Status: Hiatus at the moment i have no idea where to go with this, any ideas are welcome just PM me :D

I'm not your barbie doll anymore

prologue / intoduction

What would you do if you could change. If you were given a second chance. One to be who you wanted to be, not the image created by your family for you. Not many have this chance, so I’m taking it. I was given the chance to change me life and that’s what I’m doing. I’m going to do this. The only person to see behind the façade made by them is my brother. This is only because he was there before it all.

He knew me before my family carted designer names on me. He was there before I had to attend classes on how to be a [strike] posh snob [/strike] lady of high class. If anyone were to look at me that’s what they would see, a little girl who get all of the designer names and anything she wants. Well that’s not me. My brother helped me through it until 4 years ago. Then he left to go to university, I don’t blame him either. He got an amazing scholarship to a good university down south so I made him go. I only get to see him during the summer when the parent see him, of course though I still have to wear it all. Its not me. But back to what I was saying, its my chance. My brother has a flat from money saved and I got asked to go and stay with him. My answer was hunting out my bags. I’m not taking clothes only the stuff I want, none of that posh stuff. My brother, Tom, said he has some stuff that he knows I will like. So hopefully

My parents are away at some county club thing for raising money for some charity. I’m “sick”, they left me alone in bed, the second they left I flung the quilt off and grabbed the bags I packed from under my bed. Taking the steps two at a time I got out of the house as soon as possible. I walked into town smiling a true genuine smile for once in my life, stopping at the train station I bought a one way ticket to my new home London.
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well new story what do you think :D i know its short but they will be longer
her outfit