Status: THE END

To Speak.

Here You Go

-Huge time lapse 'cause I suck!-

Summer Break

Summer was Indy's favorite season. It wasn't cold, it was sunny, there was no school, she could sleep in, and a million other things. Her junior year with Zacky, and her first year in California, had ended quite well. Amber did try to interfere once, but after another scolding from Indy, she finally stopped altogether. And she was transferring to another school for senior year. Yay.

Also, Zacky's stutter was barely noticeable now. He was a lot more confident both on and off stage, although he still had an air of shyness around him. And he was still boyish, too. He was the same quiet, down to earth, laid back Zacky, but had nothing to be self conscious about anymore and his mysterious demeanor was changed to a cheerful, happy one.

A lot had happened this year. He had changed in a way he never thought was possible in a million years. When his parents heard him talk, after years and years of silence, something inside them.. altered. In a good way. They were supportive of him now. They spent time together now. His parents did everything they could to make their business trips shorter and less frequent. It really was making a difference. It was still a tad awkward, but everyone was happy.

As with Indy, her mother got a better job with better hours and pay. She got off of work by nine, and had Sundays off. It was great.

Zacky wanted to take Indy out tonight. They were at the beach for an evening walk after dinner at her house with her mother.

Hands laced together, the two strolled down the coastline, enjoying the peace and comfort.

"Can you believe next year is our senior year?" Indy said quietly.

Zacky smiled. "It seems like a lot to take in, huh?"

Indy nodded. "You're gonna get famous, Zacky. And go on tour."

"And you are going to open up your own clothing line."

"I wish."

"It'll happen."

They stopped walking to sit down and talk. Indy kissed Zacky before settling down in between his legs and smiled when she felt his arms wrap around her. Like they always did when they sat together like this. She thought about how things might change in the future. How, if they got separated, different things would be. She didn't like thought. Not one bit. And she was showing it, too, although she didn't know it.

"What's bothering you, Indy?" Zacky whispered in her ear.

"Well.. It's just.."

"Just what? You know you can tell me."

"Well, it's not going to happen soon or anything but.."

"Indy, you're stalling."

"Okay, okay." she muttered. Sighing, she said, "I'm afraid of what'll happen to us after we graduate. I mean, you're probably gonna go on tour, I'm going to college. Then what? What if I never see you again? What if we both end up meeting someone else, because I really, really don't want that. Or what if we lose contact with each other altogether? That would really suck. And, you know.."

Before going on, Indy turned to her side to bury her face in his neck and wrap her arms around him. "I get scared when I think of us getting separated for whatever reason.." she sniffed as a few tears escaped her eyes and held on to Zacky tighter. "It scares me so bad. I don't wanna be alone."

This whole thing caught Zacky off guard. He thought she would have been worried about how difficult senior year would be, or something like that. In his world, he and Indy were supposed to stay together forever even during college and touring. They were supposed to live together, get married, have some kids, grow old together, and die happy. Thinking about it now, he had never thought about having any problems at all. But how could there not be any problems?

"I-Indy.. D-don't.. I.."

Zacky stopped himself to take a few deep breaths and closed his eyes for a few seconds.

Calm down. No need to lose your nerve.

You love each other, even though you were too chicken too admit it yet. Whatever. You're not going to let anything get in between the two of you. You're both going to make it work. Together, right?


With new found confidence from his brief chat with himself, Zacky told her, "You don't have to worry about a thing, Indy."

"How are you so sure of everything?" she asked back, voice muffled.

Iloveyou, Iloveyou, Iloveyou, Iloveyou- TELL HER DAMMIT.

"Just trust me." he blurted out.

Great job. Wuss.

Sighing, Zacky tried again.

"What we have.. it's really special, Indy. It's going to take more than college and touring to break us up. I don't want you worrying about it-- and don't be scared of anything. Because whatever happens.. Whatever happens, I'll always be with you."

Zacky shifted so that Indy could face him and kissed her softly. "I'm going to be honest, Indy. I hate thinking about what might go wrong. And I get scared, too. I mean, who knows what's going to happen? But, you know, all I do is think about you and I know things are going to be okay.."

Since she still hadn't said anything, Zacky asked, "What do you think of when you're in a bad mood?"

"You." she answered immediately in a small voice.

Zacky laughed out loud and replied, "Well first, I'm very happy to hear that. Second, you should totally continue doing that since Dr. Zacky himself recommends it."

Indy let out a giggle and said, "If Dr. Zacky said so, it must really work. Who is he again?"

"Well," he answered. "He happens to be a very handsome young man who has mad skills on the guitar. He also happens to have a really big crush on his patient."

"What's the patient like?"

