Status: THE END

To Speak.

Pictures And Some Memories

Indy couldn't sleep.

The others had arrived hours ago, they had fun, and now everyone was sound asleep in Brian's living room.

Sighing, she got up and decided to go outside to clear her head. What was bothering her was her thoughts from earlier that day. As time passed by, she became more and more curious about Zacky. Could she help it? Not really. You couldn't either if you were completely head over heals for someone like him.

Indy sat down on Brian's porch and shivered as the wind blew. She felt too lazy to go back in and get a jacket so just decided to bear with it. It would only be for a few minutes anyway.

She felt a light tap on her shoulder and turned around to see Zacky looking down curiously at her, his phone in hand.

Such pretty.. green.. eyes.. she thought before snapping out of it and smiling at him.

Couldn't sleep?

Nodding, she said, "Come and sit with me."

Zacky sat down and asked So why couldn't you sleep?

Shrugging, Indy answered, "I just had too many things going on in my head."

Like what?

"Just.. everything, really."

Zacky furrowed his eyebrows but didn't ask anymore. If it was important, he thought, Indy would tell him soon enough. The two spent the next couple of minutes quietly.

"..My mom and I would come out at night when I couldn't sleep and look at the stars.." Indy mused.

Zacky turned to her and frowned when he saw that her mood had dropped.

"Ever since the divorce, she's been so busy with work. She and I barely have anymore time together. I totally blame my dad for taking that away."

Not liking the fact that she was sad and trying to cheer her up, Zacky lifted Indy onto his lap and gave her a quick peck on her forehead.

Indy smiled weakly and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Thanks, Zacky." she whispered.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, she asked, "So why are you awake? It's not 'cause of me is it?"

Not really. I used to wake up a lot in the middle of the night. I guess old habits die hard or something. I really don't know.

"What do you mean used to?"

Well, it kind of just stopped. I sleep better now. Ever since you came along. =D

She laughed and said, "I'm glad then."

When Zacky started to absentmindedly play with her hair, Indy got sleepy. She closed her eyes and buried her face in his neck. "I think I'll rest my eyes for a few." She said and then felt him nod.

"s'cold Zack..." she mumbled, just about to fall asleep. Her senses was dulling and the only thing she could feel was Zacky's fingers intertwined in her hair.

Maybe it was part of her dream or maybe she just imagined it. But she swore she heard something.. She heard someone whisper, ever so faintly, "I'll keep you warm..."

"Mmkay.." she murmured quietly before drifting off to sleep.


Indy woke up the next day in Brian's living room. She was the only one there and she heard chatter in the dining room. She got up and stretched, but abruptly stopped when she remembered last night.

Was I dreaming..? Or did he really..?

She rushed into the dining room to see all of them laughing and talking. Well except Zacky, he just sat there smiling and nodding every now and then, like always.

So.. I imagined it?

"Well you seem to be in a rush this morning." Matt said, eyebrows raised.

"Oh.. uh.. yeah.. Weird dream. Had to check that everything was, you know, still normal." she lied.

The others laughed and Brian said, "Alright then. Go wash up and join us."

She quickly brushed her teeth and washed her face then changed into a new set of clothes. Throughout the 10 minutes, she argued with herself whether what happened last night... actually happened.

Well he's not talking now.

But there's a chance he did last night, too.

Yeah.. like a really really small chance.

I was right about to fall asleep so...

But what the fuck?

So if he didn't say anything, I basically said 'okay' to myself before sleeping.... That's really weird on my own behalf.. Unless I dreamt that part, too.

Indy shook her head and ambled downstairs. She sat down next to Zacky and, after thanking Val for the pancakes, began eating. She saw that everyone was almost finished. "What time did you guys wake up?"

"Around 10," Addy shrugged. "It's only noon right now."

"Oh.. Okay then."

Indy quickly ate and cleaned up with everyone else. She was quiet for the most part until Val asked her, "Is something wrong, Indy? You seem kind of.. off today.."

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. Didn't really sleep well is all.."

Zacky shot her an odd look but she merely shrugged it off, reassuring him that she was fine.

