Status: THE END

To Speak.

Fun In The Sun

Indy decided to wear her favorite favorite black bikini, that had mini skulls on it, under some board shirts and a shirt. Since she had no cooking ability whatsoever, she was in charge of drinks. Although the boys did enjoy alcohol (even though they were well under aged), they decided to play it safe and have some juice and water instead.

Everything was packed. Her sunblock, towel, extra clothes, and other necessities in a bag, and the drinks in a cooler. Zacky would be arriving in Brian's car soon and they would load up the gear and be good to go.

When she heard a honk outside, she said a quick goodbye to her mother and went out the door. Zacky loaded the cooler after smiling and waving a hello at Indy.

"The weather's perfect today," Indy commented after they had started to drive. Zacky nodded in agreement.

Zacky had had a very peaceful night. He usually woke up sometime early in the morning, too early for any normal human being to enjoy waking up at, for some very odd reason only to go back to his dreamless slumber in several minutes. It always bothered him.

But last night, he dreamed about Indy. Was it creepy? Not to him it wasn't. It wasn't a perverted one or anything of the likes. It was just about Indy and the others having fun at a park. The best part? He was actually talking. He couldn't remember what they were talking about, but he knew it was a very pleasant subject. He woke up with a smile on his face and felt relaxed. However, he did oversleep and had to rush to get ready and pick up Indy on time. But so what?

Everyone was already there by the time the duo got to the beach. After exchanging greetings, they all decided to eat first and then talk a bit before swimming.

Their picnic was nice. There were sandwiches, fruits, salads, and even jell-o. There wasn't much wind so having sand in their food wasn't a problem. It was a cloudy day so the sun didn't bother them. However, because the weather was just so perfect, the beach was quite crowded and it was difficult finding a spot. When the group did find a spot, though, it was a good one. It was a bit away from other people and was shady, just in case the weather turned sunny.

It was when they were halfway done eating when Zacky noticed a group of people, 3 boys, from his school walking towards them.

This can't be good...

Indy was the next person to notice. She didn't know they were the only ones that liked to give Zacky a hard time every once in a while.

"Don't you guys go to our school?" she said.

The one with jet black hair nodded and said, "You're Indy Evans, right? New girl?"

"That'd be me."

Indy did not like the conceited vibe she was getting from the guy. His smirk made her shudder in disgust and his other friends were just as revolting as he was.

These boys obviously did not have any manners for they sat down, two of them next to Val and Michelle, and the other next to Indy. Matt and Brian were just about ready to kill them now.

"Dudes, seriously? We don't even know you." Jimmy said.

The boy with blonde hair rolled his eyes. "I'm Ty. That's Dave, that's Sam."

Dave was the black haired guy. The one that was really starting to creep Indy out. Sam was the basketball team captain. He was tall and lanky and looked extremely awkward.

Val and Michelle moved to sit closer to their boyfriends who put a protective arm around them.

"Zacky," Dave started with that hideous smirk, "We didn't know you had friends."

Zacky's heart rate sped up in nervousness. His eyes shifted around and his palms started to get sweaty.

Indy frowned and said softly, "Zack's a great guy. Of course he'd have friends."

The other two guys scoffed while Dave raised an eyebrow at Indy and gave her a disgusting grin.

Brian, unable to hold in his anger for much longer said, "Why don't you guys fuck off before we make you." It was a command. Not a question.

"We just wanted to say hi to Zachary. He seems to be enjoying himself." Sam shrugged.

"What're you the Three Stooges? Can you not see that we obviously don't want you here? Please leave." Indy said curtly, now getting impatient.

"What's wrong, sugar? Don't wanna hang with us?" Dave said.

"Don't call me that and no I don't want to hang with you. Go away."

Matt, now fed up, got off of the ground. "You three are just begging us to fight you."

"Fight?" Ty said innocently. "Us? Never."

He also stood up. Matt was much taller than Ty and better built. Dave and Sam also got up.

"Let's go somewhere else." Indy said, also standing up.

Dave suddenly grabbed her by the waist and leaned in for a kiss. Was this the most grossest moment in Indy's life? Definitely.

"What the--" Indy started but couldn't finish because in a flash, Zacky was off the ground and punched Dave square in the face, resulting in a bloody nose. He didn't know what came over him. All he did know was that he felt an immense anger when Dave had touched Indy.

