Manhore is a Bitch

What a bitch!

So me and Nikki pulled into a school parking space.When we got out we saw,guess who ................ ha! Your right. We saw the bitch but known to everyone as Dante. When he 1st came to MY school, I'll admit it,i had a lil crush on him...... until he broke the first girls heart.

She was in the bathroom crying, so I got over him. And guess what, he called me a lame. So now i really hate him. But anyways lets not talk about my story. So he was tonguing this girl down. I almost vomited.All you heard was the lip smacking,the lip sucking,the slobber and spit going down her throat.....just nasty. Then his hand was up her shirt tugging at her bra. They went into the car and all you heard was screams and moans. The damn car started moving.

Now you wouldn't have seen or heard any of this unless you was staring hard and that's what i was doing,yea i know I'm nosy."EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWLLLLL!"
"OMG!I wish i was that girl!" "Your the worst." She just shrugged and went to class. I also went to my class. When i got in everyone stared.

That's right I'm not a geek no more. Dammit. "O no one told me we had a new student.Well anyways may i ask you your name?"
"Ummmmmmmm........... its me Jakeira." Her eyes basically popped out her head. "O Jakiera your late sit down no need to waste time." The class now just heard this and started mumbling. I went to my seat and sat down.

Just then Dante came in. "Welcome Dante now go sit down." She said with a flirty voice. Surprising but I just realized that Dante was in every class i had except one. He sat down leaning all the way back while i wished that he fall on his back.He looked at me then turned away. Then he turned around again.

" Your the lame right?
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2nd chapter read up snitches
peace out