Zacky smiled as he saw this coming. "She's the most amazing girl in the world who can put a smile on anyone's face. She's so beautiful and breathtaking that every time I see her, I swear I'm falling for her all over again. She's helped me in so many ways and I plan on making it up to her, although I don't know how, and she's perfect in every way.. And most importantly.."

He stopped, looking at Indy in the eyes. She said, kind of impatiently, "Well go on."

Zacky let out a small laugh and breathed out, "And most importantly... she's my first love."

Before Indy could respond, he kissed her gently and lovingly. As soon as he pulled away, he whispered, "I love you, Indy."

Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod.

Indy was at a loss for words. Her minds was racing and she was still processing what was going on. When Zacky smiled at her and kissed her again on the cheek, she snapped out of it and the events that had just occurred hit her like at full force.

It was a nice feeling, though.

Finally realizing what was going on, Indy grinned, then kissed Zacky, only to pull away a second later to say, "I forgot to say it back! I love you, love you, love you, love you, Zacky! And you've made me the happiest girl ever right now and, and I really, really don't know what to say so I think I'll just kiss you."

"Sounds like a good idea--"

Zacky barely managed to finished his sentence before he felt a pair of soft lips against his own. He eagerly kissed back and so began their little moment. It lasted for pretty long.


"You know, Zacky, you are quite the sweet talker." Indy whispered in the dark. She decided to sleep over his house for that night.

"Trust me." he said. "I would have made a stuttering fool out of myself if it was with any other girl."

"I guess I'm just that special, huh?"

"You're very special, Indy."

"I'm glad. I hope you know that you've really made a lot of my worries go away today. Thank you, Zacky."

This was what Zacky had always wanted to do. Comfort Indy when she needed him instead of the other way around. He had always depended on her so much for support, and knowing that he could be there for her meant the world to him.

He would be making sure he'd continue on that, too.

"You know I'd do anything." he whispered back. "I love you."

"Love you, too." Indy said, drowsiness now evident in her voice.

"Sleep tight, Indy." Zacky said softly, kissing her on top of her head.

"G'night, Zacky."
♠ ♠ ♠
Some soul-to-soul.
What a short chapter! :O
Uh. I wish I could promise a sooner update.
I must admit, I'm losing all ideas XP Must be all the Gaia stuff I'm doing. It's so hard trying to find a decent rp there -_- And yes, Gaia is a big reason why I haven't been udpating.
When I am not at tutor or watching a movie with friends or playing clarinet or watching Criminal Minds, I am on Gaia. Either that or I'm sleeping. Probably sleeping.

As I type this, Korea is challenging Uruguay in the World Cup. GO RED DEVILS!!
대~한민국!!! (It would totally suck if we lost, 'cause I just posted this for a hundred or so people to see.)

So yeah, everyone here's pretty into the World Cup- GOAL!!! THAT'S 1-1 BITCHES!! HELL TO THE YES!!! FUCK YEAH.

I was thinking about how cliche' this story was. I mean, they're like in high school and they're admitting their love. :P

All you need is love:

Darren Cordeux LOL. The end is coming! :O I have NO CLUE how it'll end. But it'll be happy. Promise. Thank you for your comment!! :D

Ultraviolet Light Yeah. It just came to me since I had no other ideas at all. And I guess it was pretty overdue, too.

The Suffering Aww thanks, man. I'm sure everyone would have loved to see that slap in real life :P I sure would have XD

Jaquie! Thank you! And it may not follow other stories, but it has the same cliche's and sappy lines (: I'm a sucker for those.

Norah Lullabye Oh, really? I didn't think the outburst was strong enough but I haven't posted in forever so I just submitted it. And thanks for the comment!

VengeanceXX6661X YES. That bitch skank will finally be gone. >:D

LeahGaskarth Thank you! Glad you liked it (:


Razzel Dazzel :D Thank you! And I hate Amber, too. Good thing she's gone now.

Devi_V Eh. It was after school :P The thought never crossed my mind. And HELLO? He's not turned on by her as she is already. No need for more temptations.


Saruh HAHA thanks! No more Amber. For good. Promise.

Just Breathe They ARE a perfect couple! And thank you for your lovely comment :D

That damn ref is pissing me off.

DotheDEW Oh, how foolish of me! Here is your cake. Take your pick :P And I've decided not to reply with anything dirty. Your mind has had enough!

Ashley the Twisted LOL! I'm glad it made your day. And thank you for commenting!

Uh.. I forgot what I was gonna say

It was probably something bad about the refs. If we don't win. I REFUSE TO POST ANYMORE CHAPTERS.

Just kidding. I like watching baseball better than soccer anyway. Since we kick ass at baseball :P