Status: THE END

To Speak.

Indy Is Sick

Poor Zacky was having a horrible week.

It seemed that in one day, the school was turned against him, not that he minded that much, though he was getting annoyed. The only thing people could tease him about was him not talking. But he's used to that. He has been for so many years.

He was used to ignoring comments and insults. It was just that Indy got food poisoning on Monday because she and her mother went out to eat that night and on top of that caught a cold. She was out for the rest of the week and he was alone.

Zacky couldn't believe how lonely he felt without Indy at school. He spent his middle and high school days, till junior year started, by himself. He was already so accustomed to having a friend, it totally sucked without Indy around.

By Friday, the teasing had died away and he decided to pay Indy a visit. He definitely would have had visited earlier, but she texted him that she was contagious and that she didn't want him to get sick. However, this morning he got a text telling him she felt better and that she missed him and wanted him to come over.

The guys were busy with school projects and Michelle and Val seemed to not want to come. Or... they did want to go, but when Zacky asked them, they had devilish grins on their faces and told him they'd visit her over the weekend. He was told to go alone.

So here he was, in front of Indy's house, just about ready to go inside. He got her a teddy bear and was also holding get well soon cards from the others. When he knocked on the door, Ms. Evans opened it and gave him a smile.

After thanking him for coming, she led him to Indy's room.

Zacky knocked and heard a faint 'come in' before going inside.

Indy, to put it nicely, looked bad. Her usually rosy cheeks were pale and her vibrant hazel eyes seemed a duller color today. However, they lit up when she saw Zacky had entered the room.

"Zacky, hi!" she said, but stopped short from a fit of coughs.

He grinned and brought her chair over to the side of her bed and handed her the cards and bear.

"Aw, these are so sweet. Thanks, Zacky. Tell everyone thanks, too, for me okay?" she said after reading over the cards. She gave the bear a hug before setting it down besides her.

"So how was the week?" she asked.

He got a pen and paper out from his bag and wrote It was alright. You have lots of work to catch up on, though :P He wasn't going to tell her he had a bad week, you know.

She rolled her eyes and gave a slight laugh. "Whatever, I know you'll help me with it all."

It was a joke, but he knew it was true.

"So, Zacky," she started again. "Did you miss me?"

Of course I did. He thought. But all he could do was give her a shy smile and nod his head.

She giggled and said, "Good, because I missed you, too."

The rest of his visit was spend talking and catching up. Zacky did all his homework there while listening to her talk about her bored she was stuck in bed all day with nothing to do but watch TV, listen to music, and stare at the window. Soon it was time for him to go home.

"Do you really have to leave? I'm getting better so it'll be harder to stay still!" she whined.

He nodded and wrote I'm sorry. I promise to come again tomorrow and I'll bring the others with me.

She huffed and replied, "Fine. Make sure you get here as fast as you can."

Of course, I will.

Indy's mock glare eased into a smile as she read the note. She held out her arms for a hug and suddenly squeezed him with all her might, earning a grunt from him. She laughed and loosened her grip.

"Sorry, couldn't help it." she giggled.

Zacky shook his head with a smile and gathered his things.

"See you tomorrow, Zack!" she said, with a wave. He waved back and went downstairs. Ms. Evans also bade him good night and he left the house.

Walking home, he got a text from Matt. Hey, still at Indy's?

I'm heading home now. he replied.

Just to let you know, we're all here and very hungry.

Hah, fine. Okay give me 10 minutes.

Right after he sent the text, he got a brilliant idea.

He should cook something for Indy tomorrow.

Immediately, his mind went to work and thought of different kinds of foods and recipes. He decided he'd have to make soup just in case her stomach was still weak and settled on cupcakes for dessert.

I am such a girl.... he thought dully, pausing momentarily in his walk home, groaning inwardly.

He'd ask the girls to help him since they liked to bake.

Zacky thought he was very weird at times. Here he was, a 17 year old boy, in his junior year, that liked baseball, heavy metal/rock, tattoos and piercings (Those of which he planned on getting once he moved out of his parents' house), and gory, horror films. He could fight, play guitar, and write some kick ass songs with his band.