Dave, now back on the floor, was in a daze. He just got floored by Zacky. The dumb mute kid that no one cared about. What the fuck?

Matt laughed and said, "Good arm, Zacky. That's what you get for playing baseball your whole life."

The three other boys' ears perked up. Zachary James Baker? Baseball? No way. Sam and Ty advanced towards Zack but abruptly stopped when Matt and Brian gave them menacing looks. If only looks could kill..

With a growl, they walked away saying, "You'll get it at school, Baker. You better fucking watch your back."

Well isn't this just great.. thought Zacky bitterly, staring glumly at their retreating figures. He was hoping to survive high school without any unwanted attention to himself. So much for that. And now the whole school was going to turn against him. After all, he punched David Martin White, Mr. Popular a.k.a. The Douche.

After a few minutes of unsettling silence, Zacky took his phone out and typed, I'm gonna go for a walk.

He didn't wait for a reply and walked away, contemplating on what just happened.

Strangely, Zacky didn't regret what he had done. He was quite proud. It wasn't everyday he got to punch a guy in the face and look cool in front of his friends and Indy. Especially Indy.

He had a smile on his face that quickly vanished when he thought about what would happen the next day. His parents would kill him for sure. What if he had to switch schools? Then he wouldn't be able to be with Indy and he would be all alone again..

No thought Zacky. Don't think like that.

Maybe they wouldn't do so much harm. Maybe it'll all be verbal. That he could handle. He just didn't want his parents seeing anything. He didn't want Indy seeing anything.

Zacky was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't hear Indy calling him until she was right next to him.

He jumped at her sudden appearance, but gave her a small smile. He desperately wanted to ask her if she was okay, if she felt shaken or anything. But could he? No, of course not.

"You were amazing back there, Zacky. I must say, I am impressed. Brian just told me that you were a decent fighter."

This was true, but Zacky hated fighting. His father used to be abusive until his business started to consume most of his time. His new addiction shifted from hitting Zacky to gaining large sums of cash. Before that, though, Zacky needed to learn to fend for himself. Even if it meant clocking one on his drunken dad.

And his mother? Forget it. She turned a blind eye to everything that didn't benefit her. Outside, she was the wonderful, perfect mom. Inside she was just a shadow, only available to clean up messes after her husband. She never helped Zack. He was always alone at home. She, too, soon became consumed in the business world, tagging after her spouse, grabbing money at every chance.

All Zacky did was shrug in response. He didn't want to bring up his ugly past with Indy. He didn't know what would happen. He didn't want to know.

"Are you worried about Monday?" she asked, looking up at him.

He hesitated before nodding.

"Did you see how scared they got when Matt and Bri glared at them? They're just a bunch of cowards, Zacky. And, like Bri said, you can fight! I'm not saying that I hope you'll have to fight later on, but, you know, you don't have much to worry about. Anyways, you have me, too! We're all here for you."

Zacky sighed and nodded, running a hand through his hair. Indy frowned at his reaction, but was determined to cheer him up. She wasn't going to let three jerks ruin their fun day.

"Hey, Zacky. I bet everyone's ready to swim. Let's head back!"

Without waiting for a response, she grabbed his hand and led him in the opposite direction. Normally, Zacky would've tried to stop. He didn't want to go back. But the sudden shock of her hand intertwined with his was enough to send him into a still state. He found himself following her, gazing intently at their hands, but enjoying the feeling of it.

By the time they got back, Michelle and Val had already stripped down to their bathing suits and the guys were putting things away.

"Where'd you go man?" Johnny asked.

"Like he said, just for a walk." Indy replied for him with a shrug. She let go of his hands and went to join Val and Michelle. Zacky didn't like the abrupt loss of contact but the feeling didn't last long for Indy had taken off her shirt and shorts. He was in a daze.

What could he say? Her body was stunning. Jimmy snickered and shut his mouth for him before Indy took any notice. He didn't even know his mouth had dropped open in the first place. That didn't stop him from continuing to stare, though. Not that he could stop in the first place. He's a guy after all, right?

He swallowed and bit his lip before removing his shirt to momentarily distract himself. He wasn't uncomfortable with his body around his friends. And he was perfectly okay with it with Indy, too.

"Everyone ready?" Matt said. There was a chorus of 'yeah's and 'totally's and they were on their way to the water.


