Status: THE END

To Speak.

Two New Friends

Ask her out!

No. -_-

Come on! You two looked sooo cute together last night!

I said no and that was only for a few minutes. If I recall correctly, you were the one that said that we all had to leave.

Kill joy. But Val said you would go over tomorrow and you said yes!

Was I supposed to say no? *sarcasm*

Oh so you don't want to go over to Indy's, eh?

I never said that.

Hah! Whatever. I know you're going over there right now.

......So what if I am? I said I would, didn't I?

Yeah, yeah...

Zacky closed his phone in frustration. He had been texting Michelle on the way to Indy's house and was getting more agitated at the fact everyone wanted them together now. It wasn't that he didn't want that, because he did, really really badly, it was just that he knew he would never have the chance. Indy needed someone as outgoing and confident as she was. Zack would probably bore her and she would want out of the relationship as soon as she saw that. He didn't need a constant reminder from all of his friends.

What Zacky didn't know was that Indy wasn't at all confident when it came to relationships. She had been asked out many times, but never said yes, simply because she didn't feel any type of connection with the other person. And also because most of the guys just wanted to sleep with her.

When Zacky arrived at Indy's house, she was the one who opened the door, not her mother.

"I'm all better today!" she said. "Come on let's go to my room and call the others."

She took his hand and led him up the stairs. Zacky waved a quick hello to her mother who smiled back and found himself in Indy's room.

"What should I wear?" she asked him, opening up her closet.

He just shrugged and lied down on her bed, deciding to relax for a few minutes.

"Come on, Zacky!" she whined, pulling his arm until he was in a sitting position. "Choose something."

Sighing, he got up and walked over to her closet, pulled out a shirt and denim shorts. After a few more moments of rummaging, he also found a belt for her to wear.

Indy nodded her head in approval at his choices. "Hold on, I'll be in my bathroom."

He nodded and went back to her bed. The teddy bear was still there and he smiled at it, picking it up. It was a simple white bear, holding a red silk pocket kind of thing that was meant for a note. At that time, all Zacky could put was Get well soon. in it. But now, the more and more he thought about the two of them being together, the more he wanted to make a move and ask her out. This bear, he thought, will be very useful for the future.

"Zack, I'm ready. I texted everyone while I was changing and we decided to meet at the mall, like.. now."

He nodded and got up, putting the bear back on top of her pillow.

"Wanna know what I named the bear?" she asked as they were leaving her house.

He looked at her and she said, "Well, I was going to name him Zacky at first but then I realized it'd be confusing if I ever talked about him, and yes, it's a him. So I borrowed your middle name and now call him James."

Zacky took out his phone and typed, I like it.

And he did like it. It gave him a warm feeling thinking that whenever Indy looked at her bear, which would be every single day, she'd think of him. He certainly thought about her often.

"Good, 'cause if you didn't, I was planning on naming him after Jimmy and call him Sullivan, because that's such a cool last name."

They arrived at the mall in a few more minutes after that and met the others at the Food Court. There were two other girls with them, too.

"Zacky, Indy! You're here! Meet Addy. Her full name's Addison, but don't call her that, and this is Preston. They both go to our school." Val said.

Addy had long, black, straight hair while Preston's hair had a chestnut color to it and was right above her shoulders. Both were quite short but seemed totally different personality wise.

Indy gave them an enthusiastic 'hi' and Zacky waved at them.

"Are you two dating?" Addy asked.

I wish.. Zacky thought while Indy laughed at her bluntness.

"They're just friends.. for now." Val said.

"Oh, I see how it is." said Addy with a slight laugh.

They decided to eat lunch first and talk for a bit before walking around. None of them really bought anything. The day was spent pissing off store clerks and getting kicked out of stores. Preston, at first, was scared of their behavior, but soon joined in on the fun and was starting to show her wild side.

The mall was getting boring, since none of the workers seemed to play along with their jokes. They were now outside, about to walk home when Jimmy got an idea.

"Let's have a piggyback race and losers have to buy everyone smoothies!"

"Oh, and I shotgun Addy." he added as an afterthought.

"Ohh, sounds awesome. Let's get it on!"

"What do winners get?" Addy asked.

"Bragging rights of course."

Michelle and Val went to their respective boyfriends, while Addy got on Jimmy because he had 'shotgunned' her. Indy took this opportunity to hop on Zacky's back.

"Aren't you gonna get on, Pres?" Val asked her.

"Oh- uh.. Right." she said. Hesitantly getting on Johnny's back.

"Aw that's so cute." Michelle said to Brian who scoffed and rolled his eyes while muttering 'girls.'

Indy giggled at the scene and then whispered to Zack, making his ear tickle, "Am I heavy?"

He grinned and shook his head no. He could really get used to Jimmy making up random games where you had to pair up with another person.