And then.. then he liked to cook, work on his hair (Well.. So did Brian.), and even occasionally, clean his room since he preferred his stuff neat. Although he wasn't close to being the most feminine guy he met, he wasn't far from it. According to Matt, that is. And to all the guys. And even the twins. And Papa Gates. And his neighbors that recently moved a few months ago to only-god-knows-where.

He didn't like thinking he was feminine. He fancied the term(s) self-sufficient young adult. Which was true if you thought about it. Hey, he was ready to get a place of his own at any time... As soon as he would be able to make some money. For now, all his free time was dedicated to the band, and his mind was set to the goal if him touring the world as a famous rhythm guitarist.

Zacky was brought out of his thoughts when he arrived home. He opened the door and smelled cookies in his house.

"Hey, bro. Sorry, we couldn't wait 10 minutes and had to ask Val and Michelle to whip up some cookies. As appetizers, that is." Jimmy said.

He rolled his eyes and put his stuff away, then went into the kitchen where the girls were cleaning up. Taking out his phone, he texted his catering idea and asked for help.

"That's so sweet of you! Of course we'll help. Let's order something for the guys and start cooking for tomorrow." Val said.

And so it was decided that they would order pizza for the night and sleepover. Everyone had a few clothes at each other's houses for unexpected sleepovers such as this. Zacky had to hide his friends' clothes and the way back of his closet so his parents wouldn't find out about them. It didn't really matter, though. They never went into his room, but better safe than sorry.

He decided to text Indy about tomorrow.

Is your mom leaving early for work tomorrow?

Yeah, why? she replied in less than a few seconds later. She was really bored.

Tell her not to bother with breakfast. We're bringing it to you in the morning. 9 Sound good?

He had to wait for a few minutes for a reply, but smiled when he got it. Awww right!! I can't wait! What're you gonna bring me??

You'll see.

:0 That's not nice.

It will be when you get your food.

I'm rolling my eyes right now. But whatever. See you tomorrow! You better not be late.

Don't worry :D

He put his phone away and started on the chicken soup. After a few minutes, he decided to make some pancakes, too, for the guys. They probably would like that better than the soup.
..But then he'd have to wake up early to make them.

He pondered for a bit but in the end decided to just get up early. The things he did for his friends...

The rest of the night went by with the group eating pizza, joking around, and cooking. By midnight, everything was finished and wrapped up nicely. They decided to sleep early tonight since they had to go to Indy's by 9. Everyone was in random places in the living rooms. There were pillows and blankets everywhere and the lights were out.

"Indy's a cutie, isn't she?" Johnny mused. Jimmy high-fived him and agreed. Both of them were kicked by Val and Michelle, who, since they were girls, were given the spacious couches to sleep on.

"Ow, what the fuck?"

"Indy is Zacky's girl! You can't go around saying you find her attractive!" Val scolded.

Matt and Brian laughed while Zacky raised an eyebrow. Indy? His girl? Right, like that'll ever happen.

He had to admit, though, the feeling was nice when he thought of them together. How could he not? She was beautiful in so many ways and it hurt to think that she'd end up with a better guy than him in the future. All he could do now was cherish the times they had together.

"Go to sleep everyone. We need to get up really early since Brian and Zacky take such a long time in the bathroom." Matt said, earning an 'I do not!' from Brian and the finger from Zack.

The rest of them snickered and Jimmy yelled, "Alright! Good night!" and they all settled down.


Zacky sighed as he wrapped the freshly made the pancakes in his kitchen and rubbed his face. Maybe he'd just make Indy lunch or dinner next time. He was not a morning person and really just wanted to crawl back into the covers and go to bed.

It was only 7:45. He decided to wash up first before waking the others. That way Matt couldn't complain about the length of time he used in the bathroom.

He felt much more awake after a quick shower and went into the living room after he got dressed.

First, he would wake Matt up for the comment he made last night.

Smirking, he wrote down "Rise and Shine" on a piece of paper, grabbed a handful of ice, and shoved it down his shirt.

As soon as he woke up, Matt cussed a string of swear words while desperately trying to get the ice out of his shirt. He glared at Zacky who crumpled up the note and tossed it at him, hitting him on the forehead.

The others had woken up from all the commotion and Val was laughing her ass off. The only time she had seen her boyfriend this worked up over something was when he first asked her out. It had been a while. Matt was usually calm and collected.