Swimming. Beach volleyball. Swimming. Some food. Swimming.

That was pretty much what the group did for the rest of the day. They laughed, shared jokes, and just had a great time.

Once during volleyball, Indy and Zacky both ran for the ball and ended up crashing into each other. Zacky being heavier and stronger ended up on top. While he was blushing like a mad idiot, she was giggling and apologizing to him. For the rest of the game, Jimmy and Johnny would say so only Zack would hear, "Zacky and Indy sitting in a tree.." And then burst out into fits of laughter while the others gave them confused looks and Zacky scowled at them.

It was five-thirty when they decided to leave the beach. Indy went to Val's and Michelle's house with them to shower and wait for the guys to change at their respective houses.

The girls had finished getting ready and were in Val's room, sprawled out in random places, exhausted from the day's activities.

"You and Zacky were so cute today." Michelle gushed.

"Zacky is a cutie." Indy agreed, nodding.

"What's this? Does a certain Ms. Evans have a crush on a Mr. Baker?" Val asked.

Indy shrugged. "I guess I do. But how can I not? He's such a sweet guy!"

"Wow, you aren't shy when it comes to these kinds of things, are you?" Michelle said, amused by Indy's bluntness.

Laughing, Indy replied, "That's only because I'm talking with you two. If I were having this conversation with Zacky, I'd be making a complete fool of myself."

Val rolled her eyes. "Whatever. So tell us. What do you find most intriguing about him?"

Indy had to think before answering this question. There were so many amazing qualities to Zack it was hard to pick just one.

"He's just..." she started, looking for the right words.

"He doesn't talk but his whole demeanor is just so friendly and gentle. And I like how he's so timid and shy, it's completely adorable and.. I'm just so attracted to him it's-- I've never had a major crush on anyone, you know."

"Have you asked asked him why he doesn't like talking?"

"Oh, gosh no. I don't think he's ready to tell me yet. I don't want to pressure him into telling me anything he's uncomfortable with. I mean, of course I want to know but, I'm just going to let him tell me, instead of me asking him about his past. I just need more time, I guess."

"What about you?" Michelle asked. "Why'd you move all the way from Vegas?"

Indy frowned. "My parents had a divorce. They both spent months trying to get custody of me. Honestly, I'm glad I ended up with my mom because my dad's already found another family. Just shows he never loved us in the first place."

"Oh, Indy, if he never loved you he would've never tried to take custody of you in the first place." Val said.

She scoffed. "He was just trying to look good for the public. He's a high society kind of guy."

Val tried to reason with her but the boys had already arrived and barged in the room.

"Oh no. The beasts have arrived." Michelle said sarcastically.

"Aw, you know you love us." Brian said, kissing her.

"Well, since all you beasts have rudely entered my room, it's getting quite crowded. Let's go downstairs." Val said.

At the living room, everyone got settled into the couch or on the floor. Zack took a seat next to Indy on the couch.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Uh.. okay."

For the rest of the day until they had to go home, the group watched movies ranging from horror flicks to romantic comedies. They decided to cut their film fest short though because of school the next day.

Zacky offered to drive Indy home which she gladly accepted. She didn't want to walk home in the dark after those scary movies. She complained about nightmares the whole way there while Zacky patiently listened. He walked her to her doorway and hugged her nice and tight to reassure her, in his own way, that even though she'd have nightmares, she'd be okay.

"Thanks again Zacky. I owe you one."

He smiled at her and nodded. With a final hug and another goodbye, Indy went inside and Zacky went to his own house.

When he entered his home, his mood seemed to immediately go down. It was quiet and lonely in here. He didn't like it. He missed his friends again as pathetic as that sounded to even himself. He missed Indy.

Sighing, he trudged his way upstairs to wash up and change before going to bed.

Today was great, he decided, he only wished he could end his days nicely, too.

For now that wasn't possible.. But maybe in the future he would end the day kissing his loved one good night and snuggling with her until morning.

Maybe it was because he didn't have much dating experience. Maybe it was because most girls just didn't like him and he's been in only one relationship in the past. One that left him heartbroken.

But whatever it was, he couldn't imagine himself without anyone but Indy.
♠ ♠ ♠
uhh this was preeetty cheesy

i'm so sleepy

i didn't proofread this. sorry.

Thank you to:
Used Romance
a7x rocker