Status: Hiatus at the moment i have no idea where to go with this, any ideas are welcome just PM me :D

I'm not your barbie doll anymore

Chapter 2

Exiting the bathroom I struck a pose. Tom was sitting on my new bed looking out the window. He smiled and laughed at my childish ways, but what can I say, I’m a child. We sat there laughing for a few minuets before it was cut by the ringing of Toms phone, mine was still turned on silent from earlier.

“Hello?. . .She what?. . .Yea I know where she is- . . .with me. . . No. she is fine here, not causing any trouble. . . I want her here. . . Yea but-. . . Bye” He hit the end button and turned to face me.

“You owe me big time, that was mum and dad. You ran away, finally, I’m proud of you little sister but they want you to go home. They are going to visit in 4 days.”

“What! Why?”

“We both know why, but I’m gonna try and get you to stay here okay, I don’t want you going through all of that again” He is the only person to know what I went through with them. The only one who saw the real me.

“Okay, come on then, we have 5 days, lets make them worth it, starting tomorrow, I’m sleepy” A yawn escaped my mouth. I gave a small innocent smile before skipping off to the bedroom, my new room. I stripped off my clothes and slipped into a pair of pyjama bottoms and a vest top.

I woke up the next morning to Tom jumping on my bed.

“Come on, wake up, we‘re gonna get your hair done today, just like you want it, Come on up, up, up”

“Okay okay I’m up, I’m up”

I clambered out of bed and threw the quilt over. My hair stuck out in and way possible, unmistakeable bed hair. I padded out of my room and into the on-suite. The white floor tiles cooled my feet as if they were ice cubes, just without the wetness. I heard the bedroom door shut indicating Tom left the room.

The water from the shower head pounded down against my body, releasing all of the tension and relaxing my muscles. After washing my body I picked up my raspberry scented shampoo and scrubbed my hair. Once I was all clean and refreshed I climbed out of the shower and used out of the fluffy blue towels to dry my skin, while wrapping another smaller one around my hair.

Pulling out a pair of green skinny jeans and a graphic tee with Hello kitty on it, as well as the rest of my clothes I got dressed and started out my simple makeup consisting of simply mascara and eye-liner before starting on my hair. I blasted it with a hairdryer and styled it very plain. Running the brush through it one last time before putting on and Alice band.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Tom making toast and the kettle was boiling. I got out dishes for both of us and set them on the table as the toast popped. After breakfast we grabbed shoes, converse in my case, and went out to get my hair done. No more will it be how someone else wants it, that horrible beach blonde with brown highlights that doesn’t suite me. No it wont be how the parents imagine the perfect hair to be. No. Now it will be how I have always wanted it to be, with my favourite colours. The way I want it.

Tom opened the door and stepped into an expensive looking hairdressers, the door shut behind us and he walked up to the desk,

“Annabelle Campbell, she has an appointment at 12 for a dye and re-style”

“Just take a seat” We sat down on the crisp white couch and I looked around, my brother whispered into my ear,

“Don’t worry, Everyone here is nice. I go here”

I nodded and sat there playing with my hands. My name was called by a girl of about 20 with short black hair with a neon pink streak in her fringe, it suited her perfectly. I stood up giving my hoodie to Tom and sat in the black chair. She ran a comb through my hair, placing my Alice band on the small table thing in front of the mirror, before turning to me.

“What are we doing today?”

“erm, well I was thinking maybe a more natural colour, a dark brown or something like that with chunks of colours, erm blue and purple with some pink ones”

“Yea, that sounds nice, Do you want it cut differently, but I will dye it first?”

“Yea a side fringe and choppy layers?”

“okay lets get started with the colours”

After a few hours I was release from the chair, with the exception of the few rimes I have to go to the sink for my hair to be washed. I looked into the mirror and barely recognised myself. The girl - called Joanne - did an amazing job. I paid for half of it seeing as my stupid brother paid for half of it when he booked it. Idiot. I was going to pay for it. It cost £60 between us so I only paid £30. They also gave me a special conditioner to help the colours stay in and not fade for a while unless they grow out or get dyed over. I’m finally happy with my image, you could say new look but its just the real me that has been locked up in a glass cage for so many years.

We walked around so that I knew the area because the one condition that I agreed to with my brother was that I still went to school so it has been arranged by him for me to go to this school, I only have the rest of this year and then next before I leave so I need to get all of my grades but I don’t really mind because I quite like school. Its not a bother or that for me. Also its another reason why the parents cant just come and drag me home, but I didn’t exactly tell Tom that one.
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You people are lucky, i was bored in Gaelic today so instead of revising for my art prelim tomorrow i wrote you this, and its pretty long :D
well what do you think? ? ?
her outfit
also what do you think of the layout :D thats what im working on in art i love it so much :D and it kinda fits :D