Brian was the first to get up to high five him. "That was for what you said last night, Sanders."

"You were in on this, too?" Matt mumbled.

"Nope. Sure wish I was, though."

Soon, after things had calmed down, they were all on their ways to Indy's house. Zacky was told that since she didn't have a spare key for now, one of them could climb in through her window and open the door. Jimmy volunteered because he was skinny, was an adept climber, and wasn't wearing a skirt.

When he was inside, the others heard a "Jimmy!" and an "Indy!" and then a thud, and fits of giggles from Indy.

He soon opened the door for the others who went to her room.

"You guys are the best." Indy said, after everyone said their hellos.

"Hey, it was Zack's idea. He's the more considerate one of the group." Val shrugged.

Johnny then noticed the pancakes and said, "Dude! You made pancakes for us?!"

Zacky nodded and the boys thanked him enthusiastically. Matt even said he wouldn't get revenge on him for earlier.

And so they ate and chatted and ate some more. Halfway through her soup, Indy said she was too tired to hold up her food and Michelle said Zack was obligated to feed her the rest of it. After all, this whole 'breakfast in bed for Indy' thing was his plan.

Zack didn't mind one bit. He got to sit closer to her and was glad that he was helping her. He saw Val and Michelle exchange mischievous looks but shrugged it off. It was probably something at their own school.... or something..

When they were finished, the twins volunteered to clean up and do the dishes.. only because the guys would probably break a bowl or dish. After that, they spent the rest of the day at Indy's house, making sandwiches for lunch and ordering Chinese food for dinner. Indy was well enough to get around the house and they were all watching TV in the living room by the time her mother came home.

Introductions were made and greetings were exchanged. Ms. Evans excused herself by saying she needed to shower and do a bit more things for work. She thanked them all for coming before going upstairs.

"My mom works too hard." Indy mumbled, snuggling against Zacky's warm body. She smiled when she felt his arms wrap around her.

"Indy, sorry, but you look like you'll fall asleep any second. We should go. It's past 10 and I think mom's freaking out." Michelle said, her tone apologetic.

"Aww man." she complained with a groan. With a sigh, she got off of Zack and led them to the doorway.

"Zacky will come back tomorrow, right Zack?" Val said.

He gave her a confused look, but nodded anyway.

"I think I'll be better by tomorrow. But come over anyway. Can we all go out?"

"If you're better." Jimmy answered for Zack.

"Right. If I'm better." she agreed.

She hugged them all goodbye and shut the door when they were out of sight.

What a nice day. Indy thought to herself. She couldn't help but fall for Zacky more since he was such a sweetheart. She greatly wanted to get better tomorrow and go out. Staying indoors all the time was definitely not for her. Neither was staying away from Zacky.

She decided to go upstairs to her mother.

"Mom?" she said softly, opening the door.

"Yes, honey?"

"The others left. Just wanted to check in on you. You should relax."

"Oh, I will. I just need to organize these papers. Don't worry, tomorrow is a day off. I plan on sleeping in and possibly staying in bed all day."

Indy laughed. She and her mother were so alike.

She walked into the room and peeked over her mother's shoulders. Papers. Paper everywhere.

"What do you think of Zacky?"

"I think he's a wonderful person. The rest of your friends look nice, too."

"They are." she nodded. "I can't believe how lucky I am. I didn't think I'd make friends so fast."

"Well, it's all thanks to Zacky, isn't it?"

"It sure is. Isn't he so adorable?"

Indy's mother chuckled and nodded before saying, "You look tired. Go to bed."

"Okay, hurry and finish quickly so you can sleep early, too."

"Of course I will. Night, Indy."

"Night, mom."

Right before she walked out the door, her mom stopped her. "Oh, and Indy?"


"I approve of him."

"Huh? Of who?"

"Zacky, of course."

Indy grinned. "Thanks mom."

"Anytime, honey."

After a final good night, Indy washed up and went to bed.

What a nice day.
♠ ♠ ♠
is it weird that i don't like using slang when i text

oh. sorry. i rushed in the end. uh. yeah.

i was gonna let her kiss his cheek at the end, but figured the chapter was cheesy enough.

kind of filler.... ): i suck

Thank you to:

Used Romance

i love you!