, a humiliated Amber, and some of her so called friends whispering to each other. Not a single person wanted to help her out and she was left there, staring at the spot occupied by Indy moments before in a daze. No one had ever mouthed off to her like that, and she was in complete, utter, shock. It was safe to say that she wouldn't be bothering anyone else for a while.

That felt good. Indy thought as they continued their walk.

"You're amazing." Zacky said, breaking the silence.

"I am, aren't I?" Indy replied, looking at him, giggling when he kissed her on the nose.

Wednesdays weren't so bad after all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Blahh I promised Darren Cordeux a long chapter and shit ): I'm such a liar T_T P.S. My birthday is in May, but due to exams and SAT's, I had the party in June. lol.

Good news: It is now summer break. Hell yes. More time to update. Kind of. Typical Asian family: Load up on the tutoring during break. XD Yes, I feel extremely lame.

Bad news: Writer's block is getting more frequent, as most of you can tell by my lack of updates. I don't know what to do.. ):

But.. Here you go? I dunno =/

Thanks for sticking around:

Saruh I know I didn't exactly release this next chapter 'soon' and I'm so sorry! T_T But thank you for the comment :) I will give you cake.

The Suffering Now, I honestly love love love your comments. They're not like 'hey good chapter' and stuff. THEY'RE SO SINCERE. So: Thank you, thank you, thank you (^_^). You get cake, too!

LeahGaskarth Hehe thank you! And yeah, I know Zacky's a cutie lol. Thanks for the energetic (Well, it sounded energetic to me) comment :D

Norah Lullabye You are another person's comments that I love to read and reread when I'm in need for inspiration. YAY YOU. Thanks A LOT.

Lefty. You do? ): I'm sorry >< By the way, are you left handed? I'm left handed.. Just thought I'd share that with you..

Darren Cordeux And you're another person who's comments I adore! Thank you a lot :D Lots of love yay and cake.

ambeymaree OHMAIGAWD. Sorry about that T_T. Amber is a bitch, but you're not! You're insanely cool for commenting even though the evil antagonist of my story has the same name as you. HAVE SOME CAKE AS A REWARD.

Ashley the Twisted Yeah.. I would want to jump in and punch them all, too. XD.

Ultraviolet Light Hey, Zacky felt bad in the previous chapter, but I'm sure he's feeling really good right now. And sorry for the scarce updates ): I'm trying though ><

isobelrose12 LOL! Yes! This Zacky is based on Zacky Vengeance. Sorry about that. And I would want to write 1000000 more, but I think the story would end before I reach that chapter.....

MsSynnieVengeance Thank you, thank you very much. I had other suggestions for story titles but I'm still working on it. Thanks again, though. ((:

DOtheDEW You, me, Zacky, 'Coby, some rope and a bed. Hell yes. ;) LMFAO THAT SOUNDED SO CREEPY.

Wolfie The Fox Yeah! Jacoby and Brian do look so alike! But only when 'Coby doesn't shave for a while and Bri's hair is a bit longer.. But still. They're both really pretty, though, amiright?

VengeanceXX6661X Yeah, I've decided to just copy and paste your username now. It makes things a lot more easier for me. LOL. And thanks for the comment, you deserve.......... CAKE.

Death_to_Roses Yay! I like you, too!

stayhereLATE Aw, yay for new readers. Thank you so much. Have some cake!!


Let's kidnap 'Coby and Zacky together.