Status: Active

Boys Like Girls (but What Kind?)

12- Holiday

It had been six months since Destiny had Andrew. He was now able to sit up by himself and gurgled most of the time. Though he knew how to laugh, but he was still breast feeding. Destiny held onto Andrew as she still had him wrapped in a towel. She had just gotten done bathing him.

She entered his room and laid him on the changing table. She grabbed a fresh diaper from below and set it by him as she began drying him off. His hair was fairly thick and had the same messy look his father's had. She powdered him before putting on his diaper.

She opened the dresser and pulled out a clean white onsie and put him in it. She then opened the middle drawer and pulled out a shirt and pants. She quickly dressed him and put his sock and shoes on. She exited the room and put on his little blue puffy jacket.

Martin smiled, "Are you ready?" he said as he grabbed Andrew from her.

Andrew laughed as he grabbed his father's face and clapped happily.

Destiny laughed, "I think that means, he's ready." She said as she pulled on her jacket.

Martin smiled, "Yeah, I think he's ready. Andrew's ready for some fun, aren't you son? Yes he is, he's ready to go spend the holidays with his grandparents." Martin said in a baby voice as he walked out to the car.

Destiny shook her head as she followed them outside. She jumped in the back seat as Martin was putting little Andrew into the car seat. Destiny checked the diaper bag in the car to make sure that she had all the necessities, and once everything was in order she smiled up at Martin. "I think we're ready to go."

Martin grinned, "Alright. Because the first stop is your parents' house, my mom said she'd meet us there."

Destiny sighed, "It's Andrew's first Christmas. How do you feel about that?" She asked Andrew as she gently rubbed his hand.

Andrew just smiled widely. He had the same olive green eyes of his mother, but his features were that of his father. He laid in his car seat, sucking on his pacifier peacefully as Martin began to pull out of the driveway.

Destiny yawned from being up since five that morning with Andrew, though he was getting better at sleeping through the night. A few minutes later they pulled up to her mother's house, it was decorated with Christmas lights traced the house. A lonely young pine was outside and had been decorated too.

Destiny unbuckled her son and picked up the diaper bag as she got out of the car. She looked up at the house and sighed, "Are you ready to see your grandma?" She asked with a smile as Andrew began kicking with joy.

Martin smiled as he got out of the car, "Well we're here. Let's surprise them." Martin walked to the front door. He rang the bell and waited off to the side.

The door opened with a sleepy Paul rubbing his eyes, "What is it?" He asked with a yawn as he stretched.

"Surprise! It's us! Merry Christmas buddy ol' pal!" Martin sad as he hugged his friend.

Destiny grinned, "And we've brought Andrew for a visit."

Paul smiled as he suddenly woke up. "Hey buddy, it's Uncle Paul. Come on in guys, it's freezing out here."

They walked inside as Destiny's parents came out of the kitchen, "Who is it Paulie... Destiny? Martin? Come here! Oh, you brought the baby with you. How's the little darling?" Asked Destiny's mother, Lynn, as she hugged the three of them.

Destiny handed her mother the baby, "He likes seeing his grandmother's. I think it's because they spoil him." Said Destiny with a grin.

Lynn rolled her eyes, "I would never... Alright, I might have already. But wait until Jack and Tammy get here, then we'll open presents. You want to open presents Andrew?" She asked the baby as she bounced him gently in her arms.

"Well wait no longer. We're here!" Said Tammy as she walked in the door with her husband at her side. "And there's my big boy. Oh," She said as she hugged Martin tightly. "And there's my little baby boy, how are you? I'm grandma Tam Tam, remember? Oh, he's getting so big." She said as she was handed little Andrew. She smiled as she kissed him on the cheek. "Destiny, I'm glad that you're the one my Martin chose to have a baby with. He's so handsome." She said as she kissed Andrew on the cheek again.

Destiny blushed, "Thank you, mom." She said as she hugged her.

"Enough of this mushy business, it's time for presents." Said Destiny's father as he escorted the group to the living room.

Destiny smiled as she watched the family walk into the other room. She walked to the window in the hallway and looked outside. It was beginning to snow, as she looked up at the sky. "Thank you for everything." She said with a grin. She then walked towards the living room for another holiday.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is dedicated to xtragedyx for being the only commenter, (other than me), and constantly reminding me to update. Thank you so much darling, and the finale will be out soon. Like it? Comments? Thanks for reading.