Status: Active

I Want This Forever.


(Izzy's POV)

I sighed and walked up to the front door, I'd been at Marie and Jimmy's till late. It was almost two am, and I figured Brian and Josh would be sound asleep by now. But there were lights on in the den. I slid the key into the lock and walked in.

"Brian?" I asked quietly.

I heard a shrill giggling noise and my eyes went wide. I walked into the den and saw some girl, probably eighteen, if that, lying on the couch.

"Excuse me?!" I asked loudly "Who are you?"

She sat up and stared at me, the boy she was ontop of sitting up also. My heart somewhat slowed down when I realized it wasn't Brian. But the fact she was here was still throwing me off.

"Who are you?" She asked, looking at me "That dude... what's his face, never said anything about another babysitter coming..." She looked around "And he didn't leave a note.."

"Babysitter?" I asked, the words leaving my mouth with venom "Brian hired a babysitter? Where exactly... did he say he was going?"

She shrugged as the boy stood up, kissing her mouth before walking towards the bathroom. My blood boiled "I didn't ask. He just left as soon as I got here. I assumed the kid's bedtime was eight, he's just a baby I mean... And the guy, Brian?" She asked.

"Yah." I smiled "Brian."

"He left me a short note on do's and don't's... Like..." She grabbed a piece of paper from her pocket "Well not to drink his beer, to leave the counter the way it is... I looked there's only a box on it, and not to let the kid stay up too late, oh yah, and if it started crying he said to put on some TV Show-"

"Wiggles." I took a deep, stressed, breath "He didn't say anything on where he was going?" I motioned for her to follow me as I went to the kitchen.

"Well, I don't know, I mean I wasn't eaves dropping," She paused as I looked her over. Typicall teenage babysitter. Pretty much a prostitute, but willing to take care of kids "He was on the phone with someone about going to a bar." She shrugged.

"Fuck.. Brian." I groaned and looked at the table, seeing a small box. My heart jumped into my throat "What price did you two agree on?" I asked, smirking a little "Per hour."

She gave me a small shrug "Uhhm usually ten an hour but.... For him?" She gestured to the other room as if Josh were there "That kids an angel, lady, I mean he didn't even cry. He was happy and giggly, he conked out at about... seven thirty." She smiled.

"How long have you been here-...?" I paused.

"Hayley." She stuck her hand out. I shook it.

"How long have you been here, Hayley?" I asked.

"Since four." She nodded and I nodded, calculating the hours as I reached for the checkbook "But since he fell asleep so early you don't have to write for more than three hours," She shrugged "I mean... I only sat around and read and uhmm..." Once again she gestured to the other room "Yah.. Untl now."

I wrote out the full ten hours "For having to stay here this long." I handed it to her.

"I don't think I could-" She began handing it back.

"No, you have to. Believe me." I laughed "It's fine. For your trouble, for being out so late..."

"Yah ermm.." She paused "Who are you? I don't know if I should-"

"Well, Brian's my husband." I raised my hands a little.

Her eyes widened "And he didn't tell you? That he was hiring a babysitter?" She asked.

"Nope. Because he knows I would have come home to watch Josh, and there's this eating feeling that he didn't want me knowing he was going out." I bit my lip. She nodded.

"I'm sorry.." She mumbled "I hope you guys uhm... work this out... But yah.. I'll be going now, bye." She waved a little and walked out. I could hear the boy's voice as the door shut. I sighed and walked towards the box on the counter, not opening it, but taking it in my hands. I slid it into my jeans pocket and walked in to the den.

I avoided the couch and walked upstairs to Josh's room. I sat down in the gliding rocking chair and made sure all the lights were off. I knew Brian'd come home hammered, or at least drunk, and the last thing I wanted was Josh to wake up to his father being loud and scary, and Josh not having at least someone there for him.


At five am I was woken up by a loud crash, and a string of somewhat quiet curses. I sighed and checked that Josh was still sleeping. He was, soundly. I got up and opened the door when I hadn't heard any more footsteps. I walked down the hall and realized Brian had tripped over the couch. I decided on not telling him the babysitter he'd picked out had been near fucking there three hours prior to his return.

He looked up, his eyes glossy. But not from alcohol, they looked almost teary.

"Oh... I thought you'd stay the night at uhm... Jimmy and.. Maria's.." He righted himself and brushed off his jeans. Even though he wasn't drunk, I could smell alcohol.

I shook my head "I'd have been home sooner, if I'd known the babysitter would have been stuck here until five am." I bit the inside of my cheek, holding back anger.

"When uh... When'd you get in?" He rubbed at the back of his neck.

"Two." I said bluntly and pointed at the couch "Her and some boy were having a good time on the couch, I almost felt bad for interrupting. But seeing as I live her,"

"Not for long." Brian mumbled.

"So be it." I held my hands up, hiding how badly his words stung. I quickly glanced down at his left hand, "And after so long, why'd you give up?"

I folloed my glance and moved his hand, the shining metal catching my eye, causing a small smile on my face "I wouldn't." He mumbled "I thought about it, then just decided I needed to go for a few drinks. Zack came with me, to uhm... keep me in line."

I nodded and pulled out the box from my pocket "What's in here, then?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Just wanted to see if I could trust the babysitter." He shrugged again "Sorry I woke you up-"

"I wasn't sleeping that heavily." I pursed my lips again, not letting him off the hook "Did this backfire?"

He nodded "Yes. You weren't supposed to come home. I was being an asshole and was debating taking the ring off, and taking a girl home." I was nearing tears, but the fact he was coming clean was somewhat making me proud, and also the fact he hadn't done it all "I was just mad.."

"About what, Brian?" I asked "That I wasn't talking about all this to you?"

"Yes." He mumbled "It's so childish, Iz... But I thought since I was your husband, that I should be the first person you talk to about all this."

I rolled my eyes "So you still want me out."

"No." He looked up at me in fear "No no and no. But if you think we need a break, if you think it'd be best.. then ok. But I really, really, reaaallly don't want you gone."

I walked over and wrapped my arms around him "And Brian." I looked up as he looked down at me, it was then I could tell he had been crying "You will always be the first person I go to."


"And yah, your butt too." I smirked "No really, Brian. You don't ever have to worry about that. I asked you to check the closet for me, not my therapist," I could tell his ego was being rebuilt "I hug you whenever I'm crying. I wouldn't have married you if I wasn't going to bawl my eyes out and run to you first. I will always run to you first."

"Good." He smiled and kissed my lips gently "Because I'll always be here for you. And if.. If I ever get stupid like that again-"

"Do what? Smack you? Hit you? Yell at you until you realize that I love you too much to run to someone else first?" I laughed.

"Pretty much." He laughed "But don't hesitate to run to one of the guys or something if like... if I'm being a douche, I wouldn't mind that. Only if you've tried to talk to me first."

I rolled my eyes and rested my head on his steadily rising chest "Men and their pride."

"Well you know," He paused and lifted me up "My wife is the only reason I have to be so proud... oh yeah, and our kids."

"Our kids. Yes." I smiled and saw that look in his eyes "I'm too tired. And you," I Sniffed his shirt "Need a shower."
♠ ♠ ♠
I couldn't keep them mad at eachother ,lol. It just wasn't.... natural haha I don't know. Anywhooo I hope y'all liked it :)

I gotta sign off for a bit, I ditched church today *gasp* haha and if my mom comes home and I didn't read ANY of my school report book, I might be burnt at the stake XD lol

Bye for now! (unless I really really feel like writing then I will, which I do, but I don't wanna get screamed at lol)