Wrong Place, Wrong Time Or Was I?

Fat Lot Of Good

"Look, I don't want anyone to get hurt, OK? So just give me the money and it'll all be fine." The guy was saying.

Come on, come on! I thought to myself. I had no idea how long it would take for the police to get here and so I kept pressing the button again and again.

"I, I can't." The cashier said, bravely (or stupidly, depending on how you look at it). I suddenly felt responsible. I could've done something more; I stood up and turned to the guy in the green jacket.

"I've pressed the panic button. The police are coming now. Get out, get away while you still can. You're young, you have your life ahead of you, just leave." I told him.

"I can't! You really think I'd be doing this if I had a choice? I owe them money! I am so sorry, but I can't do anything." He looked at me with wild eyes. "The rest of you, get out. Don't say anything to the police. You two, stay there." He motioned to the door with his gun. the paniced crowds surged out of the shop, all in shock and some weeping uncontrollably.I saw a boy about my age running back, shoving through the crowds.
"Give me strength." I heard the cashier mutter.
"Ed, I can't leave without you, man. You're the only family I've got left!" The cashier, Ed, sighed.
"And the wild gun man giving you the option of leaving means nothing to you? Have I not taught you more than that, Ty?"
The gun man looked at 'Ty' and pointed the gun at him.
"if you're staying, go stand with them. Now 'Ed' MOVE!" He yelled. As ed moved over to handle the cash, Ty turned to me.

"Tyler McGrady, pleased to meet you under such...normal...circumstances." He grinned, sticking out a hand. I shook it, nearly laughing.
"Crystal Stevens, you too."
"Crystal? Really? I mean, cool."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" The robber yelled across to us.

"Have you called the police?" Tyler muttered, barely making a sound.
"They should be on their way." I told Tyler as he. pinched the bridge of his nose and attempted to breathe normally, failing miserably.
"Fat lot of good they'll do. By the time they get here he'll be long gone," he spat bitterly, "this shop and the flat above are all me Ed have. There will be even less money this month and we'll go hungry again, but i doubt you'd know much about that."
"Says who?" I asked him, "At least you have a roof over your head. Why am I telling you this anyway?" Ty shrugged,
"Search me. But at least we seem to be equals." I nodded. There was a bang on the door.
"The police" Ty whispered.
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