Wrong Place, Wrong Time Or Was I?

A Suspicious Beginning

I was walking down the street, listening to Rooftops by Lost Prophets via my MP3 player. I was nearly deafening myself (as per usual) but I didn't care. My earplugs stayed in my ears and the volume was on full blast. I walked into the shop, doing a little spin as I did so, which was how I saw it. A random guy was shoving a gun into this pants. I shouldn't have seen it. I should've ran away and never looked back. I was already saving up for my sailing trip round the world; I could take my boat and leave for good. Yet, if I had done that, I would never have slept a wink ever again.

I didn't automatically think it was a gun, I thought the bulge just meant he was a pervert and, well....but then I saw the gun handle.

I should have thought of something else; but I did what I could think of in the heat of the moment. I automatically pulled out my phone and got a good picture of him. I followed him into the shop, where he was looking around without looking, if you can work out what I mean. I tried to be casual as I walked up to the cash register; I pushed past the elderly woman so I was at the front of the cue. Apart from her and the guy with the gun, there was only two other people in the shop, the 20-ish cashier, and a guy in fingerless gloves looking in the DVD section for a DVD I was willing to bet wouldn't be in an all-ages corner shop.

"Sorry, but don't panic, it's just that that guy over there in the green coat has a gun. Be prepared, just in case." I whispered. The cashier, who looked to be in his 20's, looked stressed and worried. He motioned for me to come to the other side of the desk.
"Here's the panic button, if anything happens, press it immediately." He told me, quietly. He had short brown hair and shocking blue eyes, little did I know that I'd spend a lot of time with him and his younger brother in the months to come.
That's when I heard a voice from the front of the desk.
"Everybody get down! NOW!" I heard the guy in the green coat yell; I did what I had to, and pressed the panic button.

Little did I know it was the most important move I'd make in a long time.