Status: Active

I Want This Forever.


Things were a tad... strained between Brian and I the next morning. I was ready to forgive him, but he needed to admit he was wrong by going out and hiring a babysitter. Never mind making such a young girl stay out so late just because he was an ass and was mad at me.

Josh was sensing something was up, too. He would squirm to be held, and then whenever one of us would pick him up, he'd whimper and whine until the other held him, then repeated the process. And of course it was annoying for Brian and I, because... well... being around eachother was, like I said, straining a little. And it was only the next morning.

"Where's mommy's crunch muffin?" I asked in a cooing tone as Josh cried from Brian's arms. I could see the fristration in Brian's eyes, this was the... twenty-fifth time we'd switched off this morning "C'mere hunbun."

"Here." Brian handed him over. I ran my finger over Josh's nose as he giggled. I couldn't help but laugh, tears stinging my eyes. He had Bitty's baby laugh. I took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen, leaving Brian to watch TV. Ugh. Men.

I coddled Josh in my arms and began cleaning things here and there, making coffee along the way too. When I had finished, I realized Brian had entered.

"We should probably talk." He announced as if he found the true meaning of life. I blew a stray s trand of hair from my face and nodded, bouncing Josh in my arms.

"You know where to start." I set my jaw and sat down at the table, watching as Brian cockily crossed his arms.

"Oh do I?" He asked, stomping over and sitting down.

"Don't give me attitude, Brian." I gave him a small glare, before redirecting my attention to Josh as he wiggled and wimpered in my arms. I sighed and sat him up, bouncing the baby in my lap "I don't want to talk angry, I don't want to yell. I want to settle this. If you'd like, I can leave and you can fester and stew over this for a while. I've done it before and I've gotten used to being a single mom."

*Brian's POV*

"I don't want to talk angry, I don't want to yell. I want to settle this. If you'd like, I can leave and you can fester and stew over this for a while. I've done it before and I've gotten used to being a single mom."

I think her words stung more than her intentions, but they did. I overcame the urge to cringe and let out any audible noise to let her know she'd hit something. I just sat and watched as Josh began to cry, and Izzy tried to calm him. But he wasn't having any of it. I quickly noticed tears at the brim of her eyes, and her words were becoming more and more hasty, more frantic and urgent.

I stuck my arms out and she shook her head "Iz. Hand him over."

"No." She whimpered and tried standing, rocking Josh back and forth as he wailed "Come on Joshy... it's ok. Stop crying." She pleaded with the infant in her arms. She was trying to block me out again, and I knew she had all the grounds to do so. I was an ass, and probably deserved her to leave with Josh too.

"Isabella, sit down." I sighed and motioned for her to sit. She took a deep breath and sat down, Josh still crying in her arms "Give him to me."

She looked down at Josh and up at me, then stood and passed him to me. I carefully cradled him and Izzy sat down, watching with teary eyes as he stopped crying. She laughed, wiping away the tears before they fell.

"Maybe this time it'll be you... not me." She whispered. I looked up and cocked my head to the side "Leaving. Like with me and Bitty. She would stop crying for me, and Josh stops for you. He's daddy's little boy..." She looked down "I guess... I Don't know anymore. But if you do... want me to leave for a while, I could. If you want to get things straightened out." She looked up, offering a small smile. Her hands were beneath the table but I could tell she was playing with her ring. I knew it, and it made my blood boil. I stood up and walked over to her, pulling her up by her hand and pulled her closer, pressing my lips against her's. I could tell she was surprised, because she took a while to kiss back. But when we pulled away, her eyes were big and she stared at me.

"I don't want you to go, and take your fingers off the ring, Iz. I want this... you... all of this," I smiled as she looked down at Josh "I want this... forever."

She smiled up at me and nodded "So do I..."

"We're gunna do this. Isabella, we're going to work this out.. we're going to be great parents, you aren't going to leave, I'm not leaving... we're going to be amazing."

She smiled and we both began to laugh as Josh giggled and crinkled his nose with a hiccup. Izzy looked up at me and placed her finger on her chin.

"What's that look for?" I asked.

She held her arms out and I gently trasnferred Josh to her arms. I watched as she rocked him slowly, humming something to herself. She paced the room and held her tongue between her teeth as she thought.

"Ok." She turned to me finally, a smile on her lips as her green eyes darted across the room "Josh here is not going to have another babysitter unless it's one of the girls, guys, or family."

"Perfectly fine." I Smiled as she walked closer "And?"

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" I asked, sort of taken aback by the fact she was apologizing.

"For talking to someone else about you, us, and everything. I should have talked to you. ANYWHO!" She giggled as Josh tangled his fingers in her hair. She squinted and made the most adorable face ever, even though it was pained, and squeaked "Owww help here?" She looked up at me helplessly. I rolled my eyes and reached towards them, untangling Josh's fingers "We should go somewhere."

"Oh really? Like where?" I asked as she rocked Josh back and forth, thinking again.

"Yah. I don't know though... I mean... when's the last time we went out?" She rolled her eyes with a giggle as Josh grabbed her shirt "This little buggah takes attention, but it's ok. Because we love you, right Joshy? You know mommy and daddy love you, right?" She nuzzled her nose against his and looked up at me with a small innocent smirk "What?"

I couldn't help but smile and shake my head "Nothing. You're just too adorable."

"Awe, daddy thinks I'm adorable." Izzy giggled and kissed Josh's nose "Hmmm? Oh, yes. I do believe it's time to party, don't you?" She busted out laughing as Josh pumped his hands in the air "Alright! Party it is."

"Party?" I asked "With a baby?"

She nodded and walked past me "But..." She turned just as I followed her out, causing her to come close to me "We might need to be alone."

"Ohhhh?" I laughed as she nodded "Is this a... mommy and daddy only party?" I asked as I took Josh from Izzy's arms.

"Could be." She smiled and wiggled a little, biting on her lower lip "Just might turn into one... but!" She held her hand in the air.

"What?" I asked.

"We need a babysitter that isn't a babysitter but is somehow, crazily, spiderly," She intertwined her hands together and made a concentrated face "Related to us... or good friends. Because I don't want to scar our child."

I held my finger to her nose and nodded "I'll call my parents."

"Who babysat last time?" She asked, following me into the kitchen where I picked up the phone.

"Uhm.... some chick." I smirked as she scowled at me "Jim and Marie did."

"Cool." She leaned against the wall as I waited for my dad to answer.
♠ ♠ ♠
HEY OMG WOW! Look at that... whoooooo weee! That's a mighty fine update right there if I do say so myself, and I do say so myself! No... reallly I don't. It's horrid... and fillery. Ugh.

I'm sorry for going MIA and all that mean writer stuff :( but I've been doing horrible in school and my mom's been nusting my ass about it and I have this stupid reading assignment that I keep procrastinating on and then another comes up and I'm swamp-ED! ANYWAYS!

I will find time for this story, because it is completely unfair of me to have started the sequel and get your hopes up and then leave it unfinished. So I will finish this :) And then... I can't promise you anything after that.... but I know that if this doesn't end exactly where I want it.. there will be more :)