Status: THE END

To Speak.


Indy figured Zacky was avoiding her when he didn't come to school a week after the whole incident.

She was curious about him when he wasn't there the next day.

She was worried about him when he, again, didn't show up the following day.

Now it was Saturday, and Zacky had not come to school that whole week. She didn't think about asking the others till now. She decided to call Brian, since he was closest to Zacky.

After four rings, he picked up. "'Sup Indy?"

"Hey, Brian." Indy said. "I was wondering, have you seen Zacky? He hasn't gone to school all week.."

"Oh.." There was a slight pause before he continued. "He's been real sick lately, that's all."

"Sick? Who's taking care of him? His parents aren't home."

"Well.. After school we've been trying to help him out, but he always insists that we get our school work done first, which takes us forever by the way, and I guess he just hangs around by himself in the mornings. He can cook, you know."

Indy rolled her eyes. "I know he can cook. He did for me remember?"

"Oh, right." he laughed, "Well anyway, are you planning on going over there?"

"I guess I am but.. Why didn't any of you tell me this?"

"Uh.. Well.." he trailed off.

"Brian Haner Jr., tell me now." Indy demanded

"It's just.." he sighed before continuing, "He thought that you would think that he wanted you to feel bad for you, therefore resulting in you talking to him, you know? He wants to fix things with you when he's all better so you won't think he's playing the sympathy card. Actually, the reason why he's been ill is because he's barely getting sleep or eating anymore. He's literally been worried sick the past two weeks.."

Well this certainly was a surprise. To Indy it was anyway.

"O-oh.." she stammered, shocked. "Okay then.. I-I guess I'll go see him. Thanks, Brian. Bye.."

"See ya soon."

When she hung up, she sat down on her bed and sighed. Unlike Zacky, Indy couldn't cook and her mother was at work. The best she could do was buy him some soup from a diner or cafe and go over to him so that was exactly what she did.

She knocked on Zacky's door and had to wait quite a while before he answered. His eyes widened when he saw her and she said weakly, "Hey, Zacky... Can I come in?"

He nodded and moved so that she could enter. Indy saw that Zacky had light circles under his eyes and looked paler than ever. It wasn't cold in the house but he was wearing a jacket and kept on rubbing his arms. He slumped as he walked when he led Indy to his bedroom.

"Zacky, sit comfortably." she told him when she saw him sitting on the edge of his bed.

When Zacky didn't move, she got up and walked over to him.

"Get under the covers."

While he was doing that, she propped up his pillow for him to lean on and smoothed out his blanket.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Indy said, "You know I can't cook. So I bought you food instead. I heard you weren't eating well.."

Zacky looked around for his phone.


It was across the room and he had no paper or pencils in sight. However, Indy knew what he was looking for and got up to get his phone. "Here." she said. He nodded in thanks and set it down besides him.

There was a slightly awkward silence present while Zacky ate. He avoided eye contact and ate as quickly as he could. He honestly had no appetite, but was eating just because Indy had brought it for him.

When he finished, Indy quickly cleaned up and sat back down. She bit her lip and thought for a moment before finally saying, "How.. how have you been, Zacky?"

Zacky shrugged and looked down at his lap. Indy was at a loss for words. She didn't know what to say so she sat down on the edge of his bed next to him and took his hands. They felt cold and rough against her warm soft ones, but she couldn't have cared less. She liked the feeling.

Indy leaned in against Zacky so that she was still facing him, but her face was buried in his neck. "I'm really sorry, Zack.." she said softly.

Zacky frowned and released one of his hands so that he could use his phone to type For what?

"For.. you know.. being such a bitch and all." she replied, mumbling the last part.

You didn't do anything wrong, Indy.

She sighed and said, "Yeah, I did. I shouldn't have been so mad about the whole thing, y'know? I just.. overreacted, really."

You didn't overreact. Stop feeling sorry. I should have just manned up and stood up for you.. I understand why you were angry, it isn't your fault. I'm the one that should be sorry..

Indy shook her head. "No.. Look at yourself. You're all sick 'cause of me and I feel really bad."

Zacky knew arguing would be pointless. He'd have to wait until Indy calmed down so that he could apologize properly and hopefully get things back on track. He let her rest as she shifted so that she was lying down, her head on his chest.

"Did you have a fever?"

Just for two days.

"How'd you take care of yourself?

Brian helped a lot, really.


Indy sat up and leaned in closely. Zacky was momentarily stunned as her gentle fingers brushed across his cheeks. He kept his eyes from closing from the small amounts of pleasure.

"You look so pale, Zacky.." she murmured.

Zacky, for once, was glad he didn't have to talk. He had no clue as to how to respond to that. The only thing he could focus on was how close her lips was to his, how he could feel her soft, fluttery breaths on his face, and how he just wanted to kiss her- was it him or was it getting warmer in here?- without a care in the world then confess his feelings for her then be together forever then get married then--

Indy suddenly pulled away, snapping Zacky from his thoughts. Her phone was vibrating and she picked it up.

"Hello?.... Oh, I'm at Zacky's.. Yeah.. Okay then... Bye.."

"I kinda forgot to tell my mom I was coming over." Indy told him with a shrug. Zacky nodded and decided now would be the best time to say sorry.

You do know I'm still sorry for that day, right?

"Zacky.. I said it was okay."

It's not. It really isn't. I don't know why I froze up, I shouldn't have. But I did. And I made you cry. And I'm sorry.

"I.. cry easily.."