"Alright to Smoothie Hut!," Jimmy started. "On your marks.. Get set-- hey what the fuck?!"

Brian had started before the countdown and was yelling something along the lines of 'You'll never catch up!' while Michelle was squealing behind him.

Matt, who accidentally stumbled, was last. Val was yelling at him "You big oaf! If you don't win I'll--"

Indy didn't get to hear the rest of that sentence as Zacky started to suddenly speed up. She then remembered he like baseball and then decided that she found his athleticism very attractive.

They zoomed past Johnny and Preston, who both looked a bit flustered, and were now tied with Jimmy. He had long legs and was able to take longer strides. Although the main goal was only to not be last, all of them wanted to win. Who could turn down bragging rights?

Passer-byers looked at them with a questioning glance. They all looked totally insane. Ten grown teenagers acting like little kids. What a scene.

Zacky and Indy managed to pass Jimmy and Addy but couldn't get to Brian and Michelle in time. They were second place. Poor Matt and Val were last.

"Matthew, you disappoint me."

Before Matt could say anything, he was cut off by Brian boasting about his 'unbeatable speed and strength.'

"You cheated." Johnny said.

"Shut it, shorty. I still would've beaten you anyway."

The girls got off from their partners and Zacky couldn't help but feel envious as Brian and Matt were still able to hold onto their girlfriends afterwards.

Since Matt was such a gentleman (and because Val blamed him for their loss) he decided to just pay for everything.

Indy sighed in content after she had taken a long sip from her mixed berry smoothie. "I love sweets."

The others nodded in agreement and the first few minutes were spent in silence as everyone sipped on their drinks. Conversation soon bubbled and they slowly finished off their smoothies.

"Oh no, there's school tomorrow." Brian groaned.

"Ugh, I know right?"

Preston lived a bit farther than everyone else and had to take the bus. Johnny volunteered to walk her home since his mom worked in that area so he could just go there afterwards. The two went on the next bus and waved good bye to the others through the window.

Indy and Addy lingered a bit behind the group and got to know each other. They had a lot more in common than they thought they would.

"Yeah, my dad's a douche. I don't know how long he had been cheating on my mom but I don't really care either. My last name used to be White, 'cause of my dad, but I switched to my mom's as soon as she got custody of me." Indy said.

"I know exactly how you feel!" Addy exclaimed. "Except it's the other way around. My mom left me with my dad and four brothers. You're so lucky you at least got to change your last name. I'm, unfortunately, named after her and I have to deal with it for the rest of my life."

"Four brothers? Woah. I'm an only child."

"Mhm. They can be annoying, but they're family. I love them all to death."

"I'm sure I would, too if I had any siblings. I wish I had one. If it wasn't for Zacky, I think I'd be alone most of the weekend because my mom has to work a lot."

Addy couldn't help but say, "So.. you and Zack huh?"

Indy groaned. "Not you, too. But for your information, I do like him and everything. But I'm just taking things a step at a time, catch my drift?"


By then they had reached Addy's house. After goodbyes were exchanged, they were on their way and eventually, as they reached everyone's houses, Zacky and Indy were left.

It was already nighttime and it was getting cold. Zacky shrugged off his jacket and handed it to Indy who accepted it gratefully. He then took out his phone and typed Get on my back. I'll carry you the rest of the way home.

He thought he was getting a bit more bolder everyday, if he did say so himself.

"Really? You sure? I don't wanna tire you out."

Don't worry.

She clapped once and got on his back. "You're the best, Zacky."

Zacky couldn't help but smile the rest of the way to Indy's house. She would whisper random things in his ear to which he would nod or shake his head to. He was kinda sad when he got to her house.

"Text me when you get home, okay? I feel bad that you always get to your house last whenever we go out." she laughed.

He nodded and smiled before they hugged each other. "Oh yeah, here's your jacket."

The jacket was warm from her wearing it just a few moments ago. He liked it.

After one more goodbye and a short hug, Indy went inside and Zacky was well on his way back home.

The walk was shorter because his head was swimming with thoughts from the day's events. He was really growing to love his life more and more. He wasn't even that depressed when he entered his own empty house.

Oh, I almost forgot.. he thought as he took out his phone.

Hey, Indy. Just wanted to let you know I got home nice and safe. See you tomorrow (:
♠ ♠ ♠
...omg.. i just realized i've been referring to indy's mom as "Mrs. Evans" the whole time.. so i changed it to Ms. Evans. my bad.. ):

this chapter's a tiny bit shorter than the others.

you know i like chapter three the best so far.

oh oh oh and also thanks to:

MakeLoveNotWar (this is Addy!)
Billie Talent
Used Romance
Dakota Gold;

i was like 'WOW'


who here thinks jacoby shaddix is a beast? i sure do ;)