So for the rest of the day until Brian's parents came back home, they hung out at his house doing whatever they can to entertain themselves. Indy tried her best to pay attention to what was going on around but found it difficult to do so. She was actually kind of relieved when it was time for her to go home so she could finally think in peace.

"Ah, fuck. You two are so lucky your break started." Johnny said as they were all walking home after saying good bye to Brian.

"Yeah, but we start earlier anyway." Indy answered.

Indy noticed how Preston liked to tag along with Johnny the most and couldn't help but think Aw, how cute.

Too bad she didn't know that's exactly what the others thought about her and Zacky.

They walked Preston to her bus stop and waved as the bus pulled away. Johnny couldn't go with her today and looked a bit.. down. But it was only for the first few minutes.

Soon enough Zacky and Indy were left. For some reason, it was awkward and Zacky had no idea why.

"Your parents are at home right now, right?" Indy asked.

Yeah but they'll be leaving Monday morning. If you want I can pick you up around noon and we can do something?

"Yeah," Indy smiled. "I'd like that."

It was silent again and Zacky typed, So you're really okay?

"Hm? What do you mean?"

You've just been.. Really quiet today. Do you not feel well or something?

"I'm fine, Zacky. Don't worry." Indy said with a smile.

I still think there's something wrong..

"Zack!" Indy said, laughing. "Just wait until Monday. I'll rest tomorrow and we can wreak havoc the next day."

Zacky grinned and typed Sounds good.

To be truthful, Indy loved the way Zacky cared about her. She felt special and a bit... giddy.

Zacky dropped her off at her house and after a hug and kiss on the cheek, she went inside. Her mother was at work but since it was Saturday, she would be home at 8. It was currently 5. If Zacky's parents weren't there, she would be at his house right now until her mother was finished with work.

Sighing, Indy took a quick shower before getting a bowl of icecream and watching TV. She wasn't really paying attention as her thoughts kept on floating back to the previous night.

Why hadn't she brought it up with Zacky? It was only because she didn't want him to feel awkward if he really hadn't said anything. She thought that he'd feel pressured to talk and that was one of the last things she wanted really.

Truthfully, she'd been having dreams of him talking. She wished she could remember what he said or how his voice sounded but when he woke up, everything vanished.

After finishing her icecream, Indy washed the dishes and went to her room. There was a picture of all ten friends on her bedside table (courtesy of Addy.) and she couldn't help but smile at it.

They were all standing, Zacky's arm around Indy. Everyone was laughing that day, having a good time. The two of them kind of.. looked like a couple.

Yeah. I wish. she thought sullenly.
♠ ♠ ♠
filler chapter + short chapter = bad chapter = )-:
i felt really bad ending there....... I've been having writer's block o_O

i swear to god the next chapter will have something fun in it. I don't know what, since this story is really all uh.. improv, but I'll think of something!!


Thank You's:
BillieTalent (Oh em gee you have predicted the bitch slapping Amber part correct!)
The Magician (Hello, new commenter. I am glad you have enjoyed this story so far =D)
Devi_V (Oh. My. God. You are so funny. I actually lol-ed man!)
isobelrose12 (Hah. You'll find out soon lol. You're on the right track, though.)
Norah Lullabye (You're so nice! Thanks a lot!!!)
The Suffering (It's the same old cliche. Guy and girl obviously like each other but are totally unaware of it. I love cliches.)
VengeanceXX6661X (You are right! Amber IS a bitch and I want them to kiss, too!)
Strange Lifestyles (Here's a cookie. LOL. Thank you for the wonderful comment!)
colours of fail. (First, you commented three times, thus breaking the record for most number of comments in a row. Second, I did not know the meanings of sociopath or disconcerting until your comments. Thank you for making me two words smarter.)
leila. (Today it was in Indy's P.O.V. I had a hard time writing 'cause of this. Most will be in Zack's. And the kiss WILL be sweet. Sit tight. HAH.)

Aw.... you guys are so nice

I am in the mood for a Jacoby Shaddix story. Unfortunately, I've already read everything on here about him since there's like less than 20. -_-

Ugh, I hate this chapter.