Zacky furrowed his eyebrows. This was going to be harder than he thought.

It doesn't matter! The point is, I made you upset and I could never forgive myself if I did it again and I'm so very sorry..

Indy read the message and closed Zacky's phone, setting it besides her. She leaned in against him again and said, "It's okay, you know. I'm just glad we're all good now."

Zacky sighed and wrapped his arm around Indy and smiled when he felt her soft breathing on his neck. He was happy. Things were going to be okay now.

And so, best friends once again, Indy and Zacky spent the day catching up on the past few weeks. Indy decided to sleep over to take care of him.

That night, Zacky actually had slept. It felt wonderful to sleep after so many nights without it and it was even better to have Indy next to him. He didn't remember what he dreamt about but he knew it was a good one and felt, and looked, better the next day.


Indy woke up with Zacky's adorable sleeping face only a few centimeters away from hers. She couldn't help but grin and kiss his nose softly. He stirred but didn't wake up, causing her to giggle quietly. She was glad he was sleeping. He looked a lot better and it made her feel better, too. It had been a depressing few weeks and she was finally getting out of it.

She decided it would be best to let Zacky sleep in as much as he can. It was Sunday, after all. He would hopefully be all right for school tomorrow so she wouldn't have to spend the day by herself. Sure people liked her, but she just preferred Zacky's company over theirs.

Carefully getting up, Indy washed up as quickly and as quietly as she could, then dug through Zacky's closet to look for some of the clothes she left here. She found a pair of jeans and a tank top and decided to borrow Zacky's jacket.

Then she saw that he hadn't been taking care of the house very well, considering the fact that he'd been sick. And so, the next two hours were spent doing laundry and cleaning the house. She didn't mind. With the aid of her iPod, the task went by quickly for her.

It was now noon and when Indy went in Zacky's room, he had just woken up.


He smiled tiredly at her and rubbed his eyes, getting up to stretch.

"Do you feel better?" she asked him, sitting down on his desk chair.

He nodded and she said, "Well then, wash up! I wanna go out to eat breakfast, or brunch in our case."

While Zacky was getting ready, Indy went down to his living room to call the others. She decided to call Val first.


"Hey, Val! Are you busy today?"

"Nope, why?"

"Well I was wondering if you and the others would like to join Zacky and me for brunch."

"Aw, you guys are okay now?"

"Yeah! And now we're hungry."

Val laughed and replied, "Alright. I'll tell Matt and Michelle and if Michelle's going, Brian's going. Think you can handle the others?"

"Definitely. Ihop by 12:30?"

"Sure, see you later."


Indy called the others and by the time she was finished, Zacky had come downstairs.

"Alright, let's go!"


All ten of them had met at the parking lot of Ihop and were now eating and having a great time. Everyone was glad things were back to normal. It didn't mean Amber was going away, but they could just ignore her.

Zacky still wasn't in shape to go all out that day so they spent the rest of Sunday at his house.

Brian and Jimmy were fiercely competing in a video game while the others watched.

"You keep fucking cheating!" Jimmy whined.

"I'm not cheating! You just suck at this game."

"I don't suck! You're just a cheater who always cheats because you can't win without cheating!"

"Boys, calm down." Michelle said, moving next to Brian and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Babe, this is nice and all, but I'm kind of trying to kick Jimmy's ass here." Brian said.

"Aw, but I like it like this.." Michelle said into his neck.

Brian, now distracted, couldn't focus on the game and lost.

"Aha! Victory for Jimmy!" Jimmy yelled, throwing the controller down and running around the room.

You'll break my controller, dick. Zacky wrote on a paper, crumpling it up, and throwing it at Jimmy.

At around 8, they all cleaned up and went home, except for Indy. She wanted to make sure Zacky was feeling better.

I'm really fine.

"I know you are. I'm just making sure, though."

Zacky playfully rolled his eyes and Indy laughed.

"Okay, then. I'm going to go home now."

Do you have to?

"Yes, I have to. I'm sorry. But I'll see you in school tomorrow right?"

I'm picking you up, silly. You'll see me before school.

Indy smiled as she read the text. "How could I forget?"

Right before leaving, they shared and hug and Indy said, "So you're ready for school tomorrow?"

You bet I am.
♠ ♠ ♠
yay they made up.

okay, sorry for the wait. i was sick ):
but now I'm all better =D
but i have school tomorrow so there probably won't be updates until the weekend ):

LOL it took me forever to do this part 'cause i was so confused!!!
but anyway
Thanks to:

XXCKExxMABXX (Wow, you're username's hard to type!)
Karrot_Kake93 (I once had a friend who used Karrot as a nickname.. Long story.)
Used Romance (Yes, poor Zacky and Indy. But it's okay now!)
skyway avenue ! (I totally agree with you. Amber's a bitch.)
SweetiePot809 (Aww, thank you!!)
Saruh (I'm glad you like it =D I like you, too! And your display picture!)
colours of fail. (I like your whole "punch Amber" idea. I think I'll use it.)
BillieTalent (They worked it out, so it's cool. Many people seem to think that Amber is a bitch.)
isobelrose12 (I actually had to retype your username lots of times 'cause I kept on misspelling it.)
Devi_V (Expect more from Amber. After all, she's a bitch. Amiright?)
leila. (I WOULD write up some hot sex, but I'm not good at that. For now.)
VengeanceXX661XX (OH EM EFF GEE you commented twice!)

this is the most number of people who have commented =D i am happy.