Status: Disc located. I've been on hiatus for ages, updates will happen shortly...maybe over the weekend.


Before I start I have to state I DO NOT OWN SUPERNATURAL. I do not own anything Supernatural related. I do not own the boys, I do not own the monsters basically I don't own the story just the idea of putting wincest to it.


This is a story about two boys brothers...
Dean: Forget the stupid this is about thing and just say its a story about two awesome brothers
Me: Because there is more to it
Dean: Like what
Me: The fact that one brother loves the other while one remain oblivious
Dean: Oh you mean I like Sam and his Oblivious
Sam: What are we talking about
Me: Nothing
Dean: What she said
Me: Shall we get stared
Dean: Just let me get some popcorn
Me: Just popcorn
Dean: Okay the whole candy bar
Me: That sounds better. now lets start