Status: Hiatus at the moment i have no idea where to go with this, any ideas are welcome just PM me :D

I'm not your barbie doll anymore

Chapter 1

I found my seat on the train and let out a sigh of relief. Luckily I have a window seat so I can sit and see the world almost, well just the countryside that the train passes. More and more people clamber onto the train, some with small handbags other with suitcases. We all have one thing in common, we’re escaping some place, We might all be escaping different reasons.

A man sat down beside me as the train started moving, this is what I love about public transport. You get to see and meet so many different people, all of them having a different story. The man was wearing a black pin-striped suit, in all honesty it suited him, He looked important, head of a business or at least very high up in one. He had short brown hair that looked smooth and well looked after. His green eyes held a sparkle to them, he looks delighted with life. He’s lucky to have this happiness, I just hope it lasts for him. He seems to be a good person. He gave a small smile as he out his hands in his briefcase. I love talking to these people too, because you don’t need to get into details like name, address and everything it just simply having a conversation to pass the time. It can be about anything. Absolutely anything. Mice. Nature. The Government. Whatever. Its great. I have some good memories from them, although the parents never liked the idea of using public transport. They say its for common people, its dirty, they never stop complaining about it. That’s why I love it though. Each bus, train and other public transport vehicle has been through so much, it has a story to tell just like the people on it as I have already said. I turned to the man and funnily enough he did to, We both said “hi” before laughing.


“Hi” I said cheerily “you seem really happy, so what do you think of the countryside?” see anything.

“Erm. . Yea I guess I am, its been a really good morning. Erm the countryside is great, I want to live in it when I’m old and wrinkly” We both laughed and continued pointless talk like that for the rest of the 4 hour train journey. I know that’s a long time but it passed quite quickly.

I stepped of the train and onto the platform, No, not 9 and ¾ but a girls gotta dream. My brother came running up to my and crushed my into a hug.

“Sammy, Ahh I have missed you so much, come one lets go home, I got you new clothes cause I’m cool like that.”

“you. Cool. Yea right” I stuck my tongue out at him before we walked off together.

We jumped into his car, I don’t know what it is. Its blue and costs a lot. Mother and farther bribed him with things to stay out of trouble, and not ruin their image. I put my bag on the floor by my feet and strapped the seat belt on. The car started up and Tom took off. It took us about an hour to get there because of the traffic. I really don’t like rush hour. Its such a rush, but that is kinda implied with the name.

Pulling up to the block of apartments I clicked off the seatbelt and ran out the door and into the building. Tom followed behind me, walking, I waited for him by the door. He placed his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eye.

“Tag, your it” He ran off in the direction of the elevators. I ran after him but he is a faster runner and just as I got to the doors they shut in my face. I repeatedly hit the button as my phone beeped, letting me know I have a new text message.

Floor 5 apartment 5B :P

I let out a sigh as the elevator doors opened with a ding. As I walked in I pocketed my phone and hit the floor 5 button before the metal box ascended five floors up. I skipped out the doors when they reached the floor. I skipped down the hall until I reached Tom’s apartment door. He opened it.

“Sorry, I didn’t order anything” he tried to shut the door but I jammed my door in the gap.

“ha ha your so funny! I know why you are my favourite brother now!” he opened the door fully with a look of shock on his face.

“I’m your only brother” I walked in and gave him a hug.

“Come on, present time I.e. new clothes, no more Ms. Snob right?”

“YEA no more snobby clothes, I LOVE you Tom”

He led me into what I assume is my new room. It was painted my favourite colours too. Purple and Black. 3 of the walls were a dark purple with the other was black. He led me to a bag sitting on the bed where my new clothes sat. Needless to say I grabbed them and ran into the bathroom. .
♠ ♠ ♠
what do you thing ? ?
new outfit
her bedroom