Status: Hiatus at the moment i have no idea where to go with this, any ideas are welcome just PM me :D

I'm not your barbie doll anymore

Chapter 4

We walked into English. Me a few steps behind, trying to avoid those stupid introduction things teacher make you have. I hid behind Oliver and sat at the back of the room with him. English is probably my favourite subject beside Music. I have been told I have a way with words, or at least that’s what my old teacher said, along with my music teacher whenever I handed in written stuff. I went into my bag and took out a A4 notebook and a pen with a furry animal on top. Really its just a ball of blue fluff and googly eyes but anyway, its cute and amusing, what more could you want? I love it. I sat there in a little daze just playing with it, unfortunately though my little daze and fun was stopped by a light laugh coming from beside me. I looked up and looked around before noticing that it was Oliver. I looked down and my desk and tried to ignore his soft laughs.

“I’m sorry, its just that was so cute. You were like a little kid” I looked up and saw him smiling at me. I started laughing too. I suppose I have never really looked at it like that.

“So. . . Tell me a bit about yourself?”

“10 questions?”

“Yea. You have to be truthful, Okay, me first?” I nodded and he sat and thought of a good question.

“Why are you here?” One.

“I ran away from my parents to live with my brother.”

“why did you run away?” Two.

“They controlled every aspect of my life, wanted me to be the perfect daughter to fit their perfect reputation”

“Do you prefer it here?” Three

“That’s just a stupid question, Of course I love it here”

“Favourite colour?” Four.


“Burger or Salad?” Five.

“Burger, defiantly”

Favourite type of books” Six.


“Favourite genre of movie” Seven


“Live concert or CD” Eight.


“What are you doing tonight?” Nine.


“Want to go to the cinema at 6?” Ten.

“Yes” wait what!

“I’ll pick you up at 6 then, text me directions, bye” He placed a bit of paper in my hand with an eleven digit number on it. I’m guessing that’s his number. The he walked off. What just happened?
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please comment :D
also its a filler :D